Which one are you?
Which one are you?
>9 point alignment system
>applied to life
Full retard.
It's not fucking serious you retard
Mostly true neutral, with a bit of neutral good, neutral evil and lawful evil on the side.
Generally True Neutral, when I'm with friends Chaotic Good, since I'll banter with everyone but I avoid being a complete cunt.
Lawful Evil.
Cry about it.
True neutral
Neutral Evil, to be perfectly honest.
I don't kill steal on purpose, I just play as effectively as I possibly can and don't give a fuck how other people feel about it.
I wish everyone played that way.
What the fuck am I supposed to do, see an enemy and my teammate fighting and just fucking WATCH? Ignore them?
Fuck that, I kill everyone I see as quickly and efficiently as possible, that is how I demonstrate my skill, and that's how I have fun. If that makes me evil than I don't care. At least I win.
True Neutral
If there's anything I've learned from years of online games and Sup Forums, there's no point in communicating with shitters online beyond "gg."
Lawful Good. The examples in this image are retarded though. Most people today are either true neutral or lawful good.
been playing a lot of Junkrat, so lawful evil, apparently.
People must fucking hate you in Dark Souls then, what with the interrupting honourable fights and all.
Lawful evil, going on murder benders with ''cheap'' weapons never gets old.
lawful evil/chaotic good master race
Chaotic good
Whenever someone purposely pisses me off, i just stick my dick up their ass
Gaming would be more fun if there were more lawful neutrals desu
Actually lawful evil for Overwatch would be Mcree and Widow maker. Its about playing the broken classes/weapons.
I'm not a subhuman that plays multiplayer garbage.
True neutral. Can't imagine getting emotional while playing a video game.
>Neutral Evil
git gud shitters
no one Xbox a shit
Lawful Evil
Neutral good :)
I invade pretty often, and I do see this a bit.
If I invade into a 3 man ganksquad, I'll try to fight them if they at least have fun with it, sometimes I win if they're not huge fags about following me into enemies to even the odds. If they stand at the end of a hallway and wait for me like a bunch of pussies I just black crystal though.
If I invade and someone else is trying to kill a lone host, I don't hesitate for a second to pile it on. The way I see it, I have no way of knowing the situation I walked into. Maybe the host is a fucking pussy and the Red has already taken out three phantoms? In that case, he could use a fucking break.
I'm not here to fucking roleplay a little story in my head about what's happening, I'm getting right the fuck in there.
Generally if an allied red phantom gives me an indication he wants me to back off I'll listen though, and I always reveal myself to the host and bow before I attack them.
I only taunt and shit on people that blatantly piss me off, my favorite fight in the game was actually a long drawn out fight that I actually lost, the host chugged their Estus dry the moment they saw me, and I was like "Wow, that took some fucking balls." so I chugged mine dry too.
We had a long pussyfooting fight, but I ended up getting impatient and trying to go for a finishing blow only to get parried. I don't regret a thing. I just want people to git gud.
Lawful Good, though I'm not particularly bothered by the swearing; it's like the heat or the cold, you just have to roll with it.
More bothered by a lack of teamwork, really. I know it's all for fun, but I notice that people tend to have more fun when they aren't getting their shit pushed in. That happens less when you, at the very least, stick close to the team and deal with whatever your teammates aren't able to at the moment. Doesn't even require active communication.
Sore losers are annoying too, same with people who can't win gracefully. I'm just trying to win a fun game, not destroy someones fucking soul.
>tfw neutral good.
>implying either lawful evil or neutral evil are evil
what butthurt bowing MUH HONOUR faggot made this
People who bitch about killstealing mostly do it coz they get an ego boost from getting a kill but honestly, if you get your kill stolen then it's your own fucking fault and you didn't deserve that ego boost in the first place.
Complaining about it is only legit if you get some sort of tangible resource for killing and it's supposed to be a team game.
True Neutral is master race.
true neutral
>lawful evil, true neutral and neutral good at the same time.
I'm one of those people who says "wp" when I get killed.
Lawful Evil.
I do whatever it takes to win, nothing else matters. And it only excites me even further when someone cries about my strategies.
Neutral Good.
Fucking melodramatic faggots, the lot of you.
>people killsteal instead of killing as fast as possible to avoid casualties.
>lawful evil
>neutral evil
Lawful Neutral is the only way to go
True neutral usually.
just ingame though since we're usually just talking in mumble
Why is Lawful Evil and Neutral Evil considered "Evil".
Grenade Launchers ARE a valid strategy if they are in the game, they're fair. And if you're too slow to kill someone that you get your kill stolen, then that's your own fault.
Why put stupid self-made rules into the game when the only real rules are the games.
True neutral and a bit of lawful neutral
Chaotic evil
its so fucking fun being cancerous
but when im not in that mood im neutral good
Lawful good.
This picture is stupid, but lawful good is spot on.
chaotic neutral because i assume that guy is trolling
LE and LG should be swapped
what the fuck didnt i filter your trip or is this a new one
slightly lawful neutral
omg why people just can't cooperate in a team game?
Mostly Lawful Neutral, but I go Chaotic Good when things get serious.
Same one I been using for about six years(changed it because someone found it out and spammed illegal shit on it so I kept having to appeal bans).
Maybe you didn't filter me cause I post ecchi?
I kind of want to fuck neutral good
Usually true neutral as I don't play with a mic most of the time, unless I'm going for competitive or team play. I just like to play and listen to some tunes.
When I play with friends I'd say I'm chaotic good. I like talking some friendly smack.
Chaotic good, lawful and neutral evil are total game-ruining dicks but chaotic evil breaks up the awkwardness of neutral/good communities.
Neutral good I also find annoying because they always sound condescending.
I suppose Lawful Neutral is the best for a game.
Lawful evil.
But I communicate like true neutral.
Neutral evil I guess.
I'll do what it takes to maximize my own enjoyment and if people bitch about it I'll probably enjoy it more.
I just write retarded stuff I find funny. so far no one has asked me to shut the fuck up so I guess they find it funny too. Neutral Good I guess
If you filter tripfags because they're attention whores, can't you just filter any trip containing "!"?
Because I'm pretty sure all trips do.
I like to think of myself as chaotic good, but deep down I'm lawful evil
True Neutral, always the best choice.
He is actually concentrating on the game.
Everyone else is doing it wrong
What's this supposed to represent? How you think or how you speak? If we're just going with speaking I'd be lawful neutral. I rarely talk in online games with the exception of gameplay related things.
Of course, I grin like a faggot when someone bitches about the way I kill them which would be along the lines of Lawful Evil I guess, considering that I tend to abuse any cheap shit I can to win.
Maybe hes pointing out how hes filtering me because he wants attention?
Nah, thats silly.
I'm a swinger. I swing between neutral good, chaotic good, lawful neutral and chaotic evil
>TFW you find out you're a multipolar faggot
I guess the same people who identify with this are the ones who call themselves """gamers"""
True neutral for the most part, unless im playing with friends, then its all over the board.
>lawful evil
Niggas be salty when I use the same move over and over and over and over and over and over and over
100% Neutral Evil.
Lawful evil master race.
Remember when Collegehumor was good?
Lawful neutral
Don't take everything so serious, retard.
>God tier: Neutral Evil
>High tier: Neutral good, Lawful Evil, True Neutral
>Mid tier: Lawful Neutral, Lawful good
>Shit tier: Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil
>Kill yourself, fucking faggot tier: Chaotic good
True Neutral when playing alone.
Lawful Evil when playing with friends.
This. I live for tryhard tears.
Lawful, but i can be in any of the moral alignments depending on situation.
>taking kills on purpose
Jesus christ you most suck cock at team based games
How about get gud and you wont have your precious kills stolen, you whiny shit stain.
Cry about it.
Neutral Good, True Neutral and Lawful Evil
Quit bitching about kill steals. It won't stop me.
dude what
Lawful evil
>no friends
Haha lmao kek nozzle me zozzle
Neutral Good.
I like being nice to people online, but not come off as the prick I am in real life.
Chaotic evil
>GG ez pz
Cry about it.
>Having friends means you have to be their semen receptacle
Can we be friends? What's your steam
I think its the same guy in both pics
Lawful Evil in this one
In rpg games though im chaotic neutral
What the fuck man, I wish I was as cool as her
I guess it depends on the time of day but it would be one of the 3 evils or true neutral. Mostly true neutral.