Blaming Orlando shooting on violent videogames
What else is new?
Man, I wonder what Jack Thompson is up to these days.
Get some fucking reading comprehension
Fuck this hack
Good question, what is he doing that he can'T be a lawyer anymore?
>We must blame anything but islam.
fuck guns, let's play line puzzles!
>le backtracking face
Personally I blame the fags for not respecting our Muslim brethren's culture
Hi Sup Forums, bye /pol.
Sage and report.
>Blaming the religion of peace
Absolutely Haram
thanks for reminding to jerk off to the video of soljahboy talking shit about braid and jon blow crying like a bitch over it
But it turns out the shooter was closeted gay, and secretly frequented the gay bar he shot up.
I'd say there's more evidence that being in the closet and wanting to suck dicks in secret is linked to acts of violence than any media portrayal of shooting.
Amy is hot as fuck desu. Wouldnt mind cumming all over those juicy tits.
>gay muslim democrat
You can't make this shit up.
so what, I blame videogames for most things that are going wrong in my life as well.
Are ya lost, little redittor?
being lauded as the hero of gamers because he doesn't like feminists.
So what the fuck is he saying then?
The best part was soljah boy's point was totally accurate.
Islam is a videogame?
hes saying he doenst like how theyre glorifying it, he doesnt think theyre actually causing it
>Blaming Orlando shooting on violent videogames
You can't fucking read?
>Jonathan Blow and a handful of journalists blames the Orlando mass shooting on violent video games
He really didn't do that though, did anyone even read his tweet?
Movies and television have been doing it much longer and you don't see people crying about that.
they can, they just want to stir up shit here and people are easily led.
>Confirmed Allahu Ackbar that would never touch video games because muh religion
They don't even try anymore
That people should stop liking games he doesn't like.
Well tv and movies are true art, dont ya know?
And we finally come full circle. Don't they know it was already proven that video games don't cause violence? Even if they're not old enough to remember that whole debacle, Google exists. Do some research.
The pandering to this bullshit is pathetic. It's honestly insulting to those who were killed. You're giving ISIS what they want, fear.
I love his projections too. Obviously everyone who plays a violent video game fantasizes about stabbing people.
I normally hate Sup Forums threads, but this is actually video game related unlike WE WUZ shitposting.
>Blaming the shooter
FUCK YOU, he was brown and a muslim. Obviously it is white culture that pushed him to do it to the poor gays THAT WHITE CIS MEN HATE AS WELL
>glorifying it
Don't a lot of games make death out to be tragic and undesirable, unless they're people actively shooting at you? The games are just making challenges in a tried-and-true way. His original tweet talked about "fantasies" about how "cool" it is to murder. Quake, Killing Floor 2, Resident Evil, etc. aren't fantasies about being a super cool mass murderer. Did he see a Postal 4 or Hatred 2 trailer or something I didn't?
>Relatives have given mixed reports about the level of Mateen's religiosity, with some suggesting he preferred working out to studying religion
>he preferred working out
/fit/ and Sup Forums confirmed for causing mass violence and terrorism. Close all gyms and shut down all major sporting stadiums.
Wasn't it proven a decade ago that violent video games don't actually make people violent?
In fact, doesn't it seem like violent media gets less impactful the older we get?
My grandmother does.
oh knock it off with this bullshit
he was a radicalized muslim, he had links to terrorists and visited Saudi Arabia
He was scouting Disney Land as a possible target. Maybe he choose a gay bar because he was troubled or something, but that's not the main issue
lol, pretending to be retarded is super funny + never gets old
this is what he's always been about
>an atrocity is committed
>silicon valley indie devs and bay area trustfund twats start immediately acting like sanctimonious cunts on twitter
>he doesn't like dfc
Shit taste paul.
don't be ageist user
>ISIS doesn't kill people
>Video games kill people
they actually do cause someone's reactions and manners to become violent and short tempered, but it heavily depends on the game
He chose it because of his radical homophobia linked to his closeted desires that he couldn't play out because he was a creeper according to witnesses. If he was just true to himself and sucked some dicks, this could have all been avoided.
So only Americans play vidya?
>Muslim man joins an extremist terrorist organization
>follows their code and kills people
>for some reason people start telling the general public to be more tolerant of gays like it's our fault
Can't they see that this has nothing to do with the public opinion of anybody? He pledged allegiance to fucking ISIS. It feels like we're addressing everything but the real fucking issue.
Sup Forums is a board of peace
So if that's not what he's saying, then what is he saying that's of any relevance or value?
Fuck off John, you pretentious hack.
Blow me.
Islam is a religion of peace! Not all Muslims! It's our fault for driving them to extremism! White males are to blame!
>hurrrrrr i am of little baby bird brains and i cannt be of reading
As much as I liked the Witness and Braid Johnathan Blow is the biggest and most pretentious douchebag in the gaming world today..
>It feels like we're addressing everything but the real fucking issue.
welcome to the mental illness that is leftism
if trump doesn't win it's all over
Seriously, the stupid moment of silence thing thing featured in almost every conference so far is hamfisted as fuck. Do they realize that's actually more insulting to the victims than just ignoring the whole thing?
We go through this shit every E3.
It's been a shit E3 so far but we're trying to enjoy it, why drag twitter drama here?
Don't open the thread, then.
Reminder that Sup Forums is our current gateway to reddit
>we're trying to enjoy it
Shitskin detected
>a literal subreddit for like 4 years now calling other boards reddit
Twitter was a mistake.
>an atrocity is committed
That's like a tuesday in 'murrica, no?
Same. I really liked both of those games but Jon Blow is such a faggot.
>SJWs complain about the same things that disturbed stupid religious fucks when we were kids
anything as long as its not muslims huh
It's called the index
>we don't need Gamergate
>if we ignore them it'll go away
he absolutely did no such thing
he is astonished that people like to live out power fantasies
he is a hippie
he wishes people dreamed about melon seeds and fuzzy cats
and difficult, difficult relationships
he isn't saying that having powerfantasies leads to bloody murder
that is all people. JoBlo is OK. this retarded cirklejerk is not
Reminder that Sup Forums literally is reddit, and has been for years now.
>Wow, nice, problematic shitlords are making video games about mass murders and people applaud them
>I never said it did, I just said that it's fucked up you guys applaud murder in video games
Blow is a faggot and you retards are illiterate.
Hey good point. He's bringing a lot of value to the discussion at hand by repeatedly saying things are "gross" and making armchair psychological evaluations on the impact of media with no proof.
Saying that something is gross or that you suspect something may have an impact has absolutely zero fucking empirical value and that means you should probably just accept that your words are vapid shit.
Don't look at the thread, then.
>called out for shitting in the board
>"but it deserves to be shat in, you're the problem!"
Like cockwork
Back to >>>/cripplecuck/ with you.
For every study that proves that videogames don't cause violence, someone on the other side of the debate manages to dig up a study that proves that videogames DO cause violence.
>making armchair psychological evaluations on the impact of media
>durrrrrr i ztill csnnot be of read it hard :(((((((
Hi, Jonathan.
Threadly reminder that you should stop posting that because it's a thing.
>cis white males killed a bunch of gay people and blamed it on the poor Muslim
Holy shit white people are smart, no wonder they're so powerful.
Well I mean, he literally did exactly, literally, undeniably that in one of his tweets so I'm pretty satisfied with my words. :^)
Not everything can be solved through sucking dicks, faggot
>8fgag retards stealing keit-ai
Like clockwork, your website sucks
>TES Legends
>Detroit Become HUman
>Remastered Crash Bandicoot
>Tekken 7
>The Last Guardian
>Sea of Theives
>SP Fractured but whole
>Forza Horizon 3
>Grow Up
>Eagle Flight
>walking dead season 3
>Yooka and Laylee
Oh god look at all these horrible murder fucking mass murder sims, I can't get way from all this death and destruction, gamers just love killing everything.
What a stupid fucking cunt.
At this point I think we really need some autoban for twitter screencaps.
Feels like all Sup Forums is these days is people getting triggered by some out of context twitter message by some no names.
That's the implication, dumbo. He has said similar things before, I'm pretty sure.
>It's the gun, it's the society, it's the video game
>It's sure as hell isnt the ideology that think all gays should be beheaded