This is a PlayStation 4 exclusive
This is a PlayStation 4 exclusive
yeah no shit, Sherlock
Is it wrong that the trailer tugged my heartstrings hard as fuck?
After MGSV why does anyone give a fuck? even worse is what was there to be hyped about? it was a teaser full of nothing.
Literally who cares.
>Technical producer Mark Cerny
>Performance capture and facial solution by Sony Interactive Entertainment visual arts service group.
>teaser of nothing
simple minded are we now?
You can keep it, I really don't see the appeal of the trailer. If it wasn't a Kojima trailer everyone would call it pretentious garbage.
This, obvious as hell
>timed exclusive
I'm so done with Kojima's bullshit, why the fuck did he said it was multiplat in the first place, seriously fuck that yellow
timed exclusive*
You apparantly
Are you a woman
>kojima is deep
pretentious as fuck like every kojima fan aren't we?
You mean *exclusive
He said pc/ps4 faggit
That's multiplat you niggr faggot
multi: two or more
>he is still using this 2014 meme
>kojima wanted people to wonder and analyze what the trailer meant
ahahahahaha what a hack
By the time it's released PS4s will be reduced to bargain bin prices.
*Also available on PC
>Letters with a trail
What does it mean?
its gonna drop to 200 dollars
No, I think it was the music, IDK dont bully plz
There was nothing deep about it. Shit reminded me of those "art" films in college. MGSV showed just how hacky Kojima is and everyone is falling for it all over again.
Looks like a movie poster.
it looks like the cover of some deep documentary about contamination lmao
i can't see this in the poster
I will get the PC version because I'm not a fucking retard.
There was nothing because there was no gameplay at all.
It can also be EAT STANDING
it's a documentary about stranding actually, hosted by norman reedus
good for you
Yeah dude we're so falling for it again, I can't believe you'd fall for a new game by a developer with a stellar 20 year long record, so stupid you guys.
"We don’t know if or when it’s coming to PC, but back in December when Kojima Productions opened house, a Q&A went up for a bit that said it would only be a timed PS4 exclusive to appear on PC at a later date"
It's literally owned by sony
Why would there be a PC port
guess it might be time to actually get one, but I'm still holding out for a functional jailbreak because I'm not paying for games
>looks like a movie
makes sense
In 30 years more when PCS4 would be stable
Not him but losing a baby sucks. Sadly ive experienced this. There is no worse feeling.
>but back in December when Kojima Productions opened house, a Q&A went up for a bit that said it would only be a timed PS4 exclusive to appear on PC at a later date"
>but back in december
>back in the past
It's an anagram for "Dead Grant Hints"
The beached animals is a phenomenon called Cetacean stranding
He has scientific equations on his 5 tags the only one with see are about blackholes and state of particles.
Did you seriously already forget about 5?
It wasn't a bad game but it was fucking nothing like it should have been and let's not forget unfinished as fuck.
Oh wait but it was all Konami and not his inability to manage time and funds
Yes it is good for me
>Technical producer Mark Cerny
>ITT sonyggers try to justify their purchase
Capcom used to be THE developer in vidya, no one did it better than them. Look at them now. Just become some people make good vidya dosn't mean they can't turn shit and that's exactly what happened with Kojima. He's done and is now milking the "deep" angle knowing stupid fucks like you will buy his shit no matter what he craps out.
I'm so sorry bros
Hello sony, I don't know anything about PS
When will the new PS4 launch?
Do I have to buy a PS3 to play PS3 games? I have friends with a shitton of games I can borrow
>outdated croped pic
Wow it's almost like it had a troubled development cycle or something what with the head dev being fired during development, can't imagine how that might negatively affect the product though.
>it wasnt a bad game
Over 4 great games and one game that wasn't bad, wow Kojima is DONE, right guys?
I know kombobombo is DESPERATELY trying to be a movie producer but why the fuck Norman Reedus out of all people?
>Do I have to buy a PS3 to play PS3 games?
yup. Sony will NEVER add proper backwards compatibility not even the kind the xbone has because then they cant sell HD remasters. But a cheap PS3 is worth it, better than PS4 for now in fact, on account of more games, bonus points if you get them for free
As far as I know Sony created the studio with the condition for kojima to create a new IP for them and after the that he could make other games that could appear on PC.
Check the Wikipedia page, champ.
>Update: A Kojima Productions Q&A posted by PlayStation's EU Community Manager has confirmed that Kojima's new project will be coming to PC, but only after a stint on PS4. The length of the exclusivity period was not coughed up.
>Update 2: The Q&A and the Tweet linking to it have since been deleted—I have a suspicion that Sony may have preferred all eyes on PlayStation.
>sony is THIS fucking desparate to get some money
>game just got a name and was announced yesterday
Sounds like a mistranslation
stop prosting prease, it needs more sucking
sounds like you are retarded
>Kojimbo interactive movie on Playstation
I'd say it's a perfect fit.
I'm a sucker for figures looming in the distant sky
there isn't an article for this on wikipedia
so its fake
>Also on PC****
Who /PC + PS3 masterrace laughing at early PS4 adopters/ in here?
>Source is a public encyclopedia
You know that I can edit that shit.
Death stranding IP belongs to Sony so it seems that the deal for this game is bloodborne like.
fuck off marcus
I gotta be honest, the game looked disgusting and not something I would want to spend my free time on
This is a movie
I can live with you calling me retarded and Death Stranding remains a trademark of Sony, which it is.
The fact that they did this all within the last 6 months or so is staggering. I'm ready to see kojima with the cuffs off
This is a Microsoft exclusive.
>Also on PC* Greatness™...
>what's Helldivers
It's a ps4 time exclusive, later on its going to come out on PC as well.
Screenshot this cunts.
damn look at this 15 yearold with his deep thoughts
just the sort of poster 4chin needs
The trailer was strange. Would need to analyze it for more than 30 seconds to draw an opinion.
Yo, does Nintendo conference start at 12 US EST?
you do realize you are literally acting as an unpaid marketer for a company, right?
Microsoft has exclusives though, xbone doesn't
get your shitposting right son
>Presented by Sony
>Sony registered the trsdemark
yup ps4 exclusive
Back when Sony announced that they were publishing the game, PadPoet, a Sony PR, made a Q&A and on it he confirmed that Kojima's game would come out for PC some time after the PS4. Pic related.
That will NEVER EVER be on PC
>source my ass
is that a boy?
>sony keeps paying money to fund multiplaforms just like they did with SFV and others
Why are they willingly cucking themselves?
A few hours later, the article was taken down. When asked on details, PadPoet, the Sony PR that made the article, said he was asked by Sony to delete the article.
Since then, Sony hasn't confirmed or denied anything said in that article and they haven't claimed their game is exclusive to the PS4 (only console exclusive)
Regardless, there's no reason to care about this this soon, the game will come out two years from now at the very least.
This can't be happening, bros..
Why the FUCK did Kojima betray us again?
This is a nintendo game too
Kojima said it
LOL Sony
Better than being an unpaid detractor against a company. Sony has the trademark on the game though.