filename thread
Filename thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>Not BigAssAirship.jpg
check this 7 for sony to have the rights back
>Not KILLME.jpg
>not something involving Miranda from ME
>Miranda arrives on the Normandy
>Miranda Andromeda cameo
>not Miranda.jpg
Mercy's outfit around her ass isn't white.
This. OP you fucked up.
dark skin lol you cuck go watch some bbc porn
I can make it white :*)
miranda ass is awful, not even round
>inb4 post fanart and SFM
Wow, those cheeks are full of hot air!
That video came out yesterday. You guys work fast.
>he enjoys nukes his eyes
It's not like I'm thrilled that Crash is in Skylanders, but at least they didn't butcher the fuck out of his design like they did for Spyro himself.
Is that the actual figure? I might actually buy that.
yeah, the only issues i can see is that his jaw is a tad too prominent, and his eyes+eyebrows are too close together.
I expected your appointment to FEMA should be finalized within the week.
there is a meme of making a .gif of every thing Jon does.
How did that string bean twink kick the shit out of 4 savage subhumans?
holy crap that guy is wrecking. What is the story here
He was probably on drugs senpai
Your appointment to FEMA should be finalized within the week. I've already discussed the matter with the Senator.jpg
Oh yes.
im so proud to have been a part of this thread
1984 much?!?!
WTF, man?
Well, these 4 are drunk as fuck. He is not.
don't you mean ubisoft
this is probably bait, but the image shows 2 different perspectives
it's supposed to be 2 point of view
Well, I thought this was a funny board...
You're a special kind of retard.
what a weak attempt to replicate the "controller picture"
>30 tons of pussy and ass
Can't blame me for trying
Can you upload it? I don't have it
What's the fucking point of the filename if the shit joke is already in the gif, you retard?
Despite all that walking Ash really got himself a beer gut.
God damn it.
It hurts even more after E3
Been out of the loop, what happened?
>what happened?
It was destroyed.
Book of Minecraft jokes was made, almost every punchline was a variation of "It was destroyed!", "It destroyed him!" "Destroy it!" etc.
post the rest