>austin getting triggered by "the coon" part from the south park reveal at the ubisoft conference
>austin getting triggered by "the coon" part from the south park reveal at the ubisoft conference
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I'll take "Things that never happened" for $200, Alex
It definitely happened. Austin was very visibly triggered by it. Alex was an even bigger faggot.
>The last season was pretty good
>I liked PC Principal
Alex was just outright rude and nasty to Dan (who admittedly deserves it because he's a faggot as well)
You guys enjoying E3 so far?
are e-celeb threads still allowed?
>being this deep in denial
Sure it didn't, shame if there were video evidence.
Just watching this now, man Trey Parker's put on a bit of weight.
Can someone nuke Giant Bomb already
they only thing they cheered on was SJW shit
Austin and Alex shat on South Park writing, praised watch dogs writing
the website is officially bizarro world for people who just don't like video games anymore
All the nu-males in the crowd were fucking triggered dude. They even made a gay joke when 50 of them died the other day.
Theyre both billionaires in their 50s so its to be expected.
>praised watch dogs writing
What? The original?
>Six heterosexual white men complaining because muh poor minorities.
>visibly triggered
4Channers are not on the top of my list of people able to accurately process social queues and body language
They can't be that old, surely. I mean, if they were, then I'd be... fuck, I'm getting old.
But you can't use your own judgement?
Austin was doing his forced black guy routine again for dead sec because there's a black protag now. That fake anonymous group that loves those memez but have no time for character development or story in general
I'm officially just off GB now, TBFP is better even though it's filled with SJW stuff too, at they're still human like
Go back to wherever you came from, faggot
Been here since 2006 and you kids have become increasingly easy to trolololo ;)
TBFP have at least become more aware of what they were saying.
"The missus didn't want me to watch this movie because apparently it's whitewashing... So I went to see the movie"
>austin walker
pick one
HAH, I remember reference.
Seriously, fuck off.
Dude Austin was visibly shaken by it, he was really trying to not show that it bothered him so much.
Guy actually takes the SJW seriously. Even got mad at PC Principal.
Both Austin and Alex can stand PC Principle, what a surprise....
It's not his fault.
He can't accurately process social queues.
Comments disabled.
austin and alexs faces as soon as PC principle came out were priceless
also based dan not being a faggot
That's when you know you've drank too much of the kool-aid, when a parody of your ideals triggers you too hard. At that point it stops being a parody, it becomes a fact. Alex just legitimized PC Principle completely right then.
I imagine Dan at his next job, esp if it isn't as a game journalizt, just talking crazy amounts of shit about how he hated being at GiantBomb. He's the most repressed person on the planet at the moment
I dunno, I feel like Jeff lets him be himself.
Remember Alex and Austin he usually doesn't even see.
Holy shit I've never actually seen somebody visibly triggered like that, what a little bitch.
Well according to his twitter pic he is
> capital C on channers
> not calling us Sup Forumsirgins or Sup Forumstards or some variant
Sure you have.
in his fucking dreams
also he needs to shave off that shitty pube beard
You can just include the time in the link you know.
Did Matt say that? Because it's surprisingly funny.
Austin Walker is Black like Brian Gumbel and Obama are.
posting from my phone so couldnt get the timecode share option
I don't get it. What?
You can actually type shit on phones, I'm sure you can get the timecode as well, and you're an idiot for posting on a phone anyway.
he's blacker than Shaun King though
Austin can be as triggered as he wants but fuck Alex for his white guilt and shutting down Dan for trying to make it less awkward than it was. The GB shows hadn't been silent for all of E3 until that moment.
What about when compared to Wayne Brady?
Coon is slang for nigger.
im in bed and i cbf doing that shit
It satisfies me to know that giantbombs top two SJW's are quarantined in the east but Ä‘epresses me that the crown jewel Vinny is stuck with them.
Yep, I was shocked myself.
Shaun King is white
You're the worst kind of shitposter.
whats wrong with posting form a phone? are you in your late 40s and scared? are you tin-foiled? you literally have no reason to have beef with portable computers
You do realise people can just not like saying things without being SJW right? It's almost like opinions exist.
Addressing TBFP by the way, haven't followed GB for a while.
Easy Allies stream was so much better. Actually had intelligent shit to say and were excited about game announcements. Brandon grading trailers, Huber being the hypeman, Kyle being the skeptic, Ian getting called out whenever he's being a fag about something, Brad and Bloodworth being the most relatable actual nerdy goobers on the room, et cetera.
Meanwhile Giantbomb was 90% them just staring blankly before one of them shit on the game. And even with their insider info they were blatantly wrong even halfway through fucking trailers. Seeing them fail to recognize the artstyle of fucking Last Guardian or logo treatment of Resident Evil was fucking embarrassing to watch. Not to mention how fucktarded Alex is. What a fucking cunt that guy is.
>whats wrong with posting form a phone?
The quality of the posts generally suffer because these devices aren't as good to post from. As expressed in this thread.
This is true, but in this case we know enough about these "people" to make these categorizations.
They aren't just some strangers on the street.
Giantbomb doesn't like video games.
Who are the Easy Allies, ex giantbomb staff?
Ex GameTrailers
>easy cucks
piss off lmao
how can you be so fucking jaded
thats far beyond Sup Forums levels ffs
Never thought they'd stoop to this, pathetic
oh yes because Sup Forums's posts are generally high quality
I swear to fucking god, only thing that makes Austin black is that hair.
He's like 1/3 black at most.
What are you even talking about?
Are you implying you don't try to make your posts high quality? I do.
After the chat got racist at EAs battlefield showing with all the black celebs they shut down any sort of community comments outside of their own.
His mother had more black in her than he has ever had.
>Girl in Horizon gets on robot horse in game
>"That's pretty awesome"
>"Yeah that's really fucking awesome"
>"Hey guys thst might have been awesome"
Considering the WW1 game has fucking black Americans and Germans, but not ANY french people, it's fucking nuts.
Jesus fucking christ, this is unbearable to watch. Compare it to the Easy Allies reaction where they're just fucking loving it.
Why do people like GB again?
Isn't south parks thing making fun of every one?
I don't get how people can get excited about that game.
Visuals look great but the gameplay parts look generic as fuck.
>everyone getting their panties in a bunch over "The Coon" (which has been around for several years now)
>we'll probably get an encore of rectal ragnarok when FBW wins the Golden Dorito for Performance again
he's becoming more self aware, he's embracing the "i'm a pussy whipped bitch" persona at least. A level of self awareness no where on the radar for anyone currently working at GB outside of maybe Dan
What does Coon even mean now aside coon man? Did I miss some meme?
>austin has to talk about how nice it is that one of the press conferences had a woman and a black guy on stage
Anything that looks pretty and you shoot guns gets high praise from them.
I think it's slightly unique in that you don't just shoot shit, but have to grapple enemies and do battles in a specific way. Definitely not as good as the visuals though.
I found myself wishing Huber would tone it down after a few hours. Freaking out about every fucking thing became obnoxious
coon is an old insult for black people like nigger
Well, it's being made by Ubisoft, so it sure won't get any awards for being a well-made game to play.
kek Austin is such a fucking fat shriveled dick faggot
I actually want to see him cry from getting his feelings hurt, because you just know how pathetic he'd be
Damn beautiful bastard, why did you have to die, this would of never happened.
>kid kills deer
>Jeff: now you're a murderer, too
Yes, but these fucks thought political correctness was the one sacred cow to the franchise. They probably didn't even watch the show back in the 90s, or else they'd know it was founded on shitting specifically that.
right, they just so happen to hate everything SJWs hate. and like everything SJWs like. and most of the times explicitly say the reasons they don't like it is for SJW reasons.
besides that, they're def not mindless SJWs :^)
Hahahahaha what a fucking loser.
everyone at Giant Bomb is a limp-wristed Califag
>that entire bit during Ghost recon:Drugs edition of the southern man talking about vapeing
Because they're not a bunch of manchilds who jump off their seats when a game is announced? My reaction to games being announced is like them
Or, they'll say they hadn't watched the show in [number of years], and respond with "well, I would have thought the show would have grown up a little since I stopped watching it. I guess I was wrong."
God damn it's like those kids who would apply for scholarship because they have a great-great-great-great-ancestor that was Native American.
That was actually gold.
Fuck off to your Easy Allies thread that peaked at like 15 posters during the conferences. Underaged faggots.
it's a cool game just the praise they were giving it was clearly forced, it's like the world's most pathetic SJW hypemen all sitting at the same desk working in unison
How come people that are half black and half white consider themselves black people but not white people?
they all consider themselves black so they can play the victim card
Because if they call themselves black they get SJW victim points
Remember, you better agree with him or you're a racist!
True enough, can't wait for the liveshows later. Those trainwrecks are always a good time.