So can we all agree that Kojima was booted out for his autism?
So can we all agree that Kojima was booted out for his autism?
>Kojima pulls an Inafune
>Kojimatards go full damage control
looking forward to it honestly
just wait to see 100% of this games cutscenes in trailers while excepting more out of the game
Dude his baby ran away how shit a dad is he
what a fucking hack, I just know all the kojima suck dickers will garble this low iq bullshit
A game with lots of cutscenes and no replayability is a shit game in my book.
Will be looking forward to the shitstorm though.
an ignorant savage such as yourself simply cannot grasp the true meaning of Kojima's Art.
Male pregnancy and beached Wales
I'm so in
Since when did Kojima ask for money then end up delaying his game, how many times now?
>mfw people will eat this pretentious drivel up
you're looking at GOTY 2016 right here
Todd pls
Let's settle this, bros
This whole trailer was just a symbolic Fuck you to Konami.
>baby is his creation mgs
>baby is snatched away from him
>reedus has 5 dog tags or something on his neck for 5 games
>floating sky people
>bare ass
>long haired character
Classic Kojima
What are people so mad about?
I want honest reasons.
LOL there was aload of dead whales washed up
it was pretentious garbage and not videogames
All of his dead game characters, or possibly a moby dick studios reference
He just hates whales bro thats why.
Finally Kojima will turn video games into Art.
It's happening. Now they will respect our medium.
Symbolic imagery =/= pretentiousness
And it was just a teaser, how come every other game teaser is allowed to show no gameplay but this isn't?
>thinking Kojima would show gameplay first
It's like you don't even know who he is. I'm fine with all the pretentious cinematic shit as long as the gameplay delivers
No one is mad about anything, it is shitposters and false flaggers flinging shit at each others and themselves to stear up drama because that's the only vidya related thing they enjoy these days.
That's not what games are anymore. Why even live.
>Hideo Kojima / Hitori Nojima
What did he mean by this
Do you have any other argument other than "durr it lukz pretenshuss...." ? Can you even explain what makes it pretentious?
There's that word again.
It's a trailer for a game we know nothing about and which also started development just a few months ago. Calling it pretentious with zero context of what the final game will be like is retarded.
Because it's Kojima. He just started his new studio a few months ago, did anyone expect anything resembling a game?
what the fuck is the hillbilly neckbeard from the walking dead doing in a MGS game?
You guys know they were just showing off the graphics, right? None of this has anything to do with the movie.
"Death Stranding"
What the fuck does that even mean? Stop letting him name shit.
These desu
couldn't get keifer to come back after shitting on him
norman however is starved for attention so he will take it
>he didnt watch the goat movie boondock saints
I want normies to leave
Don't ever strand with me or my wife's son again
boondock saints is a normie movie
you have spent too much time on Sup Forums
does reedus get cucked
What the fuck are with the facial expressions? He goes from a crying face to a neutral face in a split second
so uhh same actor for real or am I just seeing things
Without the limitations of Konami, it's time to watch him go full Lucas.
>When did Kojima ask for money
Ground Zeroes
>Then end up delaying his game
The Phantom Pain
>How many times
More then once TPP got delayed
didju rike dat comeback?
It's astounding how double-edged some people on this forum are. I'm legit fucking baffled.
Someone else delivers a trailer that's nothing but cryptic "what the hell : DD" bullshit, and people will call it pretenious hipster shit, and for a good reason. (because it doesn't deliver whatever it's trying to say on a plate, gamers don't give a fuck about your hidden spiritual messages)
KOJIMA, the MASTERMIND omg I love KOJIMA, delivers a trailer done with exactly the same style, and people defend it. Get your head out of your ass idiot fanboys lmao
There wasn't anything to be upset about.
Was it cryptic?
Yes, obviously, but that makes learning about the game more fun. Figuring out the KP mascot was Norman and that "I'll keep coming" was going to be the theme of the trailer was exciting.
And that was what we could do with just a still image.
Even if you don't care about the cryptic stuff, I feel like the trailer was well-done and at the very least presented the emotion and tone of the game well.
Don't forget the song title is "I'll Keep Coming" as in "Fuck you, Konami. You can't stop me."
Like Batman vs Superman, this pure kino is just too complicated for the minds of plebs
He already did. It was called MGS4 and TPP.
>"I would be that lightning in that rain.."
You see, it's poetry, because Raiden means Lightning..every rhyme goes with the next one.
>make something that isnt grossly direct and boisterous in presentation
Did you just learn what pretention meant or something? Are you actually 15?
ye its norman reedus he's been bumming around with kojima for a while
*I casually nod and drop you a wink as I tip my 'dora*
>Same actor
>Baby is a central plot element yet again
So is this Kojima's way of telling Konami that he's still going to do his silent hills / PT idea, just under a different name and IP
Idk about you faggots, but I don't really want to see Norman Reedus peen
This is not Kino, this is pure Ludus for ludens such as myself
but one mirrion twd fan girls do. and probably kojima too
You probably haven't even played P.T. you dumb fucking shitspouting idiot
Even this is too fucking buzzword-y for Sup Forums what the fuck user
>pregnant whales everywhere
>baby with umbilical attached to male body
>skin covered in hand prints
>five entities looking and screaming at you
>because it doesn't deliver whatever it's trying to say on a plate, gamers don't give a fuck about your hidden spiritual messages
That's why MGS is so popular, right? Because surely not for its gameplay.
>I know for a fact these two randomly picked anonymous posters have called other non-kojima trailers pretentious hipster shit, I have no proof but fuck you I'm right you're wrong
>Sup Forumsirgins still mad because of MGSV
>a game that Kojima never wanted to make
>a game that was crippled by Konami
>a game that was part of a series of games of which the story was wrapped up already
>a game that had the best gameplay in the series but a lacking story because of the reasons named above
I swear to god you people are fucking retarded
>make a trailer with a lot of symbolism
>but lets not give it any context whatsoever lol
Symbolism without context is just meaningless.
hype as fuck tbqh
you don't have a clue about "gameplay", kouhai
like the flaming whale in MGSV?
Not him, but i want your insight on the imaginary that has been shown. What did you get out of the trailer? Since you think that there's a deeper meaning behind symbolism shown you must at least have some kind of idea of what these things mean.
And no, don't tell me that you need at least some kind of context for this, Kojima made an intentional decision to put these things in, so there must be some kind of explanation, because otherwise it would be pretentious.
>any game that tries to do something different is pretentious
it's a teaser nigga, it's probably just to show off the tone of the game and the approach it's taking.
So kojima is giving us Berserk+NeoGenesis Evangelion
it's a teaser you retard, teasers aren't supposed to tell you about the story, it's supposed to tease
teasing is what they did to me in high school
fuck kojima
it's teaser TRAILER dumb faggot
I still don't know what that was to this day.
kojima is a pretentious hack
I thought he was booted because he was taking to long and using too much money.
Kojima is a bully confirmed
>People are interested in games made by directors they know they like.
How can it be?
Reminder that Kojima is a talentless hack.
I wondered who came up with Revengence.
Keyword being "teaser."
I understand if this is too much to understand. Take a break and come back to it later.
Mysticism is part of horror, why do you want everything explained you autist? Game isn't even out, don't be entitled.
Only one who is pretentious is people calling it pretentious, while you have no idea what it takes to write a story, never probalby wrote one, or made a game for starts, talking like you know your shit. Just stop arguing and demanding and make up your own story here. Like we need a fucking hivemind, jesus fucking christ, think for yourself.
Continuing my tinfoil hat theories here because the other thread is pure shitposting
it's going to be a generic action game but heavily story driven
aka movie game that nobody would give a fuck about if Norman Reedus or Kojima were not attached to it
Oh so mgs IS popular for it's hidden spiritual messages then? Gotcha
>People complaining about ass and titties.
He's right.
They should be ashamed.
please pleb
that is the MOBY DICK, the most desired thing by Ahab
The protagonist want so bad to be BIG BOSS so BAD
Engravings on the dog tag:
>r(sub s) = 2GM/(c^2)
>We can determine the radius of a black hole however, using an equation called the Schwarzschild radius. For a black hole of mass m, the Schwarzschild radius RS is given by RS = 2Gm/c2, where G is the universal gravitational constant and c is the speed of light
>quiet gets posted
>immense backlash by SJW culture
>Konami's dick shrivels, wants Kojima to remove most of the games controversial stuff or tone it down
>game is bland as fuck
just point fingers at one guy, and not the other hunderds of parties involved.
But what would you expect from a Twitter Screencap poster...
So Kojima has in his games so far has attacked and criticized:
Being an unthinking government dog
The Military-Industrial complex, a more prevalent reliance on military interventionism, and military wartime and security outsourcing (PMCs)
Military projection to secure resources
Silly international rivalries and pointless political headbutting that serve to undermine human growth rather than encourage it
Media suppression and control
Needless futurism
Humans gradually letting computers doing our thinking for us
Wanton consumerism, corporatism and commercialism
Is this game going to be the amalgmamated apotheosis of those indivudual concepts? Note how desolate the landscape is. Note the dead animals. Note the oil motifs. Note how he holds the baby as if humanity has lost the ability to cherish children. Note the baby's umbilical cord is not natural but synthetic.
Did we destroy ourselves and he's the last human? Perhaps those 5 floating humanoids represent a singularity event?
Wait what if, the game is actually a quasi-psychological nude norman reedus walking simulator where you collect disappearing babies?