When will huds ever be removed completely off videogames?
90% of Ubisoft huds mean nothing just micro writing on screen that i never read
When will video games be a cinematic experience?
When will huds ever be removed completely off videogames?
90% of Ubisoft huds mean nothing just micro writing on screen that i never read
When will video games be a cinematic experience?
The Last of Us Remastered.
cg_drawhud 0
u fucking rertarded
>When will huds ever be removed completely off videogames?
Some day, I hope.
>When will video games be a cinematic experience?
Never, I hope.
Dead space did that ages ago was bretty slick desu
Dead Space
It's not about removing the HUD, it's about removing reliance on it.
If all the game gives you for a mission is a marker, then there's no way to solve the mission if you remove the HUD.
However, if the games weren't designed with that marker in mind, but instead through general directions and exploration, then the HUD could be removed.
I could use some holohud IRL, actually.
This is the only franchise that did HUD right.
Honestly? Freaking Dark Souls III allows you to do it.
I've been playing the game with the HUD turned off.
Having the option to turn it on or off seems like a good middle ground.
>hud: on/off
>When will video games be a cinematic experience?
Hopefully never, since only faggots who don't like videogames would want that.
Just Cause 3 did a pretty good job. They removed the mini map and everything and you didn't really miss it.
Sounds like you want a shitty gimmick for the sake of a shitty gimmick.
You know why every game ever uses an HUD? Because they're fucking USEFUL. They give you INFORMATION YOU NEED. Only some kind of a Kotaku/Polygon fagmaster who genuinely doesn't understand why games are different from movies would even want the HUD gone.
I fucking hate tiny ass huds mire than anything
Oh yeah, put the most vital information in the fucking corner
I know immersion babies would cry their eyes out, then just give it to us as an option
>objective marker telling you where to go
>character giving you directions, and you have to look at the environment to find the objective
Tell me which is better, caps lock man.
The former if you wanna play the videogames
'The latter for "haha wow I'm in the videogame just like real life! Wow oculus-chan is the best"
Say what?
What are your favorite games? I'm curious.
Shadow of the Colossus, Okami, Devil May Cry 3
Interesting, those don't have objective markers.
Mad Max has an option of going into recording mode which removes the hood and lets you change FoV.
That fixes almost everything wrong with the game.
Play the Getaway for PS2, No hud at all.
I remember some british GTA knockoff where there was no map or markers. You had to drive and wait for your character to turn on their turn signal, then follow that. It was neat, but you couldn't speed as you would routinely blow past the turn just as they turned on their blinkers.
SoSC and Okami does
>wait for your character to turn on their turn signal
Fuck, that's awesome.
The Getaway
the new Doom allows you to turn everything off
not recommended tho
What about something between having a fucking arrow pointing where to go and the character never shutting the fuck up and telling to himself what to do every 5 seconds?
PS2-era and before games almost never had markers, and nobody died
You might want to doublecheck who's on your side and who isn't, pal.
Ah yes. that's the one. Weird health regen, too. You had to sort of figure out how badly hurt you were by the number of red splotches on your clothing, and you only regenerated while sitting down or leaning against a wall. Made for a lot of downtime between fights.
That shit was so cool when it came out.