I blame the base building shitters
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>What went wrong?
muh compstomp dow1 fags
They thought the fans wouldn't be so autistic to spaz out about a very early build.
>10 seconds in
I'm excited.
Also, whats wrong with it, OP?
Whats wrong with base building?
I don't understand? Whats wrong with the trailer?
The official trailer looks worse than that video with german commentary over it posted earlier yesterday, well done Relic. Actually looks good compared to the snoozefest that was "Setup Support and Flank II".
>4 posters in this thread
Well, we know who I am, so one of you autists is samefagging.
Whats wrong OP? Can't handle base building?
>this post happens
>number of posters doesn't go up
There will never be a thread where you aren't retarded huh?
I think that was a pretty bland planet/environment to showcase promo shots of and also the voice actor for gabriel is noticeably different.
also relic has been dead since DoW2
Literally looks like they based everything off of DOTA, holy fuck I hate DOTA for ruining RTS games
Honestly though, besides from the overly large flashes, what is wrong with this?
Besides chaos not being there of course.
Are you retarded user? What exactly is ASSFAGGOTS about controlling MULTIPLE squads with BASE BUILDING.
I've got my eye on you
>focus on hero units
fuck that shit
also something about the visuals is off. i cant put my finger on it, but the game doesnt look good.
>Chapter Master Angelos
Well yeah, 3 does come after 2.
>shitty VA for gabriel
>uninspired map
>terminators jumping 10 meters into the air
>no cover, no tactics, just 2 armies standing in place and shooting eachother
>also shitty graphics, animations and performance, though this could still be fixed
>we want clarity, the players should be able to know what is going on in the heat of battle
>you can't see a damn thing due to the special effects being fuckhuge
boring faction selection, and only the knight looks good... meh
well, ill give them time to fix their shit mistake
All of these things can be fixed with time user.
We just have to not jump to conclusions like rabid idiots and wait for later gameplay videos to show what is coming. Perhaps they will give the terminators teleport packs later on.
They've already confirmed that they took heavy inspiration from DOTA and it shows in the oversimplified and oversaturated artstyle alone. God knows what kind of bullshit gameplay mechanics they borrowed too
Christ do the Blood Ravens had a geneseed defect that makes them change voice every now and then?
And I just want to see a full skirmish game to see how it actually fucking plays
>being to blind to see return of morale
>not seeing the abilities by different squads being used
>not seeing the obvious circular cover the eldar were using
Is everybody just straight up braindead today?
It's the most readable DoW so far.
Yeah, things like base building and unit abilities and controlling armies ha ha fucking DOTA clones am i rite.
>They've already confirmed that they took heavy inspiration from DOTA
it's all about artstyle man, just look at it
the animations, models, and even voice acting
everything looks like cartoon
>The knight is underpowered as fuck
I knew it lmao
I think those RTS are trying to sell itself based on explosion effects only.
Geoff interviewed the director for Halo Wars 2 and all he kept saying about the gameplay they were showing was how the explosions look great, and the flaming effects, and how they wanted all to look nice.
It's like they are taking purchase from RTS fans for granted and are desperate for dudebros to give it a chance because it can be "Button-->Awersome" like other games.
They won't change core gameplay elements such as how the armies engage each other. They already confirmed that there will be no cover other that the designated magic circles on the floor. That means most of the time we will just see two armies standing in wide open fields, just shooting until one side loses, which looks completely retarded and feels like a step back.
Oh man if only we could have the deep tactical gameplay of:
Set up support weapon
Pin enemy
Flank with assault troopers
Win engagement
This is a return to form where army compositions and their active/passive abilities will lead to either losing or winning, not who can set up his heavy bolter first.
>Pre-Alpha balancing
- Graphics too cartoony. DoW1 + 2 were fine. Units loyal to the models and environment real enough. This looks like crap.
- No cover system, though it's alpha so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt it's in their to-do list.
- No Paul Dobson, and I'm again going to give them the benefit that this is a developer throwing his token
- Not enough units. This is tacti shit. Give me numbers. Give me a wank fest of a meat grinding battlefield. I want to see an organized horde of imperial guard dug in with artillery cannons that fire as timely as an atomic clock, trying to stop a never-ending orkish tide. This is a video game so might as well make use of the medium and stay true to the lore. Focus more on strategy, not tactics.
- Need to see more information on base building
- Supposedly no Supreme Commander/Total Annihilation mechanics. Fuck that. I want to queue 20 barracks and dig in before turtling hard with artillery, or start up a second front with a blitzkrieg opener spearheaded by a Baneblade and five columns of leman russ battle tanks.
- Heroes look far too dominant, Warcraft 3 style. Heroes should be noticeable, and perhaps even battle changing, but they should not be the main focus.
- Underage samefaggot jumpstarting his campaign for another shitty RTT
Dota is the opposite of simplified
read it again moron, he is talking about the way it looks
It could be improved by having cover, but not in the way that DoW2 did it. It wasn't right how it worked, but I can't think of a better way to get it done.
If you have any suggestions on how to fix it, I'll sadly lower my hopes for you.
What's so bad about the trailer?
We got numbers and building back, it's DoW1 again baby!
For pre-alpha the game looks fine. Cartoony aesthetic is jarring though.
I want to see tanks and WAAAAUUUGGH next.
the good news is that it's not MOBAfied like some people were speculating, you seem to have control over all your units
standing out in the open looks kinda weird having playing so much DoW2 but I guess it's pretty much what DoW1 was like
overall it seems kinda meh, they should have probably worked on it some more before showing gameplay
Why does it look so bad...
>Animations are horribly clunky as if moving at 10-15FPS
>almost no texture fidelity, extreme flat surfaces
>everything is shiny again
How could you justify lower quality than Dawn of war 2
Looks good
Because early footage, silly user.
The game is going for a diablo/dota2 look which is fucking horrible, and there's no excuse for releasing a trailer that doesnt even have a stable FPS rate, it screams under-prepared.
Give me Company of heroes: 40k I dont want a Dawn of War to become StarCraft
In regards to heroes, I think DOW 2 did it the best. Not one man armies but can really influence the tide of battle with the right use.
Have some faith in relic
They can't balance for shit but their warhammer streak is excellent so far
>Company of Heroes almost perfectly encapsulates the nature of the tabletop
>Game number 3 and they're moving even close to Skirmish based moba shit because holy fuck Valve is making so much money
>- No cover system, though it's alpha so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt it's in their to-do list.
Nope, this is the final cover system.
>- Not enough units. This is tacti shit. Give me numbers. Give me a wank fest of a meat grinding battlefield. I want to see an organized horde of imperial guard dug in with artillery cannons that fire as timely as an atomic clock, trying to stop a never-ending orkish tide. This is a video game so might as well make use of the medium and stay true to the lore. Focus more on strategy, not tactics.
They've already implied that the focus is on micro and it seems that strategy will have nothing to do with it.
>- Supposedly no Supreme Commander/Total Annihilation mechanics. Fuck that. I want to queue 20 barracks and dig in before turtling hard with artillery, or start up a second front with a blitzkrieg opener spearheaded by a Baneblade and five columns of leman russ battle tanks.
Too bad, have a MOBA.
>- Heroes look far too dominant, Warcraft 3 style. Heroes should be noticeable, and perhaps even battle changing, but they should not be the main focus.
See above.
You're far too hopeful, user.
Early DoW2 looks better than this
>we got numbers back
What? We saw DoW2 multiplayer sized """armies""". The map also looked cramped as fuck.
>new cover system is the same as in dow1 but looks silly as fuck since instead of craters they use 3 walls
>hero units blatantly overpowered, in dow1 they were strong but a couple of squads could outdamage them
>"basebuilding" is just the same as DoW for the most part, although I don't mind
Also all you "b-but its just a pre-alpha, you can't make assumptions" can fuck off. If they show footage it is represantive of what direction the game will be going.
Overall disappointing.
Looks shitty, but then again it's pre alpha.
Do we know yet if it's going to be like DoW 1 or 2?
Please be 2.
Its an abomination that is a mix of those two for good and bad.
>Its an abomination that is a mix of those two for good and bad.
Source? I can't imagine how that would work well.
Unless they mean DoW1 with actually good and fun combat.
Did you watch the video? I mean I know you didn't so here's your reply.
Uhh how about the fucking gameplay that was show??
Apparently detailed models are too confusing for the average player.
It's pre alpha with some dudes just standing there and shooting eachother. That can't be it.
Lol bolters are weak as fuck without proper support you fucking retarded puss. Just flank with any sort of melee and they are shredded.
>amount of units on screen about the same as DoW2
>so called basebuilding is basically just popping upgrades on top of a platform, so no builders and free reign on where you want to build
>cover system from DoW1 but it looks a bit silly
>even more focus on hero units than in DoW2 because lmao MOBAs are popular
That's nice user. I'm going to wait for later footage to come out. If it continues to look like shit, and they don't tone down the stupid visual effects then I'll wait for it to be cheap/pirate it.
Looks like a fucking ASSFAGGOTS game.
I really just wanted a more expansive (and possibly a bit less symmetrical) DoWII.
After playing II for probably a hundred hours I can't go back to DoW. The issue isn't basebuilding, it's the units and the cover system. DoW doesn't reward the player very well for making good use of cover, because "cover" is just a big crater in the ground instead of objects on the battlefield.
Also, no nids. Only three races at launch was confirmed already, I think. Orks, Eldar, Spess Mahreens. That's fucking it.
It will be a representative of the game direction when we have a second piece of footage. So far we have 1 prerendered cutscene and 1 gameplay viedo. Those are two unconnected points, and don't have a direction until they connect to another point of the same type.
Enjoy your rock bottom standards user and prepare for disappointment
The video had framerate drops with about as many units on screen as Dawn of war II
>i-its j-just a p-pre-alpha
Then comes
>i-its just an alpha
>i-its just a beta
>i-it only just released they'll patch it
>i-i don't want to be alone
Come the fuck on. "alpha" or not the core gameplay will not see any sort of meaningful improvements from what we saw.
>basebuilding is pointless because you could replace buildings with upgrades trees in the HQ tabs with units spawning around it, and 99% of battles would play out completely the same
>some claim they removed outposts and turrets, so it's even more fucking pointless than 1
>you got 3 heroes that are important because they are so important it seems that it will be always better to retreat with them and heal them, than risk death
>non hero units seem to have little customization and adaptability, it's confirmed that they don't really do much and can only do damage in high numbers
It seems that 3 is only about precisely controlling your heroes in their slow and careful advance against the enemy base, while you position the non hero units around them and then leave them be, firing at everything from a static position.
It plays exactly like a MOBA, except that you control 3 heroes instead of one, and you have to manually move the non-hero units but they essentially play the same as the weak NPCs in MOBAs.
Dawn of War was never that great to begin with, but the first games had a fresh consept and we liked the franchise
I was hoping the scale would be a wee bit larger.
It just looks like DoW2 with little titans.
They literally want the MOBA and hard of hearing/seeing crowd. Take a look at the Eurogamer interview article. Relic wants MOBA elements, and are pushing mechanics so that that the audio/visual is easy to interpret.
Heroes will handle like MOBA characters, along with animations and sound.
Apparently people have trouble defining which units are which so they're going for an 'easy to read' style that also complements the figurines.
you can't even build the whole unit rooster in a game, you can make all the troops but you have to select which 3 elite units you want to be able to build before the game
I used to be optimistic as fuck but this looks worse than the Dawn of War II pre-alpha which was extremely close in terms of gameplay to the final product.
It's interesting that they'er throwing out such a huge fuck you to the tabletop and fans of the lore to cash in on the apparent interest in cartoon graphics that Diablo 3, Dota2 and Starcraft seem to succeed with
Fuck this shit.
>What went wrong?
Your shit taste. I'll bet you prefer DaW 2 over DaW 1 you fucking pleb.
While from the trailer you can't see TOO much gameplay, it doesn't look super promising.
The art style is wrong as fuck, the maps looks flat and boring in the same way a map with place-hold textures would. The units are too bright, as if all their equipment is straight off the press.
I don't care if it's prealpha, there is no way they're not going to get the graphics on point for trailers and you're delusional if you think they'll change it enough to make a difference
Mobas were built out of rts anyway you stupid nigger of course they share mechanics
i dont see the problem here
crappy quality video
obviously staged footage from a map editor
how can you even make a proper judgement?
Here's your (you). Try not to spend it all at once champ.
Heroes aren't common in RTS. It's a WC3 feature.
It's not gook clickshit, so they don't like it. Remember - every RTS has to be like Starcarft 2, or it's bad.
>15 FPS with about as many units on screen as Dawn of war II
>Shiny eldar again
>shiny everything
>completely flat boring terrain with voids all around, how fucking exciting
>barely any frames of animation, awkward and clunky movement even for Space Marines
>Coloured blobs for projectiles
>identical circular cover system for everyone
>buildings are all flat pads, one even uses the mining tank used by the Death Korps of Kreig as the model for a drop-pod for no reason.
>Jumping terminators
This looks like moba shit for babies, RTS isnt interesting when its basic. I was hype for Dawn of war II and enjoyed it despite being Skirmish based which isn't the direction 40k should be taking. Company of Heroes exists and it's a fantastic RTS model, perfect level of complexity to make matches interesting and fits the mechanics of the 40k tabletop
40k slapped onto a half asked RTS model copied off a moba isnt good game design. Who is this game for, it certainly doesn't look like 40k fans
Thats exactly the problem, its a tailored gameplay video, supposed to show off the game in all its glory and it looks like complete dogshit.
>Can't get the scale of units right for the sake of "gameplay" as if there wasn't a way around it
>Framerate drops in official footage.... just why?
>H O R R I B L E art direction with over saturated colors because RTS players are apparently babies and need NEON PURPLE to see which units are the bad guys
>Very underwhelming animations with no weight to them
Wew lad, just... wew
>What went wrong?
Pandering to autistic DoW1fags who don't dive a fuck about gameplay and only want muh ebig battles and muh base building.
They've always been a thing in DoW but this is ridiculous.
I usually just rushed for Grey Knights+Chaplain combo as SM because of how fucking tanky it was but as Chaos I usually just toseed my Lord in with a squad of cultists because my real focus was on spamming defilers and Beserkers.
Once I got a beserzerker squad at capacity I would put my Lord in it, assuming he was still alive. If he wasn't it wasn't a big deal because they would survive without him.
That's right. Now kindly fuck off while we get the game we've been asking for since the giant bore that was DoW2.
So what the fuck is this game going to be? It just looks like a linear tug o war, is that really what the gameplay is gonna boil down to?
this, pretty much
You literally dont know anything about the gameplay
you saw a few fast cuts of a shitty 360p youtube vid thats it
you didn't even see the orks
Dawn a War
Nice reply you illiterate, this looks like a visually worse version of DoWII with more micro focus and MOBA elements which the dev has already confirmed were inspiration, it's objectively shit if you had even the slightest interest in the source material.
But dow3 looks much more like dow2 than 1. You're not making any sense user
DOTA is a WC3 mod
there were no mobas before wc3
>it's objectively shit
Spoken like a true DoW2 pleb. Stick to Starcraft 2, I don't need you shitting up my DoW.
>But dow3 looks much more like dow2
You need to go back to DoW1-3 and understand why your statement is false
>Video is called gameplay footage
a developer puts out 3 videos all supposedly demonstrating gameplay, yes im going to make comments on gameplay based on those videos.
Im watching in 1080,60FPS, you cant blame youtube compression for making the game look like a mess
In case anyone is out of the loop
>DoW1 releases and is widely popular, combining 40k lore and good RTS gameplay
>DoW2 releases and is praised for its campaign, but hated for its skirmish mode and its departure from RTS gameplay
>DoW3 announces its going back to DoW1 roots, DoW2 fags are upset
Everyone can stop talking about DoW1/DoW2 now, and talk about what you hope/expect from DoW3. I must say there was a distinct lack of unit variety which was disappointing.
>there were no mobas before wc3
you clearly don't know what your talking about
>So, what's developer Relic going for with Dawn War 3? Game director Philippe Boulle told Eurogamer the new art style is all about making the game more responsive - and yes, that's an approach in part inspired by MOBAs.
Fuck it, end it all.
Are you fucking retarded? Alright shill, I'll explain what people want so you can take it to your boss or whatever.
Warhammer 40k has the potential for massive scale epic conflicts. People want a Supreme Commander, the best strategy game ever, but with a 40k skin.
That's why people are angry. The trailer showed just more DoW2 tier small scale tactics and it is painfully obvious you can't wield thousands of troops on multiple fronts.
Nobody wants this to be Starcraft because SC already exists.
>So illiterate cant even tell when someone he's replying to has the same opinion
You must have trouble day to day, have you considered finishing highschool
>Fucking Gabriel Angelos doing a front flip in fucking terminator armor
>Cartoony moba graphics style
>Shit framerate
>Rubish clunky animations
>Awful voice acting
>Boring shit gameplay, no cover system
>Shit base building, if I remember correctly there will be no defensive buildings, no turrets, no walls nothing
As a huge 40k fan, I really wanted this to be good. For years I've been googling dawn of war 3 hoping to hear something. But this is just shit, I am disappointed.
Best of it is that the game looks more like a shite version of DoW2 only with DoW1's garbage cover system and a really simple base-building system. The scale is still smaller than DoW1.
Enjoy, faggot.
Retard, the game is going to look like this with some altered lighting, didn't you see how shitty it ran? That means every work done on the engine will be optimization to make it run on standard PCs, they aren't going to make it more detailed.