How far in are you?
What's your favorite playstyle so far?
Why is Odin so shit?
Odin Sphere leifdrasir
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...whom dresses like a gypsy whore.
I'm on maybe the second stage with Cornelius.
Is every character's story as long as Gwendolyn's?
Did the original have all these characters too?
He's talking about the other sister, the one that dies in the first scene
I felt like Mercedes' stages were shorter than average given how little space there was between minibosses but Oswald stages are back to Gwendolyn/Cornelius length.
>Did the original have all these characters too?
Yes, none were added in the remake.
I'm only as far as Gwendolyn's epilogue.
Just how long is this game?
7 or 8 hours per character story is what I've gotten so far, I'm still not finished myself.
They must recycle a ton of content between characters right?
I finally have an excuse to link this
Plenty of bosses are recycled. Level layout in non circular stages changes depending on the character, Mercedes had a neat gimmick in which 2 miniboss fights for her (fire lady and the dwarven airship) were turned into shmup segments.
I never knew about this game at all and dl the demo and liked it a LOT. Though "yeah I'm gonna buy this shit", story and characters seem interesting, it looks damn pretty, combat is simple and fun, and music is god like.
but then I saw the price.
60 dollars? for a remaster from a game that came out who knows how many years ago? nah man, it should be a 20-30 at best
>tfw can't play as Gwendolyn in her dress.
>mfw I still have to wait 10 more days
Damn this is going to take a long time to finish.
How many characters are there?
I finished the other day, haven't done every Armageddon fight but I got the real end. I have 28 hours in and still need to 100% it.
Having played both the original and this I can say it was worth the money.
Also Mercedes has the most character growth and sadist story.
Its a very good game, first time playing it too.
How do you pick characters in this? Do you go through each characters story one by one?
5 characters/stories that are all connected. So there are alot of reasons for the recycled bosses.
The whole game is kind of a sadist story, fucking operas man.
You go through each story one by one.
Though fighting this fuck multiple times makes me wonder why it took so long to die.
Beat a story and unlock the next. The order of characters is actually in the gems in the crown in the logo.
Gwendolyn, Cornelius, Mercedes, Oswald, velvet. Then the 6th book is Armageddon, Where you play all 5.
Does Mercedes ever become fun to play as? Having to play her after doing 999 hit chains with Cornelius fucking sucks
Jesus shit this is a long game, not that this is a problem. VW really does emphasis content and quality. Its why I felt fine spending 60 bucks on a remaster. Hopefully they do this with Dragons crown.
It also explains why the wise men's control was getting weaker. And most of the characters felt sorry and didnt want to kill him.
But repeated fights make some character's death easier to explain. Some bosses seem like they are to strong to be killed by 1 person, but because they get their shit kicked in so much they finally die Odette
Dragons crown is to recent for me, I would rather have a redone grimgrimoire
Yeah she becomes fun eventually with enough skills, focus on getting the passive that makes reloading faster.
>VW really does emphasis content and quality.
If you don't mind repeating stages and bosses, sure.
Bit of both honestly, if you are going to repeat content it at least should look amazing. VW does this on all accounts.
You have to play each character differently, I loved playing Mercedes. Toss a bunch of potions and use knockbacks to keep enemies in the effects.
Did anyone else have to shoot Odin repeatedly for him to fall even after he had basically no health left?
No but you can keep hitting an enemy after they have no life and it doesn't stop the fight until you stop hitting them
Finished Gwendolyn, started Pooka prince, I'm having a blast.
Whoever thought to slap Muramasa mechanics and a skill system on it had the right idea. Tried a bit of the classic mode and it all came back to me, the clunkyness that made me drop it in the 1st place.
Refined mode is the right word alright. Thanks vanillaware for making me yet again feeling bad for pirating one of your games.
No but he kept attacking and everything and wouldn't die, wait can bosses take elixirs? I know they can use all sorts of potions but the thought of him using an elixir never crossed my mind.
>Thanks vanillaware for making me yet again feeling bad for pirating one of your games.
Guess I better get around to finally buying Muramasa to make up for it.
I've never seen one but I've seen them use Xtra phozons, overloads, killers, a fucking rank 9 heal. So a elixer isn't that much of a stretch.
Just started cornelius
And I miss gwendolyn already
Used a few oozes in one fight, then tossed a metamorphosis potion by mistake, it turned my oozes into friendly frogs the same lvl as me so had 4 frogs hopping after the boss doing 400 a hit. Way better than an ooze. Love the detail
Will I like this game if I got bored of Muramasa before I finished it? I got tired of the repeating areas, enemies and backtracking. The story wasn't enough to keep me playing.
This is not a game for you.
It's roughly the same although the character variety is much greater.
Maybe wait for it to come out a ta lower price.
>This is not a game for you.
Dragon's Crown was fucking awesome tho
I should add I didn't dislike Muramasa. I just lost interest. The art and music was very nice and combat was pretty fun. It just wasn't enough.
I loved grimgrimoire, Odin's Sphere and dragons crown but I couldn't get through muramasa so I don't know what it was about it.
its not a remaster, its a remake. Combat and stages are entirely different.
It also comes with the original version of the game too.
I'd be all over that but the fact I can't find an EU vita copy and have to import infuriates me. I'd settle for US but
>region locked dlc
There's also the option to buy digital but I really want physical for vanillaware games.
I've just been waiting for a sale so I can grab the complete Muramasa collection digitally. It's a small game in terms of filesize so I don't mind.
They should have added and Ingway story but I suppose he doesn't have a psypher.
i think if the boss has another phase left, you cant kill them before they activate it