So all bone games are going to windows 10 as well, what does this mean for preowned games?
Could I buy a bone game and put it on my pc and sell it? How do they control that?
So all bone games are going to windows 10 as well, what does this mean for preowned games?
Could I buy a bone game and put it on my pc and sell it? How do they control that?
I heard them say that this applies for digital copies only.
> to play our unoptimized games, you must upgrade to spyware
Figuratively why
I'm already on windows 10. If you're on the internet, you're already fucked. I just stopped caring.
and I'm not a pedo so not afraid desu
Which makes sense because executing this with disk games would be a collosal custer fuck.
>le "if you do this or that, you already like penis in ur ass & mouth!" meme
>lele "I have nuthin' da hide!" fallacy
Stop trying to shill your shit system.
No other OS plain out DELETES your files and software, bricks computers by auto-updating every single component on its own, or saps out people's limited data caps on its own by staying idle. I personally absolutely loathe the idea that my OS could SHARE MY WIFI, and tell all my actions on social media, automatically!
Plus, that Metro tile shit is disgusting and does not belong to desktops.
Enjoy not running any of your bit older programs OR hardware as well on Won'trun10.
>windows 10 shitstore exclusive
I'll just skip them.
You raise a good point, but google is basically tracking everything already. I also think you're going a bit overboard with the win10 hate.
I don't really have anything that doesn't run on win10 already and I've never seen any movies/tv/games be deleted.
It is worrisome that it's like always posting stuff, but I think that battle has been lost long ago.
The question you should ask is, why anyone should even bother with xbone anymore.
Pc+ps4 combo is the way to go
You are autistic... they updated win 7 8 and vista with the same spyware update before windows 10 was even a thing.
and unless u doing kiddy porn i woudn't worry about it
why? If it weren't for my addiction to destiny and I suppose bloodborne, I wouldn't have ever touched my ps4. Wii U is a better combo with PC
I should have mentioned that I also own a Wii U. But it has just been collecting dust since TP Hd. Im starting to lose faith in Nintendo, and the delay of Zelda U just made everything worse. Wii U is still the king of party games though
>I personally absolutely loathe the idea that my OS could SHARE MY WIFI, and tell all my actions on social media, automatically!
literally never happened
Well you can technically tell Windows 10 to share wifi to people on your contacts list so they can use your wifi easily, but the social media stuff I'm pretty sure doesn't happen.
Also I don't think Microsoft really cares that I went out on the weekend or that I'm going to see some shitty movie or that I ate at mcdicks. I don't post shit like that, but I doubt it would matter if I did.
>You raise a good point, but google is basically tracking everything already. I also think you're going a bit overboard with the win10 hate.
Lol no.
For starters, Google is a mere search engine service, that just happens to collect lots of Big Data while at it. You can completely live without it if you so desire, even go to such extremes as installing non-Google Android OS on modern phones.
Meanwhile, W10 is the latest version of THE most common PC operating system on this planet, which is being both heavily marketed AND literally pushed down into people's throats. Since Windows still has this small but still existing monopole of sorts, it will affect the future software and hardware releases quite a bit.
Luckily people have started to see through this shit and look into the alternatives. There's a good chance the Vulkan will completely overshadow DX12 in few years, leaving latter only for the "Windows Store Exclusives", AKA fucking nothing.
>I don't really have anything that doesn't run on win10 already and I've never seen any movies/tv/games be deleted.
Yeah, the "Works on my PC.png" argument so is going to negate all those THOUSANDS of people who have had major issues. Seriously, read more newspapers! EU itself started giving MS the mean eye for forcing their software to install on people's PC. My close friend literally lost 200€ couple months ago, when the W10 update literally rendered his visual editing hardware obsolete, meaning he had to go and buy a legit copy of W8.1 to continue his work.
And don't get me started with those extra stupid cases, like the automatic installation failing and leaving the PC to infinite boot loop, or how the W10 updated people's GPU drivers, which got them to overclock to extreme levels, and literally melted cards.
>they updated win 7 8 and vista with the same spyware
Except on 7, you can block and uninstall ALL updates if you want.
Checkmate, Bill!
>literally never happened
>Checkmate Bill
You mean Satay Nutella
Yeah I really enjoyed the BSOD's as well as trying to install an older Nvidia driver on Windows 10.
You'll all love it too. You'll love it so much you'll go out to support Microsoft by buying a new copy of 8.1 / 7.
>>they updated win 7 8 and vista with the same spyware
>Except on 7, you can block and uninstall ALL updates if you want.
>Checkmate, Bill!
Good luck with that because its a secret update that you can't uncheck or uninstall
Ok Ajay, please tell me the secret update
Is it that compatibility telemetry process that will use up 99% of my hard drive for 3 minutes seemingly at random? I will gut my OS to remove that crap when I find the location
>Buying W7
Good one!
One reason MS is sooo desperate to get people on their Botnet-10 is because their BEST operating system so far is piss easy to get for free, crack, and never enable updates.
I do have my legit W7 Ultimate discs on the shelf though.
I'll be dual-booting it with Linux in the near future.
>tfw upgrading to win10 made my boot time go from about 1min to ~10sec on win10
>caring about boot times
seriously the ONLY argument people have for W10, and even then they fail to realize that freshly installed operating systems always boot up quicker. Not to mention 10 cheats by using this Log Out + Hibernate combo as its "shut down" procedure.
tl;dr: if you want fast booting, just get an SSD.
Which site can you buy those games from and what do you need to play them other than a Windows 10 PC?
Windows Store.