Buy or no buy?
Buy or no buy?
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No buy
No buy. No pirate.
Not even considered buying.
Seems a more fun Watch Dogs. Kinda had some Saints Row feel to it.
The story doesn't seem to take itself seriously.
I'd say pirate if they don't go full Denuvo.
Gameplay looks improved but god damn the characters are as fucking edgy as ever
It's a generic triple A game either you like them or you don't why the fuck do you need someone to tell you that
I'll wait for a sale or get a cheap key, if at all. I need some opinions after the game releases.
Fuck no.
Not even considered pirating.
That's been rule of a thumb for a few years.
I'll pirate it. I was looking forward to it a bit but the black guy speaks in a way I don't like. I regret for a second thinking he would be better than Aiden or whatever his name was.
lol no
If you are seriously asking the same bunch of shitters who dissed on Activisionwatch nonstop for an year but then bought it anyway about what to get and not get then I feel sorry for you.
heres some shit
>are as fucking edgy as ever
Sounds like Sup Forums. Actually, make that. Sounds like every goddamn teen and tween on the World Wide Web
Why would you give them money after the shit they pulled with the first?
The only thing wrong with the first one was the downgrade.
It's a wait and see. It could be AC1/AC2 all over again but AC1 didn't get slammed nearly as bad WD1 and ubi's got a bad track record.
What I dislike the most is that it is skirting in between GTA's seriousness and Saints Row's Silliness at all fucking times.
It isn't picking a side it has dumb bullshit happen but is being serious all the while. It's talking up as if Dedsec is this thing that will free the people, but then within the first few seconds you just jack some dude's car and send it into the wall. You then just go into a high rise and shoot some fuckers for data.
I understand what Ubi is going for but they need to either tone it down or goes balls out. If they don't then this is just going to be another Watch Dogs with a super forgettable dumbass MC.
No buy. Let the niggers and nu males buy that shit since it seems thats the main demography right now.
No buy. He is a hipster nig nog gorilla.
Wait until release, no one knows if it will get crippled like the first.
I guess it could've been better if the playable character was the man of masked emoticons instead of the hipster black guy.
Is there going to be a SR4? Did SR3 make money at all?
Le sigh.
Pirate or buy used
SR4 happened, it had aliens.
How about waiting until it's out and you can make an informed decision?
Oh right. I was thinking of that. I mean if there's going to be SR5.
I will only buy it if I can spark fear into hipster hypocritical liberal silicon valley douchebags who think working in social media is changing the world. Imagining how you can humiliate a Mark Zuckerberg CEO, or making your typical Apple fanboy who rants about globalization while he uses an iPhone cry all the time would be fun as hell.
The mask guy is cute.
fuck no
it looks terrible
>Ubisoft open world
>dindu main character who swings around a mouse as his melee weapon
>buying this shit when WD1 was garbage
Why would anyone even think about this shit? Literally not worth even pirating
Ooooga Boooga Bix Nood
have you actually played watch dogs 1
absolutely no buy
So clever and witty.
Go back to africa/reddit
Probably, but they showed a new game called "Agents of Mayhem"
That end logo implies that this will probably have something to do with the Saint's Row property at some point.
If there is going to be a new Saints game don't expect it for another 2-3 years.
Gonna be honest, I watched that 10 minute infiltration vid and it looks loads more fun the the original.
I really hope its good because I really like the idea, but I need to see more.
The new trailer is really good as well, it in itself looks way more fun then anything from the original and shows that this game isn't set to take itself so seriously and have a gloomy ass protag.
I also liked the song.
Cautiously optimistic, we'll see.
That was a goddamn mouse? I thought it's a yo-yo. I kinda liked the stealth part until he decided to pull out smg from butt to shoot at a goddamn window.
It's pretentious as fuck but game might be fun for a while. That's a pirate for me.
thanks bud. Glad to know you remembered you're on Sup Forums
is more of a near future Ass Creed than ever
I would buy if the characters weren't so lame
I mean who the hell thinks le anonymoose haxxors is cool? and then they mixed it with modern day hippies
Not worth the time to even pirate, unless they make something truly amazing, which I srsly doubt.
>"Am I cool yet, guys!?"
>who the hell thinks le anonymoose haxxors is cool?
I'm sure it's meant as a rhetorical question, but if you're implying that the answer is no one, well...
>Be a rebel against the evil capitalist oligarchy by buying the newest product form megacorp#57
>watch dongs 2
how quickly you forget
Looks cool if that's how it will actually look.
>That was a goddamn mouse? I thought it's a yo-yo.
It's neither. It's a billiard ball attached to a string. Don't you motherfuckers watch those videos you're talking about?
Well I don't watch them repeatedly to confirm every tiny detail no. I watched it once during conference.
it's not a tiny detail, they gloat about it like it's the best idea ever.
no buy not even pirate because denuvo LOL
not even worth a pirate. its shit.
This, whats the fucking point of their shitty platform
I'm done buying ubisoft games.
>shitty Ubisoft game
>with a nigger protag
>with an SJW cast
Yeah, nah, hope it flops.
I don't care about american politics but this is obviously propaganda.
So they don't need to pay Steam money for them to host their games.
That's Ubisoft's subtlety for you.