Played dark souls 2 near launch and thought it was a 7/10
Is scholar worth it?
Played dark souls 2 near launch and thought it was a 7/10
Is scholar worth it?
i don't know
can you repeat the question?
Ask again tomorrow.
Probably. New enemy placements means it'll be pretty fresh, and the DLC is worth doing once at any rate.
Its just the best Dark Souls currently available.
If you haven't played the DLCs then go ahead.
Yes. It adds interesting DLCs and cool weapons for you to use. It makes the game a bit harder by adding more enemies and changing their placement as well.
A weapon that's a favorite of mine from the DLCs is the Ivory King Great sword. Basically it's a white sword and when you swing it creates a laser beam extension.
if I like DS1 will I like DS2
Tthe gameplay isn't a pile of trash like DS3 where fast weapons are objectively better than anything, poise works, pvp isn't 3v1 95% of the time, literally almost every single build works, armor sets are way better.
I also prefer areas, they may not be as well made and large as DS3 areas but at least they are way more varied.
Length is also pretty great considering DS3 is short as fuck as there's literally nothing to be gained replaying.
the DLCs have some neat level design, but they don't fix any of the problems the base game had (hordes of enemies that all aggro on you at once, damage sponge bosses, soul memory, shitty hitboxes, etc).
for the life of me, i can't understand why so many DS2 contrarians popped up as soon as 3 came out. like, yeah 3 has its flaws (poise, covenants, overall length of the game) but it's better than 2 in every other way.
SotFS is the real DaS2
Yes it's actually the best DaS since 3 wasn't really that good.
Yes. The DLC's are amazing, and since you liked the vanilla DS2, like me, you will love them even more.
Because the gameplay, which is what actually matters in a Souls game, is superior in DS2.
Areas are more varied because there's absolutely no connection between fucking any of them, thematically or visually. They feel incredibly dissonant from one anothee, the game is all over the fucking place.