ITT: hardest game you have ever played
ITT: hardest game you have ever played
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you can finish that game in 90 seconds.
The hardest part is figuring out where the other half of the title went along with the other half of the content we expected it to have
How are the rest of the games?
I finished Riven, but never bothered with the rest.
Space Chem
Dear lord save me from this puzzle hell
>put effort in a level and make a long ass chain that just werks
>barley finish the level
>go and watch q YouTube video out of curiosity to see how other people managed to do it
>he solved the puzzle in 10 minutes with a way more efficient way that put me to shame
Exile is ok-ish.
Revelation is kinda meh, first world is fucking awesome though.
End of ages is good. Not fantastic, but really good.
Thanks, have a nice week.
>mfw got 2 colours wrong in THE puzzle
I don't even understand how this happened.
riven is a lot harder than myst (and also better)
but you should play myst first
Probably Dynamite Headdy
Call me a casual all you want but
>riven is a lot harder than myst
Piano puzzle.
why was there a piano in a spaceship though
The Dark Souls of our generation
I know how you feel, when I look back at my solutions, I don't even know how they work.
In Myst? Because the selentic age is full of sound based puzzles.
Resonance of Fate, I didn't really understand much and by the time I was getting sort of the hang of it I stopped playing vidya
Zachtronics is very skilled at making the player contemplate suicide.
I remember being stuck for a long while there as a kid. I couldn't tell the difference between the sounds, I had to look online for the solution.
Really? I never played Dark Souls because I don't like hard games but Severance was cool.
I didn't play this game beyond Rubicante. He basically two-shots my party before I can even do a move.
Starring Christopher Walken.
There was a near impossible puzzle where you had to collect audio samples from PDAs and splice words out of the waveforms to get them them to say a phrase to activate a voice controlled lock. It was maddening.
The Dark Souls of Persona.
Is there a working version of myst for modern computers?
I tried gog's riven but the shit is still reliant on quicktime shit and crashes every now and then.
Flip every switch on the island, go back to the docks and flip the switch there, which opens revealing the white page from the return book that has trapped Atrus in Dunny, go to the library, enter the code needed to access the linking book to Dunny, give Atrus the page and you're done.
Holy shit.
Riven was a fucking monster that game had some ridiculous ass puzzles
IV is the easiest pre-VII FF game I've ever played.
This triggers people who played myst
The only annoying part of Myst for me was that gear number puzzle before I realized you could hold the chain down and the middle would keep spinning.
the ds version has the original version, not the american release.
The only other pre-VII FF I've played is VI but IV is miles harder.
I hope you're fucking joke m80
This and the tunnel maze are the only puzzles I couldn't finish myself.
I probably could have done the tunnel maze if I went back to Mechanical Age and memorized the directional tones, but once you go to Selenitic, you can't leave until you complete the maze. It's kind of bullshit, but not as bullshit as the rocketship piano.
Huh, I didn't know there was something that told you about the sounds in the tunnel. I just brute forced and mapped the entire system until I found the exit.
>had to look up the answer to the stone circle puzzle because I didn't realise the rolling orbs were making animal sounds
>reach this
>realise what the answer is instantly
>needed to look up where the lever was to activate it
my sides
Uncharted 4 on Crushing
you can get the sounds by trial and error (north sound is given for free). The piano is just bullshit unless you have a "musical ear"
Yeah, whenever you change direction in the maze it makes a tone to indicate which direction you're facing.
The only way to know which direction = which tone is by using the tower simulator in the Mechanical Age.
I could not even get past the fucking intro
Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald
That entire era was pure bullshit. Fuck the maze.
It sucks too because Selenitic is easily the coolest looking age, especially in RealMyst.
I thought Riven was easier than mist tbqh mostly due to the fact that I'm tonedeaf as fuck and couldn't into the shitty piano.
But them animal noise orbs fucked me up good.
I'm confused just looking at it. Glad I passed on that game, I guess that's for people who are smarter than I am.
>that card
It's really a grindfest. That final, saveless dungeon is a gauntlet, though.
i had to look up a walkthrough and i still couldn't understand. Fuck me for not having a degree in astro physics.
>friend told me about how hard the piano puzzle was
>said he couldn't even do it by himself, only puzzle he ever needed help on
>I finally get to it
>beat it on my first try, easiest puzzle in the game I thought
>friend is visibly upset, accuses me of cheating and looking up the answer first
>remind him that I've been playing piano for 7 years at the time
I found Riven more difficult but I think that's because I always miss the hidden/obscure stuff like the fish on the wall, hidden doors near the frog, that one tiny fucking button near the tribal statue etc.
OHHH I get it now. You simply don't play the symbols on that card.
You played the SNES or PSP version didnt you?
The american release was dumbed down but the DS version kept the original difficulty.
>Dat ambience music
>Dat voice
>Dat change in music as he shows you the portal to the Riven logo
Does Riven have one of the comfiest intros ever in gaming?
This was such bullshit. It started out easy as hell. Then the severe limited ammo and being pinned down every instance was a shit show. Wish i would have cheated.
i don't get it. wasn't there a book that showed you exactly which keys to press?
Touhou 6.
This was fucking stupid. I looked everywhere in the lighthouse for the items listed on there and I couldn't find any of them.
Yeah, you're supposed to find the code late in the game, which is why you usually don't do this, but by all means you can just go to the library and enter the code right off the bat.
Did anyone play this one? It wasn't as hard, but it still had some neat puzzles.
>that optional blob puzzle
Yeah Riven ha a lot more hunt the pixel bullshit than any other Myst game, and the fact that resolution and lolCRTs back then were garbage made it needlessly frustrating.
The music in the Myst games are GOAT tier
I swear no game has even come close to creep me out as much as Riven did, even all these modern """scary""" games.
The boat in Myst was also really fucking scary
This is the kind of game that teaches you that sometimes streamlining isn't always a bad thing.
Commandos: Beyond the Call of Duty
So I hear you like DIFFICULT things eh?
>we want the dark souls audience
While this game can be difficult I bet it's because you're party is shit tier.
>not Commandos 2
2 was hard but the expansion pack for the first one was just straight up psychological torture.