Is it bad that this is what got me the most excited in the whole E3? I mean damn, I for one am happy RE is scary again, and from what I can tell from the demo it's pretty great.
Is it bad that this is what got me the most excited in the whole E3? I mean damn, I for one am happy RE is scary again...
>I for one am happy RE is scary again
RE has never been scary, m8.
This 'RE7' looks more like a Silent Hill game.
>RE has never been scary
Underage detected, I'm not sure if you're aware but before RE4 there were other 3 RE games and those were horror games, not action games.
Won't get to play the demo until later today but this actually woke me up. Like, it was a legitimate surprise, and when I saw the title all I could think was "Wait, was that fucking RE7?". Pretty happy to see it back in dedicated horror territory at all, and I'm curious to give the demo a go.
It's not even RE, it's just some side game that had the RE name slapped onto it.
I'm probably older than you.
Those games aren't horror games. RE has always been action-horror, and its never been scary.
5 if you count CV and Zero, and not including side stuff like Survivor or the Outbreak games. Actually, I don't know if Outbreak is mainline or not, never got to play them. And for what it's worth, RE has really only been pure survival horror for the first game and its remake. RE2 onwards were different shades of action, RE3 in particular damn near being RE4 with tank controls and fixed camera angles at times. RE2 and CV were way looser on ammo and weapons, while Zero literally had enough resources for 2 characters.
They're calling it Resident Evil 7, so it's not a spin off title, there's might be more to it than we think.
>Code Veronica isn't a spin off, yet doesn't have a number.
>Resident Evil 3 was meant to be the spin off.
>"We're not planning to produce any more RE games."
>"Sir, here is a half-finished VR game. Should we continue working on it?"
>"Sure, just name is RE7 and we're gold."
Yeah and there's a good reason for that to have happened, RE3 is more important to the plot than Code Veronica.
Yeah, the reason it actually happened is because Sony are dicks. CV is the actual RE3.
That's dumb, RE has been a consistently profitable franchise for Capcom. It's one of their flagship franchises, they aren't killing it.
>RE3 is more important to the plot than Code Veronica.
Not, it's really not.
RE1 is the original, RE2 + RE3 is the sequel, CV is the third main game, then it's on to RE4, RE5 and RE6. Zero is prequel, Rev and Rev2 are spin-offs. Other games are irrelevant.
What bothers me the most is that they're probably getting rid of Mercenaries mode.
is it? in RE3 the only thing that happened was racoon city getting nuked
CV brings in Wesker doing Wesker things that setup 4 & 5
>looks more like a Silent Hill game
So, now because of PT every SH was like outlast
I have played mercenaries mode more than the games
The Resident evil 7 trailer made me remember Silent Hill 4, not PT or outlast
RE7 looks like a Silent Hill game. I love Silent Hill, so it seems like a game I would like and I hated RE5 and the new style of RE games, but it still doesn't look like a proper Resident Evil game.
>RE7 is little more than an atmospheric walking simulator
I appreciate that they responded to how shitty RE6 was but I think they might have taken it a little too far in the other direction now. Even RE1 had combat.
People already found an useable axe in the demo (although there are no enemies to use it on), also there are aiming settings in the options I'm sure there will be combat.
There will be combat, there's a shotgun in the trailer, an axe in the demo and various ingame settings talk about aiming controls.
Excited for this.
Better than those SHIT 3rd person shooters they have been making for the last 10 years.
Though it's fair to assume they'll decrease significantly the number of encounters in the game compared to past RE games, I wouldn't be surprised if the game can be played from start to end without killing any enemies.
Until we actually see that in action, we have to assume it's going to be RE:Outlast.
No we don't. That's dumb.
I'm alright with this. I always played RE for the campaigns.
Capcom seems to avoid finishing any storyline, not to mention killing off characters, at all costs. Every single game is like a fucking reboot and the only games that have any connection whatsoever are 1, 2 and 3, Code Veronica with 2, 4 with 2 and 5 with 1 and 6 with 5.
Why is that dumb? The teaser has no combat, no enemies, relies solely on exploration and searching for clues. This is literally Outlast. Not even the trailer indicates any sort of combat. So yes, until we know there'll be combat, the only safe assumption to make, is that RE7 will be Outlast with Resident Evil lore and, maybe, some characters from the previous games.
Literally the only time I ever jumped at any RE games as a kid was from jump scares like the coffin in CV or dogs in the original
Silent hill is scary because of the atmosphere and enemy designs
RE1 was scary because of the low ammo
Every other was just shit jumpscares and nemesis
RE5 an RE6 sold a lot but budgetary issues with the financial collapse during RE5's development, and the ABSURD over-investment into RE6 made their ROI pretty small and less profitable than you'd expect for selling 5 million.
Is it a storyline worth finishing?
I honestly stopped caring when Spencer, a major background character in the games, was killed off so quickly in the RE5 DLC.
The teaser has an axe you can swing with aiming controls, and is exactly that- a teaser.
I'm not saying combat is 100% in the game, I'm just saying don't go around telling everyone it's "Outlast with an RE skin" because we also don't know that for certain. We have a teaser with limited information available to us and until they confirm there is or isn't more features we can't just go around assuming it's one way, all you can safely assume is that the teaser they gave us feels like Outlast. The whole game might be quite different.
You want the truth? They are just using the "Resident Evil" name to sell copies.
This isn't a real Resident Evil game. This could easily be a new IP inspired by horror games like Silent Hill. But no, Capcom knows a new IP would mean low sales, hence they put the Resident Evil name on it and called a day.
You know it's true. I liked the footage, I'll buy this game. But let's not play around. This is not Resident Evil.
Sounds great to me. Classic RE had a well balanced sense of fight or flight, you didn't HAVE to fight most enemies. Comparing that to the enemy waves of RE4, 5, and probably 6 (never played it), I'll happily take what you're suggesting.
True, but it's not like they weren't multi million sellers regardless. Shitty timing in 5's case and shitty budgeting in 6's won't kill this series, especially since they've found success with the Revelations games and HD rereleases.
>Nu-RE fans didn't like it.
You just know their first Resident Evil game was 4.
That's exactly what i'm talking about. In RE1 you have this huge conspiracy, two months later Raccoon City goes to shit and that's it. We have this huge setup for a story that's missing the third act. Where have the remaining STARS members gone to? What did they do? Nothing, the next game(CV) is almost a reboot that doesn't even reference the previous games and RE4 is a reboot in everything but the name. 5 goes on and does nothing, suddenly the DLC shows Chris and Jill going after Spencer without any setup or explanation and then world goes to shit in 6. It's a jumbled mess of unfinished ideas with an ensemble cast that goes nowhere. It feels like i'm playing the fucking brainchild of a 12 year old off his Ritalin who watched too much Pulp Fiction, Twin Peaks and Lost.
RE7 is rumored to be in development for ages, so I don't think that's the case, I think this is really what they came to the conclusion would be better to make, if it was a side project and they wanted to make it as a RE spin off they wouldn't have named it RE7, they would have named it something like RE VR. Remember when RE4 was in development and they got all those crazy ideas about using ghosts and shit as enemies? Maybe they decided to have a bit more freedom now.
So, I was just thinking, isn't this the same as RE3 were it was actually going to be a spin-off and ended up being a numbered, main series games because Sony demanded it?
Its multiplat.
Resident Evil was always about cheesy b-movie scifi horror action mixed with tense atmosphere/environmental puzzles. The original games, with a few excpetions, struck a nice balance between the two.
You're a retard if you think this isn't just as bad as the post RE4 games, but on the opposite end of the spectrum.
Wesker and Spencer are dead as of 5. Far as I'm concerned, any story threads worth a damn are done, and what we've gotten since is basically fanfiction.
You guys think we'll see a hookman in 7?
This is the ultimate revisionist history for the sake of getting angry over RE7.
RE was Survival Horror until 4. It had action elements in 3, but that's it. RE1 created the genre that SH perfected.
I'm glad RE7 is going back into the Horror side of things, instead of pandering to the lowest form of casual shitter like RE5 and 6.
What's the dummy finger for?
Let's see if that's evocative of the final game first before we start flinging shit. All we have is a demo so far. For all we know, this could be a PT situation.
Most likely for the full game since it's clearly a key
For people wondering it's not a reboot or an alternate universe thing.
>Resident Evil 7 is set after the events of Resident Evil 6, taking place in modern day and revolving around a foreboding, derelict plantation mansion in rural America. Players must explore and survive the horrors within the mysterious, sprawling estate.
so when the person in the trailer says she is back, are they talking about Ada wong or that Natalie kid? Because this can both wrap up either of their origin stories. Could be the wesker plantation house in south america or something where they created the wesker children.
>underage detected
The only reason you thought the first games were scary was because you were underage when you played it
Secret unlockable easter egg in the full game
yfw hookman is in the game
Umbrella's behind it all
this is the arklay murders
Considering that (unlike P.T.) the game's main selling point is it's VR compatibility, I HIGHLY doubt that the final product will be much different than what we're being presented.
>It has the classic inventory system
>It has aim and attack buttons
>It has puzzles
>Atmosphere is oprresive and horrific
>Sound design is actually scary.
This is more RE than anything post 3.
I hope a bunch of uninformed Re4,5 and 6 fans buy this, and then complain online that it's "too scary to play" and "why can't they suplex the zombies?"
I'm betting on Natalia. She is possessed by Alex.
>Ada wong
>not a reboot or an alternate universe
Fuck me i've had enough of the story past 3
i hope the retarded plot is kept to a minimum
>literally sold millions of games based on this WITH RE1-2- REmake.
It had action elements since the first fucking game. You got a fucking Grenade Launcher fifteen minutes in.
RE has only been scary when I was a fucking child.
Where is the campy characters, Capcom? Where are the attractive women only you make?
This is literally just Silent Hill.
Hey idiot, this can't be the Arklay Murders if it's taking place after fucking RE 6.
>taking place in modern day
>Atmosphere is oprresive and horrific
Except when you realize that it's impossible to die since the entire demo is 100% scripted and none of the "scary" things that happen can affect the player's progress at all, including the BOO scares at the end.
Do we know if we're even playing as the camera man? could be like that big busted women from revelations demo
>Fuck being scary! WHERE'S THE HOOKERS N GUNS?!
Yeah, and you'll be able to shoot thing in this game. Thankfully, it will remain in the horror side of things with very limited inventory and ammo counts.
I'm actually disgusted at the demo. It was designed to make everyone think there's some kind of super-secret hidden ending that can be unlocked by doing meaningless things in an arbitrary, convoluted order, that you're always just one playthrough away from being the first person to discover.
I hate this shitty style of marketing. It's what Rockstar did with the Chiliad Mystery, and what Kojima did with PT. It lures you in with the promise of discovering something meaningful, when you're really just running around in circles for hours.
It's cheap. Make a good game with good gameplay instead of trying to trick people, you fucking hacks.
i bet you watch anime
shit you're right
I doubt it, you wear different shoes
I like this new survival horror direction. Laughing at all these salty fags.
>Wanting reboots.
You are the cancer of modern entertainment.
Hello, children.
I'd rather RE keep the things I know it has always had AND try new things, not "Okay throw out everything because kids want PT".
>people literally want RE to go back to this.
This is a vertical slice to show the inventory, exploring and puzzle elements.
The game will have combat.
Which direction?
First person? It has been like that for years now
SO there's different endings ?
I honestly don't know how to feel about this. It's the biggest u turn ever in a videogame franchise. Not even the jump from RE3 to 4 is comparable. I really like the presentation, and if they don't rely on jumpscares it might be an interesting experiment.
But in all seriousness, they shamelessly pagiarized PT. The opening of the demo is IDENTICAL. I'd like to see the first meeting in which someone said out loud "why don't we copy PT?".
>why can't they suplex the zombies?
I have NEVER liked the whole melee finisher thing about modern RE. I guess Revelations wasn't THAT awful about it but shit like suplexing zombies is too dumb for me, and we're talking about a pretty dumb series here. Could never get behind that shit.
And that's the next problem i have with the story. Retcons. Wesker died in RE1, you can find his body next to the self-destruct mechanism. But no, the series needed a recurring villain for 3 more games. RE0 makes no sense because with the events that Rebecca went through, she would be most capable character in RE1. Nothing makes sense. It's all a convoluted and incoherent mess. Why can't they just pick the fucking STARS members and follow them from game to game. No interludes, no retcons, some of them die, new characters come in, some new characters die and the story goes on. Cause and effect, choice and direct consequence.
No, they want it to go back to this. What fans don't want is some Outlast or PT thing.
It's genious though. The demo will keep appearing in the streaming services all over the place.
This is much better marketing than that shitty RE6 demo.
>open door
>guy teleports behind you and punches you in the face
>answer phone
>guy teleports behind you and punches you in the face
Did you read my post? DESU camera method doesn't matter to me personally.
>It's the biggest u turn ever in a videogame franchise
Resident evil 4.
Is the guy a someone? Or is he some nobody monster\character?
Just played the demo. I liked it. Definitely a huge change for RE, but there's RE stuff in there. Still a jump scare game. Capcom got my interest though. I wanna see combat.
It's kind of genius really, since Konami can't exactly sue Capcom since they canned Silent Hills like a petulant child.
read the entire fucking post before replying
Resident Evil is traditionally a horror game. The compulsion to action is what made the series terrible. Demanding everything be a cliched action game and proudly proclaiming you aren't scared of things is what children do, not the other way around.
Like i said, i bet you watch anime. i bet you have shitty drawings of the girls on your pc. Remake was pretty tense.
Yeah everything past the village in resident evil 4 is pretty terrible
I doubt the shit in the demo is even real it even has ghost ladies and shit
Seems more like a prolouge to the main game or just a demo that will actually never be in the game
Le random Outlast crazy redneck man
Because zombies were too fun to be scary desu
They're kkeping all the elements of classic RE, including a smaller more focused story, puzzles, VERY limited inventory, and more focus on choosing when to fight, instead of killing everything.
Aside from being first person and throwing campy shit out the window in favor of a frankly better more psychological focused horror element, I see no reason to be angry over this.
Hell, it feels like a more natural evolution of the franchise than RE5 and 6 did.
you have RE2make for that.
It's already done and settled, REmake sales did that.
This is the final RE game into the main story series; Capcom has said it's the final chapter that'll end everything. Of course they're not going to go back to that camera angle style for 7.
Just wait until the reboot happens or RE2make comes out. If RE2make is successful then they'll prob do RE3make n such.
Yes, I know, been there since first one, and the games were not scary. Their province was cheap, laughable b-movie horror. If anything they were about resource management.
Tense I would say is a much better descriptor. When they worked at least.
>Not even the jump from RE3 to 4 is comparable.
Oh yeah, don't get me wrong – it's genius from a business perspective. They'll probably make a load of money from this formula.
I just think it's creatively fucking bankrupt.