What does Sup Forums think about the new remastered Crash games?
What does Sup Forums think about the new remastered Crash games?
The word "remaster" gets thrown around a lot these days
Both the 2016 Ratchet and Clank remake and the upscaled port collection of the first 3 games were called "remasters" in their marketing
unless they have bonus content I'm not interested
>no CTR HD
a bit dissapointed
Just put the effort of remastering into a new game.
>Both the 2016 Ratchet and Clank remake and the upscaled port collection of the first 3 games were called "remasters" in their marketing
Wrong. Ratchet & Clank was always advertised as a re-imagining of the first game.
Day 1 buy. Loved the games on PS1.
Crash 1 is probably gonna get casualized.
Naughty Dog can't be bothered with a shit-tier series like Crash anymore, they got to churn out more QTE-infested third-person shooters with linear climbing segments.
As long as they don't deviate from what the games were originally like and make them more akin to HD versions of them I'm certainly getting them.
It's a good thing.
Who's in charge of making them?
1. who is developing the remakes?
2. when can we see some gameplay?
until we know more than just "it's happening", i don't feel like speculating on how i feel.
>yfw the crash cameo in uncharted 4 was actually a demo of it
After all this talk about Crash, I'm really in the mode to play through the old Crash games. I have all 3 as digital downloads on my PS3. Do I start playing through them now and ruin my appetite for the remakes, or do I wait the unspecified amount of time for the remakes to release?
I don't own a ps4 but I like it. Crash is one of those series that could make me buy a console.
But the presentation made it feel like they struck some shitt deal with activision just so that they can shill skylanders even more. Unless it gets bought out by sony and the franchise is given back to Naughty Dog, I'm staying cautious. The only good Crash games were the first trilogy, CTR, and Twinsanity, rest was either horrible or medicore. The GBA 2D ones were all right.
>Remasters. No mention of Naughty Dog.
Will they ever put this shit up on NA Vita?
I'm not gonna bother making a EU account
>Made by Activision
Is it going to be a actual remake or just the same old games upscaled to HD?
An attempt at appeasement, because they knew that the Skylanders announcement would piss off the fans
depends on to what extent they take it. I just hope people know the different aren't expecting ratchet and clank level of visuals.
>old games upscaled to HD
You can't do that with a PS1 game.
Why would you want naughty dog making this game?
Yeah, which is why this is interesting because simple "we put it in HD resolution and forced some AA" simply won't do for a 3D PS1 game.
They did for the PS1 FF7 port for PS4
They wouldn't do a press release for a port
They did just that for the PS4 port of FFVII
Not what I wanted.
>Not remakes
They will be upscaled PS1 games with slightly better models, textures and lighting, no new content whatsoever.
Yeah, but that wasn't a remaster.
I think they are just going to be HD ports. I am disappointed
Oh yes they would
I hope they get rid of most of gimmick levels from Crash 3. The game was awesome but that shit sucked ass.
I am kinda hyped if they are full blown remakes or even remasters with updated graphics/widescreen/etc. Crash 1-3 were some of my favorite games on the Playstation.
I just hope activision or some shitty no-name studio isn't doing it.
The best part is we're going to get high quality soundtracks
Do you really want another disappointmet?
Nobody could make a good Crash game nowadays because they worked around the PS1 limitations.
They've stated they've been working on them for the last year, how can it just be a HD port if it takes a year?
>Implying they won't pull a nuRatchet and swap all the music tracks.
my thoughts exactly
>Nobody could make a good Crash game nowadays because they worked around the PS1 limitations.
You absolutely can, just design it the same way except you're not doing it for technical shortcomings this time.
Franchises evolve
Mario has galaxy and 3d world
Crash could modernize his gameplay
because they are the only people with the finesse to handle their franchise.
This is an interesting watch.
The way they said "from the ground up' leads me to believe they're not just simple up-scales. Maybe I'm too optimistic.
>Crash 1 is probably gonna get casualized.
I swear this is going to fucking piss me off. It's not even that hard. It just offers a nice decent challenge. If they fucking fuck up Slippery Climb I will fucking kill them.
Fuck, Mancell is so based
Aren't those games avaiable on the PSN? If yes then there's no reason at all for this remaster to exist..
I wonder if they'll include Stormy Ascent as extra content
Crash Bandicoot Remaster is going to be that one game people say they want but when it actually comes out, it sells like shit and everyone pretends that they didn't want it.
If they can fix the problems the first one had like the save system of Crash 1 or the awkward controls, sure. Worked for Super Mario All Stars.
He also said "remaster"
You are being to optimistic
Actually considering getting a PS4 for this. My PS1 is broken and I don't have a PS3 so I haven't been able to play these games in way too long.
Is it even PS4 exclusive? They said at the conference that it's "coming to PS4" which basically confirms it'll be on Xbone too if recent trends continue. Xbone has more good released and upcoming exclusives so unless this is a PS4 exclusive remaster, I'll get that new xbone slim instead for it.
Dude, fuck Slippery Climb. Not because it's that hard of a level, kinda annoying but easy. No, fuck that level because there is no check point for 3 levels starting at this level. You have to do the Climb, then the Dark corridor, then the temple with bullshit snakes and spiders and really weird perspective jump, and of course the level take 2 minutes, before you can even save your progress. Which mean that you have 3 lives to not fuck up 3 times in a game where one hit kill you and where perspective is a bitch.
Fuck crash 1 saving system.
>Implying your average 2016 gamer can even come close to complete stormy ascent
More like they'll do to Slippery Climb what they did to Stormy Ascent.
Ground up mean that they redid everything.
Fuck you. I want it NOW!
>being this excited for a port remaster
Remasters are almost often a huge ripoff. You can literally play all of these games for free, sans "HD textures", as if a 20 year old game is going to look any more groundbreaking with the contrast turned up and a bloom effect added
But that was a remake, not a remaster.
pls no
Depends on how long it'll take the remakes to be done. Maybe play CTR and Crash Bash instead?
Stormy Ascent was taken out because it was the same level right after another slippery climb.
It will never not be hilarious that FF7 is coming out on Xbox One.
No. That was a remaster. They redid the sprite work, did new save systems and ect.
You can expect the same for Crash. Achievements too.
was stormy ascent going to be the hardest stage in the game?
the hardest thing for me was probably getting all the crates in Sunset Vista or Cortex Power since the latter required backtracking
How do you even casualize Crash though? The game is pretty straight forward and not hard at all.
But redoing the graphics from the ground doesn't counts as remaster? They look nothing like the originals. For Crash they're probably going to just polish the textures.
>Aku-Aku saves you from pits.
>No longer need to hit all boxes for gems.
>Boulder segments now turn the camera forward.
>Hog riding comes with a brake button.
>he thinks neo naughty dog would make a good crash game
In the Beta version, Sunset Vista was also very different. To the point where different people will tell you whether Stormy Ascent or Beta Sunset Vista is the hardest level in Crash Bandicoot.
Those changes would make no sense at all, they completely alter the core mechanics.
why didn't you just farm extra lives nigga
They wouldn't dare.
Because that's boring as fuck and does not work for the most part.
You wont tell me that it's fun to go somewhere and farm lives.
as long as you get the official season pass, good goy
it might be boring but it's easy and better than getting a continue
Remaster is a term that mean nothing. They will redo the games.
Add subtle magnetizing to tricky plataforms so players dont cry when they have to start sunset vista for the third time.
Add more checkpoints, perhaps infinite lifes or middle mission continues.
Tweak the speed so some jumps are pure hold foward, no finesse required.
And that's why I hope they fix the saving system of Crash 1.
I think the most likely change is that if you die and respawn at a checkpoint you'll still be able to get the stage's gem and that alone will make getting 100% twice as easy
It's a good way to say "HEY GUYS CRASH IS BACK but not really".
I'm still hoping on Twinsanity 2 with all the cut content + more
I'll give them the benefit of doubt and trust trust that they will test the waters with the remakes.
If the first wave of remakes is successful, they might remake the remaining titles and even develop new ones.
We'll see.
Crash already has casual features built in. If you fail enough you start getting extra Aku Akus and checkpoints
>implying this is hard
Where was Stormy Ascent originally supposed to be? Before the Lab, between the Lab and the Great Hall or after the Great Hall?
It's shit!
At least they have an excuse to stick to the original formula. An entirely new game would butcher the gameplay.
I think I have absolutely no reason to care seeing as I can play all 3 on my PS3 right now. I really don't care how crisp the shit graphics are of a ps1 game.
Whoever's handling crash just pissed me off with that Skylanders bullshit, this is nothing.
that actually annoys me
sometimes I start fucking up the levels but I don't want the game to go easy on me, plus I think when it happens the change is permanent on your save file and even the boulders slow down for you
The climb is not hard. It's the combined effect of the two other levels after that too.
And the gameplay sucks, feel really off.
Casualized? How? The game is ultra casual, even my dad beat it.
I've realized Coco made me into who I am today.
I thought getting the gem in high road was harder
but high road is easy as fuck one you know what to do
Final level before cortex
Great video thanks user
Hyped. It's more or less a collection of remakes, so hopefully they don't fuck too much with them.
Crash 1
>First game gets 2's updates
>Enemies, select bosses and levels are reworked to cater to this
>World Map is changed or reworked in to island hubs with boats (e.g. Spyro and Hot Air Balloons)
>Tawna gets swapped out for Coco
>Aku Aku gets dialogue in the first game
Crash 2
>Second game carries over data from the first
>All bosses are beefed up in difficulty with patterns reworked
>Reworked bonus warp room to allow for different paths and/or levels
>Final boss is reworked entirely
Crash 3
>Minor changes regarding levels
Online Addition
>Leaderboards for scoring and time attack
>all those changes to Crash 1