Do you still play on last-gen consoles?
Do you still play on last-gen consoles?
Demon's Souls and any shooter with the wii mote.
Still have a big ps3 backlog
will play Persona 5 on PS3 unless the PS4 drops to $300
Yes. Dirt 3 at least 2 hours a day as long as the servers are still on. After that I'll probably get a PS4.
I only have like 3 games left to play on the PS3 (been procrastinating despite owning the games), and like 2 Wii games to emulate and then I'll never touch any of them again.
I did play like 60+ retail games on that PS3, didn't count in a while.
>playing on consoles
I would do if I ever got round to my backlog.
Played red dead redemption a couple weeks ago. It was ok, but I don't think pc users are missing out on much.
Ironically I play the most on the Wii out and any of them now, but at the time I was repulsed by it.
dude, i still got PS1 PS2 PS3 and XBOX and xbox 360, Heck my old shitty pc is still there, god i can't wait to tell my son beatiful stories (made me wanna cry thinking for all these years of gaming my god.)
Yes, all games I want are on PC or also have a PS3 release.
Ofcourse. Bought a second hand 500GB PS3 Slim with a ton of exclusives for 200$ back when the PS4 came out, and now I'm playing the backlog of last gen exclusives for next to nothing. GOTY editions with all DLC included go for 10$ now, and graphics+performance is quite good if you're okay with 30fps. I think I spent about 350$ for the console + second controller + some extra games I wanted to try.
I will probably repeat this process once the 4.5 comes out, and people start selling their PS4+games for 200$.
The biggest drawback here is that you can't play new games - but at least you don't pay 50$ for a bad game because you bought into some hype. Also, online playing is a lot worse - f.e. RDR has little online activity. Today I played Journey for the first time, and I only met 2 people. Second biggest drawback is that last gen games feel really similar to each other, but maybe that's just the console feel.
Actually yes. There's no fucking shooters this gen and that's what I like. (yes I play overwatch too now)
Yeah. Bought a Wii around launch, played some games on it. Still good for casual party games and Nintendo co-op stuff. Play with my imouto every once in a while.
Bought a PS3 last year and cfw'd it. Been playing PS1, PS2, PS3 ISOs.
Feels good to be a patient person.
Of course, I have a computer too.
I play PS2 remasters.
I have a DS Lite, an Xbox huegh and a 360.
Im planning on getting a PS3 just to play P5 and perhaps other shit.
None of the current gen consoles appeal to me. I wanted to get a dirt cheap Wii U but nintendo is already making a new console so...
Of course I do, Leifthrasir just came out.
I never had an interest in consoles (the only one that I ever owned was a PS1, other than that only and always PC) but in 2013 I bought a used Wii with two controllers, nunchucks and a classic controller pro for 45 euritos, hooked it to the bulky Trinitron 32" in the outbuilding next to the pool.
Currently playing Epic Mickey on it after various Nintendo games.
On a CRT it looks amazing, it was definitely a better console than most people seem to think.
Annon the ps4 was 299 during christmas with the Battlefront/Uncharted or Blops 3 bundle.
I still use my wii to play emulators, rhythm games or Light shooters.
What are some good light shooters on Wii?
Occasionally. I never sell old consoles.
Yeah I bought a ps3 recently, been playing through the games I missed because I used to only have 360/Wii. Also I'm currently playing through Dragon Quest V on the DS. Recommend me some ps3 games anons, I won't be buying a ps4 anytime soon
Yakuza 3,4,5.
I still play my PS3 semi regularly, trying to play through Yakuza 5. Will boot up Razing Storm/House of the Dead every once and awhile to play with Move.
360 gets played maybe once every other month for Rez HD
Wii is in a box.
I built a PC since I wasn't interested in any of the 8th gen consoles, but I still have my 360. Occasionally I'll go to Gamestop or wherever and buy a game that I never played during 7th gen.
I still play ps2.
I still play all of my consoles
>being a pcuck
Playing the silent hill collection and the darkness 1 on ps
Yes, I hope to finish Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last Story, Final Fantasy 13 and Resonance of Fate this summer.
Was just playing dead rising 1 on 360 and working my through Yakuza 4 on PS3.
I still can't believe dead rising and RDR still are not working on Xbone. I think they are the last 2 games that are system locked (as in best version/only version being on 360).
Yes. somehow, i am addicted to Elder Scrolls, and cant stop playing them over and over and over... send help D:
>Silent Hill HD collection
Still get some use out of my phat ps3 playing console exclusives and some cod games
Wii is amazing for emulation and PS3 for anything else. Xbox 360 is a bit dead, though, even if the multiplats are better there.
Been playing Assloads of call of duty #
Playing Link's Awakening on emulator on PSP right now.
>Playing old shit
Are you guys poor or what? How can you evne play something not in 1080, everything below hurt my eyes XD
>my son
>Sup Forums poster gaming autist
Get real
Nigga the only console I play nowadays is my PS2
whether or not you're joking, your post is shit
here's your (you)
I still play my PS3, I often alternate between clearing up old PS3 games and playing new PS4 games.
My 360 is packed away, i would have got rid of it but I have so much digital content it is not worth selling.
Funny that I rarely play my PC, anymore too and I have shit loads of games on steam. I find consoles more comfy
I cant afford new gen, so yeah
Got me a homebrew Wii and a PS3 I still play frequently. Though the PS3 has been more of a DVD player recently. But I still really like it.
not much since backward compat
I play some PS1 and PS2 every so often, what I really want to play is my PS3 but it got YLOD right before PS3 got a decent library.
I have a ton of games that I can never play again, it is bullshit.
Every time I look for a second hand one they are all about 50 euro under the price of a PS4.
I'd get some PS4 games but they are expensive as hell when you can get PS3 game for nothing.
I hate being a poorfag.
I got a ps3, my first playstation console, 2 years ago and I love it but now I have a huge backlog, one life isn't enough
dont know where you're looking, but i just got a preowned ps3 slim 120gb for £60 the other day off ebay
I still have a wii in my room that I play virtual console games on every once in a while.
Damm thats a decent deal, problem is I am terrified I to get a preowned only for it to YLOD a week later.
yeah, i still play the fuck out of my softmodded wii w/ 120 games on it. disaster, deadly creatures, fishing resort are all dope games.
Yes actually. The 360 had some great shmups, and I've been playing Revelator on PS3 because I don't want to buy a PS4 arcade stick.
I'd rather wait for dual PCB options if I /have/ to pay $200 for a stick.
What shmups are 360 exclusive anyway?
I still play my PS1 and PS2. Bought SNES 2 years ago but games for that thing became expensive as fuck lately.
I still have my PS3 hooked, I used to play alot on it but nowadays my vidya time is mostly PS4/Vita and sometimes PC. It's just that I sort of exhausted the PS3 library and moved on to the fresh new games.
gamecube master race
The disgusting thing about not having a PS3 is they get great games on PSN plus every so often while PS4 get shit indies.
Fuck didn't PS3 get free Demon souls?
They've been re-released on PC outside of the usually shmupMAME, but I already owned Akai Katana, Espgaluda II, Deathsmiles, Mushihimesama Futari and Dodonpachi Resurrection on X360 by the time any of them had proper PC releases.
No point in buying them again desu.
Yeah but it was long time ago, at the time online was free and there was only one console that got "free" games so I imagine the budgets were different. Now there are 3 consoles that get "free" games and online is a service included in PS+ so I imagine there is less money available + less incentive to negotiate good deals with publishers.
Yes that's what I play the most actually, I rarely buy anything current gen because of the everlasting backlog
I have my Xbox 360 as a DL box since it gets 24 "free games" a year so I only turn it on twice a month to get those games
Name 5 ps3 must-haves
Name 5 pc must haves
Starcraft Brood War
Warcraft 3 (for the better dota)
And I'm really having trouble recommending a 5th because there are a fuck tonne of games to play it really depends what genre you are into.
I play last-gen games but on PC.
Aren't most of the games on PS3 is playable on PS4 from their PSN stores?
>Not owning a PC with a Phantek Enthoo Evolv ATX case.
being poor doesn't give you much options
I'm riding my 360 out till the end baby