how the FUCK do you beat the Taurus Demon? He is too hard I get killed every time.
How the FUCK do you beat the Taurus Demon? He is too hard I get killed every time
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Git gud
press this button
He's a pretty difficult boss at this point in the game. You just have to keep trying. Eventually you'll get enough practice.
Maybe try to take the dogs out first. The stairs are your friend too.
Post your stats and gear.
Thats the Capra Demon you baka
If someone tells you tricks on how to cheese bosses when you say you're having trouble, please don't. It ruins all the fun and sense of accomplishment of overcoming the boss
Plunging attack from roof. Repeat about 3 times.
I've been there, had more trouble with him than Capra or Gargoyles.
Kill the archers at the start of the fight, then when he appears immediately climb up the tower and do a plunge attack on him. Rinse and repeat.
Also, Gold Pine Resin does fuckloads of extra damage to him.
O, s-sorry user-chan.
In that case, just climb up the ladder at the beginning and take out the undead guys up there, then run down to activate the boss battle. Then run back and climb up the ladder and attack him until he jumps up on the tower, at which point you fall down and run toward the other side of the bridge. He'll follow you. Then as he's running, quickly run past him again before he can attack you (sometimes you'll get hit), and then run up the ladder again and repeat.
It literally jumped out of the bridge and killed itself the first time I faced it.
You could try to lure it to the border and try to make it fall if you are having problems with it.
Ignore everyone else in this thread and just dodge and do forward jumping attacks, while blocking the arrows. It'll be a lot more rewarding, and probably make later parts of the game easier because you actually know what you're doing.
How do you take out the dogs first without getting hit by the Capra Demon?
You damage them enough they turn into a ragdoll.
Kill the archers first when the demon comes down run to the stairs and do a 2handed jump attack after that keep your shield up and attack after.he attacks
>climb ladder, kill archers
>cheese boss with plunging attacks
Or man up and fight him straight up. Dodge roll forward for his side attacks. Dodge roll back when he does a forward slam. Stick and dodge, user.
Roll and then run up the stairs. Capra Demon is easy
op here i just tried 2 times to get to him. got killed by the skeletons both times before reaching him
Maybe this game isnt for me.
Just run past them and don't bother fighting.
Take it slow and don't run into groups like a retard.
How do I kill em ive been stuck for a week
Im using full havels and BKGS +5 ring of Fap and wolf ring
Try summoning
Dark souls is the kind of game that when you learn the timing of the attacks it goes from almost impossible to cake walk
apart from some bosses
What weapons are using? What level are you?
The problem has to be somewhere.
It is not that hard. if you are capable of filling out captcha you should be able to beat taurus.
how do I kill the Stray Demon??!!! there are never any summon signs nearby
level 8 warrior using sword from tutorial
Did you put all points into res?
Longsword is a good weapon.
This should be easy.
If you want it easy kill the small one first; fat guys moves are easily dodged. Also try summoning.
Stay behind him and back up when he is going to slam the hammer you can attack after the magic particles have disappeared bleed weapons are especially effective against him
>Full havels
Here is your problem.
You need speed son. Take that amour off and go for something quick. FAP gives you more health but you might want this one for the stamina.
try and outpace Smough and focus on Oristien, roll and heal a lot.
Or get summon help. Solaire's sign should be just past the left stair case on the bottom floor of central part of cathedral.
Snorlax in utlra form isn't too hard, just avoid his attacks like last time.
You're telling me! When I put my summon sign down outside his door, took me half an hour to get summoned.
you don't need any summoning. you can outrun every attack. I always try to stay close behind him.
Also roll speed.
you can literally block his attacks
Im trying to get the leo ring and im outta humanity
Ornstein is not really hard to fight but I wanna get the leo ring and when I get close to smough he 3 shots me
Trust me, there are so many items in game that make res redundant, you don't need it.
Look up a leveling guide if you need help.
Going back to DaS1 on Friday for the reboot community day was refreshing but I found the game to be 100x easier than DaS3.
However, do all Faith builds fucking suck? I immediately wanted to reroll because I felt weaker than shit even though I beat the first 3 bosses with ease. Hell, even got the Demon Hammer by killing the tutorial boss without real weapons.
Smough's attacks are pretty easy to dodge, and he leaves himself open to hits after. Get your weight down to allow fast rolls, keep them both on the screen and kite them around until Smough gives you a punish window. Whack him and then gtfo before you get your ass speared. You will get punished by Ornstein if you get too greedy hitting Smough so just be patient and careful.
The most dangerous things you should be wary of are Smough's obnoxious shovel charge and Ornstein deciding to be an asshole and warpdrive away from the screen.
>all faith
Do you mean, all your points in faith?
that would be silly
There are only 5 weapons that scale naturally with faith so that leaves you being Extremely weak without any offensive miracles
Kill moonlight and get divine ember ASAP then.
Use gold pine resin
spam light attack
Yes also join the warriors.of sunlight covenant at 30 faith the basic lighting spear 2 shots the capra demon
So I'm finally playing PvP on dark souls and wtf is going on?
>playing forest guardians
>invade some asshole with 20 foot
>walk up facing towards him
>insta reposte backstab
>haven't even swung
>invade another asshole
>has glowing dagger while I have halberd
>can't even reach them with my halberd but somehow he's hitting me
>step back to shoot fireballs still facing them
>insta reposte/back stabbed
>invade some guy with katana
>you can guess what happens
Wtf I'm not even facing away or swinging at them
He clearly doesn't, that's a good excercise for future runs though, getting gang raped can help a lot.
start the game again a play without a overpowered gear, then you will git gud instead of cheesing the game by not being staggered and receiving almost no damage and killing everything in 1 or 2 hits with your black knight weapon and you will be able to beat them.
Thanks user I killed em and survived with 7 HP God bless
>DS1 75% off
>$17,49 on my country
>i have only $11 on my steam wallet
Can someone borrow me $6?
I am dyng here, user.
id: sadicwin32
If on pc
On ps3
This or just switch to better gear. Havels armor is just too heavy so you won't be able to run or dodge and anything black knight is absolute trash by then. If you don't do it now it'll only get worse later on. Pick a weapon that isn't a shitty black knight or special soul weapon that can be properly upgraded and buffed.
DaS1 has the worst multiplayer in the series, in both the matchmaking and the actual game mechanics, don't bother with it.
I already killed em but what would you recommend for a STR build? my BKGS is pretty slow but good
Something like that
My first black knight dropped his shield after shitting on me several times and I relied on that shield like a motherfucker. Never really learned to roll until my second play through
He's weak to fire and lightning, as well as plunging attacks. Bait him to raising his axe, then roll under his legs and get a few hits in. Roll INTO his attacks, that's the key. If you want to keep your distance, try fire bombs.
Get a Chaos Zweihander +5 and try again.
For the most optimal build also wear a Father's mask and Giant's Armor and a grass crest shield.
you dont need to roll or block anything with havel, and you can still fat troll, also, black knight is the most op thing of the entire game. i dont even think they should drop before the last level;
For me he killed himself by jumping off the bridge lol
start with a jump attack from the tower.
You can both evade and block his attacks.
Timing can be hard at the beginning for evading but your shileld can block his attacks entirely.
whatever you do DON'T summon. it's literally the same as cheating
Definitely do this, ignore people saying that you won't feel accomplished because if you're coming here you've died enough times for it to still be rewarding.
90% sure this is Inuitinua in OP. She's at this part of the game.
Use the assassin's blade. Bleed damage does like 10% of his health every 3 or so attacks.
Always be behind him and use a bleed weapon on his fat ass.
When you get the positioning right he'll repeatedly use his magic blast attack which won't hit you behind him.
Is the abyss greatsword good I just killed knight artorias
I like it.
Run up the stairs, dogs are faster and you can pick them off before Capra arrives. Jump down and repeat.
I played about 50 hours on pirated Dark Souls, now its under 5 bucks on steam. Im actually a poorfag so i want to really think this over.
How good is the multiplayer? Does it deserve 5 bucks?
Its really fun
Grab PVP Watchdog and DS Connectivity Mod.
Whatever you do, don't summon.
That's the scrub way.
Im from europe, still good idea?
Forgot to mention. :^)
dont use it unless you're consistently going to have 10 humanity. even then it's just okay. also be careful because its requirements are extremely inconvenient. you need decent levels in everything
>summoning for the taurus demon
It's not that hard, just block ornstein's attacks and dodge smough's attack. Kill ornstein if you want it easier
>DaS1 has the worst multiplayer in the series
You fucking retard.
>in both the matchmaking
That's DaS3: this past week, I've been getting non-stop invasions, so any matchmaking issues outside of summoning are down to the shrinking player-base. DaS3 has auto-summon covenants that don't work for a not insignificant number of players, so it's objectively worse. The netcode also somehow manages to take a step back from DaS2.
>and the actual game mechanics
Again, that's DaS3, with its universal two-hit stun, awful meta, terrible weapon variety and poise/ vit/ heavy armour being practically useless.
I regret not buying DaS while on sale, I bought DaS2 instead and while it was fun and good combat.... the fucking level design had potential but it was bland and uninspired.
DaS is the true Dungeons and Dragons experience.
>anything black knight is absolute trash by then
this is 100% false. bk weapons can carry you all the way to ng+
Let's say minimum wage was $5 an hour. You spent 50 hours on it. 50 x 5 is $250. You played a minimum of $250 worth of gameplay if minimum wage is $5.
If $5 is too much for you then you really need to rethink your life. Even if you're a 14 year old kid who shouldn't be posting here. That is not a lot of money even if you're poor. If being poor was a real issue then you should be trying to make money and not play videogames.
Haven't played dks3 but I heard it really REALLY sucks to invade. Is it true?
Same things for me. Then In NG+ i would cheese it out with plunging attacks.
>mfw I cheesed the gargoyles by throwing fire bombs on their ass the entire fight
I hope I wasn't the only one who did this
I'm not supposed to ever go on the other side of the bridge during the Taurus Demon fight right? I tried that the second time and had trouble getting back onto the ladder.
Well, looks like i was unmasked. Im actually not poor. I just really dont want to spend EVEN A DIME if the product is not what i want. If the multiplayer is shitty (laggy, no summons) then i wont pay for it. And yes, you are right i should have bought it already because it is a lot of fun and i like the developers. Im actually buying it ATM.
>buy bow from homeless man
>go under bridge under the fire drake
>obtain drake sword
>use it to kill gargoyles and then promptly delete it
>hoo boy first boss fight let's go baby
>he jumps off the wall
it's not that bad.
you just have to prepare for every host having at least one summon and expect a blueberry to come at some point. fortunately, invaders have estus that refills when a phantom is killed.
just go to the forest and make the dudes run off the stairs until you out-level the game
Mostly because invasions now prioritise hosts that have a phantom: you're more often than not dealing with at least two players, often three.
The host has twice the healing items you do, can summon phantoms indefinitely up to the three man limit, and has access to the Seed of A Tree of Giants (turns enemies hostile to invaders). And a bluefag will often spawn in to help the host on top of all that (most of my invasions have had a blue show up in the first minute, no exaggeration). Add to that
>the fact that summoned friends are usually scaled down to the host's level but with end-game gear (which they can give to the host)
>a lack of poise so you can get stunlocked into a corner (and heavy armour being functionally useless)
>estus being very difficult to properly punish
>everyone being able to casually walk out of backstab animations while drinkingwalk
and you have a very, very frustrating experience for invaders.
>inb4 lol get gud fgt I beat gankers all the time, just use it to your advantage
Even at my 6th playthrough i just can't kill them fair and square.
I had to resort to use the pine resin to burst the first fucker down before his butt buddy showed up, i just can't do it with no buffs/summons
full stamina + shield = no damage taken from attacks
after you block you can destroy him then start blocking again
>Multiplayer still being alive at this point
Everybody's moved on to dark souls 3 at this point.
Though maybe it's just me. Not getting a single invasion / being invaded.
Anyway. Went back to dark souls 1 and hated it. I can't believe how greatly Dark Souls 3 has improved on literally EVERYTHING.
I just killed them in my first ever playtrough at the first try with 1 estus . Guess i was overleveled a bit.
You still after it Bro?
Or just two-hand a strong weapon.
Seriously, sl1 runs don't get remotely difficult until O&S. Maybe Quelaag.
I have a love/hate relationship with those guys.
On one hand they are ridiculously strong, on the other hand they are pretty fun to fight, since they have 0 poise you can have some fun bashing their skulls in
I beat Gwyn and linked the fire but apparently everyone lied to me and linking the fire is bad
So I just beat the gargoyles and Quelaag, are there anything of note I should do before ringing the bells? Might as well save everybody and meet the other dinosaur this time around.