D44M thread
D44M thread
What do you want us to say?
It's a tedious and repetitious Glory Killing fest in endless lock-down combat arena rooms, that are there to hide the very limited max enemy count on screen.
D4 is full of modern crap, the most annyoing being not only one, but THREE upgrade trees & level-up systems.
"Plot and exposition isn't crammed down your throat!"...except when the game literally sit you down to watch a legit fucking cutscenes.
Enemies are totally not a threat thanks to the GKs, and Chainsaw being a 1-hit insta-kill tool that fully refills your ammo and HP.
It's a schizophrenic mess with severe identity crisises, which people now only THINK means "oldschool". Especially the MP is a prime example of this shit, and you're just delusional, low-standard moron to think that the SP would be either perfect, or ANYTHING like Doom.
>I played the game on Hurt me Plenty
Nope. UV.
On lower modes there's literally no reason to do GKs.
Also the difficulty setting does not change the fact that the game's tedious, boring, LINEAR and EMPTY as fuck.
Did we play the same game?
I don't know about anyone else but I can't wait for the snapmap updates.
Maybe you've just never played a pre-2002 shooter.
t. piratefag
>not the superior mom
Thanks mate
And you stop Having shitty opinions
No problem, user.
I played and loved the original DOOM and still enjoy D44M. You are just an angry faggot
I played the demo on ultra-violence
It's wonky. I spent too much time pressing F.
I dunno, I didn't like it, but I might be old.
>P-Please stop having actual standards! You're hurting muh gaymer pride!!
Doom 4 sucks ASS.
Loathed it, even enough that I uninstalled it after 4 hours of gameplay.
The fighting seems sluggish, enemies jump up on the rafters for no reason, there's no more than 16 people fighting you at one time, enemies are clustered in areas mainly meaning the remainder of the map is just dead area. The glory kill system seems forced and pointless, not to mention you just kind of warp to enemies to go towards them. The lack of ammo is purely artificial, meaning you have a low max ammo count but there's ammo drops all over the fucking place plus every enemy poops out shells.
Map design is boring and feels completely linear. Secrets are not well hidden and just feel slapped on the map.
Honestly, it feels like any old generic shooter game except it has demons and dubstep. 4/10
The demo is pretty cool, I can run shit at medium settings FOV 110 without AA at 60fps.
All these arguments are either wrong or just opinions desu
I don't know, I agree with him. Especially the enemies hopping around randomly or the ammo count being stupid when every enemy drops whatever you're missing.
>You're wrong!! Those are just opinions!!!
How about you prove how I am wrong.
Meanwhile, you can watch this handy video so you know I'm not just some madman rambling on his own:
nice try but I'm not watching your video.
I don't need to watch some autists video to form my opinion on a game
Stay mad, Zenimax shills.
Your game's shit, and people are slowly starting to realize it.
Actually if anything it's the opposite, more people are finally giving the game a try and realizing their assumptions were wrong and that it's actually a fun game. Stay mad though, you're the only one stubborn enough to sit in these threads and scream your opinion in hopes of drowning everyone else out.
oh it's you then, you post the same picture in every thread. Fuck off faggot
>there's no more than 16 people fighting you at one time
I wish an actual Serious Sam was announced just to point you in that direction to fuck off.
>muh steam charts numbers
Did you ever think to consider those 16 monsters are a lot more of a threat individually than individual Doom 1 monsters?
The possesed soldiers have AoE blast attacks, Imps can lead fireballs, Revenants go for rocket barrages, Barons and Hell Knights can utterly fuck you up close, and Mancubi this time around have a close quarters flame attack to shrug off point blank shooting. Not to menation summoners harassing you with blasts while summoning Imps and even Hell Knights.
16 Doom 4 monsters are a lot more threatening than 16 of the same equivalent Doom 1 monsters.
>Actually if anything it's the opposite, more people are finally giving the game a try and realizing their assumptions were wrong and that it's actually a fun game
I wonder what "assumptions". Anyone who did not realize how the SP would play after all that footage + interviews given by the devs, long before the release, are just idiotic morons.
The campaign did not surprise me one bit, it was EXACTLY what I told people already months ago: linear progressing through empty corridors, with obligatory combat rooms that spawn tons of enemies to kill (except I was wrong: there was never "tons" of enemies), in "cinematic" ways that make you feel badass (for the first 3 or so times maybe).
All the exploration was pretty much cut thanks to enemies refueling your pockets, yet they had to try and fill this shallow quota of "secrets", just so they could say the game has them.
It's also cute how all you shills cleverly avoid commenting on the MP and SnapMap, since everyone agrees they are shit. "PLZ review teh game as a whole entity, with all 3 parts!", said Beth-fucks when they denied press the early review copies.
OK then! Your game is 2/3 complete SHIT, and 1/3 lukewarm piss.
>I wish an actual Serious Sam was announced just to point you in that direction to fuck off.
I am actually very much looking forward to Sam 4.
That game will BTFO of nu-Duum. Hell, Sam 3 already does.
I actually like the soundtrack in this game.
>It's a tedious and repetitious Glory Killing fest in endless lock-down combat arena rooms, that are there to hide the very limited max enemy count on screen.
So you've not played it. Good to know. You do realise that Snapmap is not the same as the single player, right? And Good luck doing Glory kill spam on any actually hard difficulty.
Dude, stop fucking lying you retard. You can say shit like
>"Enemies are totally not a threat thanks to the GKs, and Chainsaw being a 1-hit insta-kill tool that fully refills your ammo and HP."
And then expect us to actually believe you've played the game on a difficulty that actually challenges anyone with experience in shooters. Spamming either GK or Chainsaw is the best way to get killed if you're stupid enough of a fuck to do that on Nightmare.
>The fighting seems sluggish, enemies jump up on the rafters for no reason
Oh, you mean the fucking Imps that are programmed to flee and try to keep you at a distance when possible, retard?
>The glory kill system seems forced and pointless
You mean except for the fact that it keeps you in the battle without you having to back off and hide behind corners and search for healthpacks? You fucking fuck.
>The lack of ammo is purely artificial, meaning you have a low max ammo count but there's ammo drops all over the fucking place plus every enemy poops out shells.
>there's no more than 16 people fighting you at one time, enemies are clustered in areas mainly meaning the remainder of the map is just dead area
You really aren't even trying to hide the fact that you've not played past the few first levels now, are you? Let's ignore your dumb as fuck statements and talk about the fact that enemies are faster and tougher than in the original Doom, so from a design point of view it would be retarded to do 30+ enemy swarms all around you. And now I'm at the text limit, fuck
>I have many regrets, Dr. Hayden
>Did you ever think to consider those 16 monsters are a lot more of a threat individually than individual Doom 1 monsters?
Yeah, because they HAD TO make it so.
It was the same reason as back in 90s when Quake came out, and the hardware couldn't show more than a few 3D enemies at once.
But that's again moving the goalposts. The thing is, outside the tiny combat arenas, there are next to NO enemies roaming around the maps, at all! You are literally running around in empty corridors, only to get stuck in a tiny space to fight off (run in circles) slowly spawning mobs.
I played the demo and really liked it. It's fast, fun, and feels pretty satisfying
I'll probably buy it when it's like 30 bucks
That's not shocking at all.
I just played the demo and holy shit what an absolute blast. I love it.
>Spamming either GK or Chainsaw is the best way to get killed if you're stupid enough of a fuck to do that on Nightmare.
This. Chainsaw has limited fuel charges, and using it on a mancubi or Hell Knight and above takes a fuckton of fuel. And you can't glory kill that back. GK's also leave you still just as you exit the invincibility period, leaving you open for a stray fireball or blast to easily hurt you more than you gained.
why did you reply to the OP???
>turbo autist spergs down every replies in the thread
>only ignores this one
like pottery
>Sup Forums says game will be shit
>it's really good
like clockwork
Clicked the wrong one and didn't bother to proofread.
post the best songs
whats the one from hell with the choir singing?
And now they are shitting all over it just so they can act all smug saying I TOLD YOU SO, when they played only the first level
Can you suck my dick please?
t. buyers remorse
I haven't played it yet, but most people here who actually played the game seem to love it. Why was the game such a shitposting magnet if it actually turned out good?
Titan's Realm
Beat it yesterday. It was ....really fun....
Because both hipsterfags that weren't alive when the original game came out hate anything new, and new fags from the days of ToRtanic that want every game to be massive flops
Sup Forums gets butt blasted when they're wrong
That's just how Sup Forums is, its a shithole of reactionary morons who just believe what the hivemind believes and think they're more "enlightened" than the average "casual scum". Once Sup Forums has decided a game will be bad, there's nothing that can change their collective retarded mind about it. They won't even try it out, and on the off chance they do, they'll suffer from major placebo. It's really, really sad.
It would have been a lot better without the shitty upgrade system.
>new fags from the days of ToRtanic
That was 5 years ago
And? 15 year olds who came from that are 20 now, they've grown up thinking the only fun thing to do on Sup Forums is hope everything fails.
said, I swear most of the faggots complaining about D44M are just BRutal Doom faggots that doesn't seem to remember how the old Dooms were like, and the fact that they had a sprint button.
Which is why it's so fucking stupid whenever I see someone complain that D44M is "Not as fast", even though the average speed is much faster and enemies are much faster as well, resulting in a much more fast paced combat most of the time.
Doesn't mean that the old Dooms were necessarily slow, they could make up the lack of speed in enemies through sheer numbers, both in bodies and projectiles and forcing you to use sprint that way.
I don't ever remember holding down sprint 24/7 though and I doubt anyone else did either.
I'm fine with people disliking D44M and not enjoying the upgrade system and shit, even if I personally think they are good in D44M but I really fucking despise the lies and shit being said.
I wish they would remove the demon rune
The only real question is if the game is worth $20 a year from now.
God damn I've been here too long...
video game kiddos don't have a single clue where the game really shines the lore
Dood thread?
Dood thread.
5 years is a pretty fucking long time, I'm pretty sure that a large amount of anons posting/lurking here now weren't even around for it back then
Okay Sup Forums, this game, right now. Buy or no buy? I liked the other doom games, for reference.
Might want to wait for a sale. The future is probably looking brighter MP wise since id managed to get control of MP decisions back from Creative recently.
Yeah but the thing is those newfags become somewhat-oldfags and inspired the next generation of newfags. Sup Forums has degenerated into what the 14 and 15 year olds of 2011 wanted it to be because now them and the people who learned from them are the majority.
Get it, but I don't blame you if you want to wait on a sale.
Buy. Everyone I've talked to who's played it and was a fan of the OG dooms loves it (including me) and everyone I've talked to that doesn't like it are underaged hipsters who probably didn't even play the originals until Sup Forums started shitting themselves because of D44M. Anecdotal but its true.
I'm not much of a MP fan these days. I liked MP back in the days of fast arena shooters, but how is this games, MP? Also, how much content is in the single player, cause that's my main concern with this game.
You're severely underestimating the time it takes the average shitposter to mentally develop. Every other board makes fun of this one for a reason.
>people fell for the Doom MP is bad meme
That does not matter one bit when the people who haven't even played it makes thing extremely obvious.
It's damn fun, and since id confirmed they are in control of it now and even mentioned the PC player base, it's only gonna get better and more developed, which is fucking awesome
on another note, does that brestplate look like a smug frog to you guys?
I got it for $40 off G2A, even that's a bit too much considering I haven't touched it after finished it on the second to last difficulty.
>Why was the game such a shitposting magnet if it actually turned out good?
It's honestly not even that good, it's 'okay' but not great, there's also plenty of reasons to regret spending money on it.
At least this place isn't as bad as Sup Forums
The single player is what's great about the game, so depending on your budget, you might perhaps want to wait for a sale. If you don't have any problems with money at all, you might want to go for it.
But before you buy, know that D44M does have some differences from the old ones. Besides the obvious ones, you're, on average at least, faster than in the original Doom. D44M has no sprint but is much faster than original Doom guy's walking speed but also a bit slower than original Doom guy's run speed.
The pace of the combat is pretty damn fast too since enemies are faster and tougher than in the original Doom but also less in numbers as a result.
New D44M has upgrade, with each weapon having two different upgrades that you can "Level" by spending points. Points are earned through various means.
There's also other upgrades (Increases max health, armour and ammo depending on your choice, as well as upgrades that improves other shit) to be found through the levels and there are "Rune trials" which are pretty much small challenges that gives you a Rune which has a passive effect. You can equip up to 4 runes.
I personally like these things, especially the upgrades since it does make weapons more varied and useful in various situations and some are pretty fucking fun to use, like the mini-missile upgrade for your heavy assault rifle that you can put points into to fire a shit ton of them until you run out of ammo or you release the fire button.
>try the demo
>only 7 FPS
Welp, looks like it's time to upgrade my shitty, hand-me-down CPU I got from a friend
Also, forgot to mention that the single player is 10+ hour long, more depending on difficulty and whether you try to find all the secrets or not. If you play on a difficulty that actually challenges you and gets you killed, you'll probably see 12-14 hours I think? That's just a pure guess from my part.
I'd give this place 3 more years tops until it reaches the level of Sup Forums's shittiness.
>Also, forgot to mention that the single player is 10+ hour long
try about 7 hours on UV, if i were to go back and do UV I could definitely do it in 5, it's not that difficult
It's actually gotten better than it used to be user. 2011 was probably the peak of shitposting off topic threads and mods not doing their jobs
Why did Sup Forums turn out so bad? It was pretty small, then it somehow reached a shitposting quotient that seems impossible.
With Sup Forums it's obvious (tumblr cancer). But what the fuck happened with Sup Forums?
the meme was just too strong, but they didn't know...
There has to be more to it, one forced meme can't just warp an entire board like that. What else happened in 2012-2013 to /tv?
TV shows and movies probably have the widest and largest demographic of all the interests represented on Sup Forums. Of course it's gonna be bad with that many people there.
Its not just a little meme
Its a big meme for you
I vaguely remember Glau-posting and essentially growing waifuism, but that wasn't that bad.
It's really just baneposting.
I think I remember hearing how waifuism (especially towards underage actresses) started getting purged over there a couple years ago.
give the demo on steam a try
The announcement of Quake Champions was pretty much id software's way to say "Doom MP is dead. We admit defeat"
pretty much the opposite since they announced extended support for doom mp to drum up interest for quake
>You mean except for the fact that it keeps you in the battle without you having to back off and hide behind corners and search for healthpacks? You fucking fuck.
Now I like DOOM and all, but this was cringe tier shillery, kys
>pretty much the opposite
first stage: denial
i don't think you realize the extent of brain damage baneposting inflicted to Sup Forums
They were probably basing their opinion on the MP alpha/betas, which were fucking awful and I hope whoever was in charge of marketing got fired for showing off nothing but the shittiest part of the game
>and I hope whoever was in charge of marketing got fired for showing off nothing but the shittiest part of the game
we can only pray
Tell me how I'm wrong then, faggot. You going to tell me that being forced out of combat to look around for health packs is objectively better? I aint even saying it's bad, but the point of Glorykills and it giving health is pretty obvious here.