>try something that looks new and fun
>Normies trash it and instead praise a game that looks the exact same as the ten billion ww2 games that were happening a decade ago
but why?
>try something that looks new and fun
>Normies trash it and instead praise a game that looks the exact same as the ten billion ww2 games that were happening a decade ago
but why?
>normies just catch up with old memes
And now kids also hate The Beatles. More news at 11.
>CoD being shit is a meme
I was legitimately impressed by this. Those were really interesting mechanics at work. The only bad part was the constant COD speak. Why's everyone mad about this?
new for call of duty maybe
there have been space shooters like that for a while now
hello Reeddit!
>Sup Forums makes fun of COD being shit
>normies love it
>normies now hate it because it's the cool thing to do
>Sup Forums now love it
Battlefield fans
Such as...?
how much of that do you think will make into the multiplayer?,the only part of the game people actually care about?
>praise a game that looks the exact same as the ten billion ww2 games that were happening a decade ago
Don't you fucking dare compare classic WW2 shooters to the abortion that is Battlefield 1
It would be interesting to see. Im looking forward to it
I didn't even know it was CoD. Looked great.
Except Sup Forums are the normies and so are you, poser retard.
No I'm not
but you're here
I thought this was Killzone at first, so I got really excited. After I found out it was CoD, my excitement didn't vanish. I haven't played CoD since WaW and I have actually never even tried multiplayer. If someone told me yesterday that I would get excited for CoD, I would just laugh in his face, but now I don't know what to feel.
I just dont like games set in the future. Mechanics look like fun, so I might give it a spin.
It is though. People hate CoD for the same reason people hate Twilight, Bieber, Kany, Nickelback, etc. It's social signaling, when a hatebase is large enough you can quickly gain status by joining that hatebase, regardless of if your own taste is shit. People that hate Twilight don't care about literature, people that hate Bieber have shit taste in music, and people that hate CoD have shit taste in video games. But by hating on what's popular you can convince yourself and others that at least you don't like that thing, so your taste can't be THAT bad.
Both are still the same shit. Both will still sell well. You're all morons.
This game looks like garbage regardless of the name. Aren't you guys tired of being some unkillable space marine who can murder the entire enemy army in 5 seconds? This new game isn't patrician, you're all just casuals who hate CoD because Sup Forums tells you to.
>Show great gameplay, everyone gets hype
>"lol its actually that game you were all shit talking a month ago"
>everyone gets more hype
Brilliant way to get people interested in the game again. I wonder how many people changed their opinion after seeing that.
Yes, it is.
But it dowsn't look new, only as fun as a CoD can get
You really expect people to take something named "infinite warfare" seriously?
>taking games seriously
I'll definitely play the campaign, it looks pretty fun.
The multiplayer will most likely still be polished mediocrity, but since I haven't played CoD in a really long time I'm fine with that.
It probably won't be the greatest game of the year, but people who say it'll be shit have no clue what they're talking about. I can't think of a really bad CoD, they've all been in 5/10 to 7/10 range.
I too got hyped at the start, but then I remembered that the singleplayer will still be a 5 hour long walk in the park where you get railroaded from setpiece to setpiece with no replayability and boring recoilless hitscan weapons and the multiplayer will still be a mindless run and gun 6vs6 in small maps where you keep getting fucked over by lag because dude peer to peer lmao
It's just another CoD, you've played one you've played them all
I find it funny once again people are saying the same things in the comments of the videos like the first trailer
>its looks like a good game but not a good COD game so I'm not buying it XD
>anyone else come here just to downvote XD
At least this time its not being botted and the likes/dislikes are genuine.
it looked really good and i think everyone was impressed with the showing at sonys conference. the problem is they already ruined the reputation and the taste people have for this game.
>everyone running around with smgs
>medics have semi auto rifles
>massive lmgs are shot standing
what a fucking nightmare
its been a popular thing to hate since around 2008 or 2009. I know because i was on the hate bandwagon even though I'd literally never played any of the games or saw any gameplay other than what was show on tv commercials. That changed last year when I bought BO3 so now I've been going back and playing olders ones to see what I missed out on.
>Oh shit, Mass Effect is FPS now??
>It's Call of Duty
What the fuck is going on?
>all the guns have the same ww2 era aperture sights a an attachment
Gotta love the dad shoes
If the space fighting part is not on-rails and in the campaign you can choose where you want to go first, I might actually buy CoD game.
I just wanted 64v64 bayonet charges
I wanted it without playing the slowfest that was verdun
You don't know what you are talking about. COD has dedicated servers on PC AND console now you fucking retard.
if you can customize your fleet/vessel and free roam and decide which battles to fight, BOOM great top tier game already.
I don't understand the hate. I thought people disliked CoD for being stale. It looked pretty new to me
>people that hate bieber have shit taste in music
But what did he mean by this?
Post your reaction when you found out it was Call of Duty at Sony E3 conference
I'm honestly more mad about people not realizing BF1 is just another reskin than I've ever been mad about CoD kids.
I knew it was CoD right away, but wished it wasn't.
Most people who dislike CoD have no idea why they dislike it because they are just desperately trying to fit in
it looked interesting when it was the spaceship fightan though
after that it became more dull, boring cod shit
cause normies gonna norm
it looked new up until he left the spaceship
then it was the same old shit
I wonder if they didn't tag it with the franchise name, would people be interested in it? After all, the franchise is trying so hard not to be what it was.. at least story wise.
I...I actually might pick this up, and I fucking hate modern CoD with a passion.
you know that the only possibly interesting bit, the spaceship flying, will be a tiny fraction of the gameplay and the rest will be your standard shitty cod game
why do you keep falling for the trick
Well... Well no ones stopping you from doing that you fucking dickhead. Buy things you like.
>Modern Warfare Remastered Gameplay Trailer
>1 minute of edgy cutscenes and cinematics
its the gunplay i cant stand.
it was tolerable until MW3 and Blops 2 then it just became fucking bulletsponge spam with no hardcore modes or mods or any real community.
CoD's community is fucking horrible.
I honestly have not picked up a CoD game since CoD4, and even then this looks far better then Battlefield 1, to be honest.
What's up with all these shill threads for Infinite Warfare saying ''WOW WHY DO NORMIES HATE IT''?
Literally exhaustion.
We have gotten yearly CoD for more than 10 years and the franchise took a shift towards casuals hard post-MW1.
It's why people gotten so pissed off with Ass Creed, Batman Arkham, Mario, Pokemon, Halo, God of War and EA Sports games.
There's too many of them and no matter what innovation it brings, people are fucking sick of it and nothing they'll ever do will save it.
Especially when CoD isn't even the most popular FPS game anymore with casuals going for Battlefield 1 because of EA's stupid marketing tactics, Titanfall, Fallout 4, resurgence of Doom and Overwatch taking over the competitive side.
CoD will loose relevancy in the next year or 2.
Pretty much this. I thought it would be a new Killzone at first. I haven't actually ever even played CoD multiplayer, is it really that bad?
>vee is contrarian
It's funny seeing these posts saying
over and over again, both in IW threads and in Black Ops 3 threads.
You shills are absolutely horrible.
So now that being a contrarian edgelord is mainstream normieshit can we admit that this looks fucken awesome?
Just to add to that, that 1 second shot of the AK47 firing at the end of the Infinite Warfare reveal trailer is more fucking MW:R gameplay than we got shown at E3
It's CoD in space, who gives a fuck.
Funny how they outright dropped Ghosts because nobody liked it even with that sequel bait.
That was the case around when MW3 was being released, and that's where the original dislike of the games comes from. Now people hopped on the bandwagon a few years too late and hate the game because it's the cool thing to do, without knowing what were the issues with the series in the first place. They're disliking a Call of Duty with spaceships, mechs and grappling hooks because it's obviously the same old shooter set in the cold war.
Of course, all that while dickriding Battlefield 1, a reskin of Battlefield 3, Hardline, and 4 for being fresh and so different from Battlefields 3, Hardline and 4.
TL;DR - people are fucktards and sheep with no opinions.
Of course, and this is totally not a reskin of COD4 with a few gimmicks.
People secure in their own taste don't feel the need to spend all day in the Youtube comment section whining about pop artists that they hate. Being apart of a "hatebase" is a huge red flag that you have shitty taste and are trying to compensate by shitting on something that's safe to shit on.
No, they are disliking CoD with ships mechs and grappling hooks because they know it's just CoD with ships, mechs and grapplin hooks, AKA gimmicks that will get old 5 minutes in, and most of which won't appear in the multiplayer.
>calls others sheep
>while trying to pass off Titanfall in space as something new
Both franchises are complete, stale pieces of shit that should have died years ago.
BF and CoD, the embodiments of everything that's wrong with this industry.
Fuck off cheap shill, both are the same shit.
>Sup Forums is now the only people looking forward to Call of Duty
Kek when did this reversal happen?
>Sup Forums
No it's just a bunch of shills, funny how they also spent weeks shilling BO3 and a week after it came out everyone forgot it existed.
Yes, my beloved goys, buying CoD is what will make you stop being sheep.
Remember to prepurchase the Deluxe Edition to get that COD4 remaster, silly goys!
>everyone cheering for games
>IW shows up
>just a few obligatory claps
The only beef I've got with this is the fact it's going to cost over £100 for the game, remaster of MW, and a season pass...
It's absolutely insane.
But I agree with you, maybe I wasn't clear enough. What I can't understand is how people can bash CoD for being the same old shit and praise BF for being oh so fresh and new, when it's CoD that's arguably innovating more this time around.
I'm not saying that CoD is the second coming, just that people are tearing it a new asshole for completely wrong reasons.
They just don't know how to word things.
People want things to be simpler, plus the futuristic setting has been run into the ground as of late.
>Advanced Warfare
>Black Ops 3
>Halo 5
>Halo MCC
They milked a setting that's just not that interesting.
People will always prefer more grounded games, and the reception of a WWII COD would be the opposite of IW.
If this was Killzone game I might have bought it, but I don't want Call of Duty game on my shelf. Just the name would poison my whole collection.
Who cares, they'll release the remaster later.
Definatly not paying more than $10 for a neo-Cowadooty.
>no hardcore modes
but what about the hardcore modes?
Worst game of the E3, down there with Watch Dogs 2 and BF1.
>when MW3 was being released
MW3 is MW 2.5.
They only had like 5 or 6 months to make it so it feels like an addon. But it's playable and actually good.
Maps suck though.