Realistically, what does Nintendo have to do if they want to win E3 one hour and thirty minutes from now?
Realistically, what does Nintendo have to do if they want to win E3 one hour and thirty minutes from now?
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Make a good Zelda.
It's not that difficult.
Everyone gets a free NX. EVERYONE.
other than that. nothing, they could put on a good show, but win? nah.
Show Zelda and have it be like Bloodborne.
Give a Voucher for anyone who bought a WIIU to upgrade to an NX for $100
New Metroid Game
Apologize for Starfox
Resurrect Iwata
Show more than just Zelda and Pokemon
They don't even have a conference. They lost by default.
Or won, depending on how you look at it
Show the NX which is stronger than the Scorpio and isn't loaded with gimmick shit and has an actual third party line up
>Resurrect Iwata
Have a press conference, for starters.
Anyone who bought SF0 gets a free NX.
Announcement of them dropping Amiibo
NX news next month
Without really thinking about it this is exactly what I want.
Not pushing a diversity agenda like EA and Ubisoft would work
Pokémon MMO. That has been and always will be the only thing that will stop Nintendo as a whole from being a joke.
theres literally nothing nintendo can realistically do that will give them more than 4/10 by the v hivemind
I'd be happy with 1/5 of these happening.
Melee HD
I already sold my WiiU because I know it won't happen.
good specs for the NX
third party support for NX
Everything else will get called shit anyway, at least make the NX good.
nah fuck off
Give us information on the NX. We all come to e3 with things we wanted to see. Whoever delivers the things we wanted wins.
I want NX info.
The Scorpio and Neo are going to be $1000+ machines tied with VR. This is going to be a very small market of console players who absolutely don't wanna build a PC.
The NX is just competing with the PS4 and Xbone Slim.
killing herselfs.
The NX will once again be behind, but if I could upgrade to it for $100 I guess that's not so bad.
It's been confirmed they're gonna be showing some Dragon Quest shit tomorrow, hasn't it?
Show more new Pokegirls to fuel even more porn.
Galaxy 3
Some reward for Wii U owners for staying with them
Gamecube remaster? F-ZONE/Mario sunshine 60fps
Something for Mario 64 20th anniversary
Mario Galaxy on new3ds, wii ports
Melee HD
You got your new Metroid.
>Show Zelda for like 20 minutes of gameplay
>Release dates of DQVII and DQVIII
>Maybe a bit of a revamp for the new Paper Mario
New metroid game
Custom robo for the Wii U with online multiplayer
The World Ends with U
Kid Icarus Uprising 2 Wii U
Information that the NX is going to have an actual controller instead of purely motion controls
Melee HD
Paper Mario PAINt splash cancelled in light of another paper mario series due to the overwhelming backlash
New Mario 3d platformer (similar to Sunshine or SM64)
pick 2-3 of those. That's what it will take, and we won't see any one of those happen.
This will only happen as a last push for money before the franchise dies, and Nintendo probably won't let Pokemon die no matter what state it's in.
We don't know what NX is. It could be competing with the mobile market seeing as it's possibly a handheld.
>Mario Galaxy on new3ds, wii ports
Holy shit that's a pretty awful idea, have you seen the screen?
>The World Ends with U
Never ever gonna happen but God damn that would be perfect.
A TWEWY sequel (not even a Nintendo game)
I really wish Nintendo go third party
They are the laughing stock of the industry
Make a Xeno game as good as Gears
show something that is not zelda
which is not going to happen because they said they were just showing zelda
Just have Zelda be passable.
Everything else this e3 has been trash.
As for winning me over, same as above, and show new Pokémon.
And announce DQMJ3.
Why do people still hold out hope for an NX reveal? They told shareholders that it wouldn't be at E3
Announce that they are no longer making consoles.
Reveal an actual pokemon game. As in, on PS4/XB, with real graphics, full RPG system, no shitty handheld fagshit.
It's a console/handheld hybrid, correct? I'm guessing the console is gonna be using cartridges so you can plug it into the controller and play on the go, then resume playing on the big screen when you get home.
Thay just have to not make everyone cringe
The mobile market is dead, phones have killed it.
A combo device (console portable hybrid) may work.
New mainline Animal Crossing game
You will cringe with the treehouse fags
It's inevitable
I wonder what they're gonna make first: Spla2n or AC for NX?
What were Animal Crossing BUY AMIBOS and Home Designer BUY CARDS not enough for you this year?
There is no realistic victory here. No matter how awesome the new Zelda game will be, it doesn't change the fact it's coming out in 2017, which leaves the Wii U with scraps this year. Not to mention it's coming to NX; a system that clearly was supposed to come out this year but was delayed.
A victory for Nintendo is to not embarrass themselves like last year's E3.
Have a change of heart. I mean the E3 wasn't all that great this year, but one game no matter how good it is won't win people over. It's a 2017 title on top of that. You can please the fans, but the general public wants quantity. They want a show.
They knew this strategy would alienate most people. They better commit to it and be ready for PR, because the press will remind them of the competition and ask why in the fuck they didn't announce the NX and when we will get some news every chance they get.
They have to, at the very least, show Pikmin 4. They won't though.
please stop
Unveil robot Iwata.
So is it literally only going to be zelda?
Nothing else?
What's the point?
i feel your pain
massive donks,effective pokemans and furios furrys howsdat
one-handed plebs
They made the n3DS for Xenoblade, wish they would do more with it. Galaxy isn't the best idea with Mario looking tiny on the 3DS screen. Gotta be some game they could port that would be good on a handheld.
Weegee's Mansion 3 in development for the NX launch.
>What's the point?
>going to be zelda?
New Pokemon for 3DS too.
Ashley game
Announce Swapnote wifi has been reenabled once more.
A portable Pikmin would be really cool, but that would burn the franchise.
they really dont have to do anything. they already won because Nintendo fans on Sup Forums said so.
Sony and M$ shot themselves in the foot by showing "movies" one after another non-stop. Nintendo just need ONE(1) 'game' to win this.
For the actual """"""""conference""""""""? Yes.
Though we were told they'll show off a ton of other games during Treehouse like previous years.
>People seriously thought the NX would come out this year
>When the Wii U has had an average run time compared to every other console
Why do you want it to come out now and risk it being a rushed piece of shit?
I want to have rough vaginal sex with that girl.
Promise to introduce a competitive console for the first time since the 64.
I'm just bracing myself because you know they will announce a feature that's going to send Sup Forums in to a blind rage. My guess is you can chose your gender in the next Zelda.
Address the backlash against Paper Mario Color Splash if they show it instead of acting as if people are fine with the game
make new ips
Daily reminder to lower your expectations because they won't show anything other than Zelda and pokemon. And Zelda better blow my tits clean off since it got delayed to fuckimg 2017
It's the first mainline Zelda in six fucking years, the others had no chance to compete to begin with.
A trusted source claims Nintendo is going to be announcing the full Five Nights at Freddys package for the N3DS and WiiU
> Show Zelda and have it be like Bloodborne
so you want Zelda with evil moons, aliens and being dark and weird . We already got Majora's Mask
Don't forget VR and we finally have a release date for The Last Ps3 game.
It's a showcase of announced stuff as far as we know. Unless they sneak some surprises there. They really don't give a fuck about E3 anymore.
The thing is that putting it out on March is a bold idea at best, too. September would've been better, could've even got the time to blow out an E3 with games.
We all know that NX is going to have even worse performance than PS4 or Xbox1
>so you want Zelda with evil moons, aliens and being dark and weird . We already got Majora's Mask
Yes. is this a problem?
They've been saying that shit on Neogaf for the past five hours.
Day of Reckoning 3
That's it.
What was their last new ip?
Amiibo Festival was made by Nd Cube and not the usual devs though.
Show Pokemon and Zelda, like they said they would. All the other shows so far have been mediocre at best so it won't be hard for them to win.
That's Federation Force.
which is unrelated because they said they weren't talking about it this e3
make people want to buy their shit
thats literally all winning e3 has ever come down to
how they do that? don't know, im not a marketing expert.
Listen to their fans.
*Bring back franchises that haven't had games in a long time like F-Zero
*Announce they'll stop censoring games
*Release MOTHER 3 uncensored.
*Show off the NX
*They'll tell us that they're going to stop gimmicking their controllers and controls so games can be played normally.
*Show off the NX controller is a regular controller normal people use.
*New Galaxy/Sunshine/64
*More GC remasters
*More Wii U titles until NX launch
*Turn Color Splash into a Paper Mario like the originals.
Just a couple I can remember off the top of my head.
>Galaxy 3
>Sunshine Remaster
>Mario Galaxy on 3ds
>Melee HD
Thank god you don't work for Nintendo.
I loved Nintendo so much but face it they are gone.
They couldn't even do it unrealistically no matter how hard they tried.
Old Nintendo is fucking dead. Time to grow up and move on, neckbeard manchild. Those days will never come back.
>First Animal Crossing spinoff games were created
You're a retard.
Nintendo clearly wanted the system out this year. Wii U is expected to carry out 2016 as a dead console with leftovers similar to their holiday 2015 releases.
It's good Nintendo isn't rushing the NX like they did with the Wii U, but a 2016 release was definitely the plan.
They already confirmed no NX info, so they won't win, sony will have more games.
That being said, I am really hype and anxious to see this new zelda
Better just stop playing video games then because Microsoft and Sony pull some even stupider shit and I only care about a few if their IPs.
They chose the worst possible spinoff possible.
Even AC Kart Racing wouldn't be as bad as this.
How do you know this?
Do you have a source?
I don't care user I'm just sad and I know the facts. We won't get another animal crossing until a new console comes out.
Why the fuck are you guys even expecting anything?
post your waiting music while you wait for nintendos e3