He's a big guy
Killer Instinct
He fits in so well
I only wish I could fucking install windows 10 so I could download and play KI on PC but windows update is apparently taking a huge shit right now
Manlets, when will they learn?
is KI worth getting on da peecee?
>And now Gears of War
Holy shit. Is KI slowly becoming a Microsoft smash bros?
It's worth checking out if you're gonna be upgrading to w10 for all the xbox games that were announced at e3. On it's own it depends how much you want to wade through the shitshow that is trying to get the free upgrade to work or paying like $150 for a w10 licence.
And all you have to do for it is sell your soul.
Jesus christ he's so fucking huge
When is he released?
>Clown suit and monkey suit for gargos
IG is intent on making KI the smash bros of Microsoft.
He's free to play this week and should be released this month
Eyedol when
Is that Nemesis??
>smash bros of Microsoft
The fact that it plays good makes me see no real issue with this.
>One final character
>No leaks indicating who it is
>The only rumors are Eyedol and Doomguy
If it's the second one I think I'm gonna shit my fucking pants.
>actually wanting windows 10
Wew lad
He's not showing up for me in character select in any mode?
I guess my ki hasn't updated yet.
Can I tell ki to check for updates somehow?
There's now a game where The Arbiter and General RAAM can duke it out
That's pretty fuckin cool
Yeah right. Source?
Hopefully the 9nth bonus character is shorchid.
>get a handle of the combo system and all warmed up
>go online
>freeze up and drop everything
im the worst. i played way too much fighting games against CPU and i can't fight people. i played someone who had some kind of "button masher" title and i think there name was "i just mash lights", and they did, and they still beat me.
>liking those characters
You don't even realize how much of a faggot you are do you
Just a rumor that circulated because of some shit they said on twitter. I don't have a screenshot or anything.
>three guest characters
>when the complete original cast hasn't even shown up yet
I would be really upset, but not surprised; Dave Lang has sneaky tendrils all over the place.
No idea, when I tried to start up KI it told me it needed to update and it started that way. Have you tried starting up KI recently?
Who else is missing other than eyedol? Both devs, ig and DH i it pretty clear they don't like eyedol, and won't be including him.
>Stop liking what I don't like
Eyedol's the last one, but hey, they managed to make Tusk somewhat interesting, so they could probably muster something up half-decent for that two-headed goober.
>His whole gimmick is focus attacks
I like it.
To bad they took down Arbiter thought I wasn't done with him. Wish they gave better time lines about how long someone will be free.
I'll try to get 20 online wins as RAAM for the achievement while I can.
No. Dead game.
Why is he so big?
It's actually kinda funny.
Did you play Gears of War? He's a big fella. Murders the fuck out of Asian Kurt Angle.
>worth getting
It's free?
I wish it logged hours like steam, so I can see how much time I spent on it.
Doomguy would be pretty fucking bananas, and even if it's nu-Doomguy, a retro skin would be inevitable. Kinda want this.
He's always been huge. He's 9 ft tall in Gears
When comparing KI to MvC, Raam doesn't seem too big.
I never heard anyone complain about characters like Sentinel or Nemesis.
This, especially considering Gargos is his height. RAAM is wide and tall, though. Gargos is fuckhuge while he's flying though, massive hitbox.
I played the first one way back then, but I don't remember him being THIS big, even when you fought him in the end.
Dude is even taller than the boss!
Do Aganos pls.
For being real fucking big and real fucking slow it sure sucks he doesn't have a projectile.
>I never heard anyone complain about characters like Sentinel or Nemesis.
I liked MvC because of the character variety, from HUEG to tiny like roll and servbot.
I'm not complaining about RAAM's size at all, I'm literally laughing at it.
that said though, I never played MVC 3 fuck sentinel in MVC2. OP character that everyone used just to guarantee they'll win.
He's pretty big.
also holy shit why won't this fucking patch download i fucking hate this windows store shit just put a fucking MS login in a regular PC game fuck
uh what else is there to play? MKX? lmao
Agonos is taller only because of his hunchback. Raam has higher head height.
Well, there's KI Classic... and KI2 Classic... and apparently Tekken Tag 2 via BC?
It's Eagle. There was something about him escaping from his containment.
>windows 10 is bad meme
That would be gay.
He's a large man.
I'm in Africa on a 2mb line. Update is working perfectly fine here, must be you.
Considering how MKX is probably the biggest fighting game around, that's not bad.
>being retarded
It would be, but this hints at it.
www ultra-combo com/ki-novella-chapter-5/
I can confirm that the next character is Eyedol.
>Wanna hear a secret?
His Instinct is a real fucking ballbuster. You get your health drained so fucking fast during Kryllstorm it's fucking ridiculous. You could avoid hitting the enemy player for the entire duration and still take a good 15% off.
It's not the connection, it's the store application (and the general UWP experience) being a piece of shit.
You can throw pretty much anything in KI and it would fit tbf
Nice retort.
How do you get these games on W10? I tried getting Halo Wars 2, and it said it would be in my download queue for my non-existent Xbox One.
It has a free version so it's worth checking out at least.
I think Raam is free until sunday.
>Microsoft thinks people actually like this shitty nothing character just because Sup Forums protest voted for him en masse in a shitty gamestop character poll once precisely BECAUSE he was a shitty nothing character.
why is spawn so fucking fat?
can't hit what you can't see?
>Grab in corner
>Shadow grab
>Enemy player has disconnected
Good character best character
Wasn't Eagle supposed to be Fulgore?
Ultratech needs to learn from Virtua Fighter's G Corporation: wipe the minds BEFORE you turn them into a robotic super-soldier.
Fulgore received Eagle's corrupted consciousness, but the real Eagle was in containment.
He's big and he's slow and he doesn't have very many good options for initiating. Any character with an attack that hits more than once goes right through his Kryll Rush and his stab has a huge windup even if it's done light.
But when he gets going holy fuck he does so much damage.
He's countered into fucking oblivion by Glacius.
>It's free?
If you like playing one character a week.
I kinda wish he had a way to apply Kryll at long range. Force players to initate against him or take dot.
now all they need is a forza car to complete their exclusive lineup.
>Go online
>Expect everyone to jump on the RAAM bandwagon
>first match
He's big and he's slow. Spinal can skeleport around him.
Because RAAM is a fucking giant.
Joanna Dark when?
Nigga RAAM has a point blank AoE attack that makes him invulnerable for its duration and applies Kryll don't let Spinal be up on you like that
RAAM has a potential 100% combo. Will upload a video after work in 9 hours, if somebody else hasn't already.
Crackdown agent
I thought they fucked up and he wasn't released yet. Turn to my W10 store and it's 17 GB update. Cripes, I thought MS just fucked up
Never. How the fuck would you even balance him? He never really did any sort of attacks that want just spazzing out and hitting you.
Wouldn't it be nice if this shit actually self-updated, like other fucking game launchers do?
I was going to say "only if she only has judo chops" but then I remembered that was only in Goldeneye.
Crackdown game when? More likely.
It actually had been I think
>still no "4u" response to OP.
Well, this is no longer the Sup Forums I once knew.
Didn't do shit for me for the entire time my computer's been on today.
I had 8gb downloaded when i checked a few minutes ago
Maybe it starts and stops, dunno
thank fuck
go to Sup Forums