>Want to play guilty pleasure games with cute girls doing cute things
>Steam doesn't let you buy a title without it being shown to your entire friends list
Want to play guilty pleasure games with cute girls doing cute things
Just make a new account, you tasteless homosexual.
make an alt account
make your profile private for 2 weeks till the game you bought is removed from friend's activity
buy the game as a steam key from g2a/kinguin
Make a second account with no friends on it and family share your main account with it.
just pirate it. no one will know
>Paying for games
>not showing your powerlevel to your friends
>being a normalfags
>having normalfags friends
Make a new account or go full privacy n' buy it.
Maybe you should get friends who aren't offended by boobs.
Whats the point of steam if not for showing all losers online the shitty games you play?
Serious question, how old are you? When I was in high school I worried about this shit, once I started working and enrolled in college I stopped caring what others thought of my pastimes and hobbies.
26 but I have real life friends and co-workers on my friends list
unleash your inner weeb
What is some essential moe games?
You can play the game you want you know ? I don't think you have to give à shit about your friends, you're not playing for them.
>Crusader Kings 2
>Dominions 4: Thrones of Ascension
>Magical Diary
Sorry not sorry.
What is the worry? You might get some bantz, but nobody will disown you for playing that garbage. You should be more honest with yourself and your friends.
Not that guy but what if he's friends with his boss and one of the games is Neptunia or literally gay porn?
Why don't you make another account?
nep nep games and senran kagura
I saw those "non-normalfag" Steam profiles. Never again.
>"friends" will get angry at you for playing games they don't like
Stop talking to autistic normalfags, user
I let go of those types of people 2 years ago and it was the best decision I ever made. If me liking Yugioh or Digimon is such a big deal for you, clearly I must not be the kind of person you want to hang around anyway.
Nep games are cancer
Who the fuck checks the games list of others?Nobody gives a fuck OP.
>buying games
Hatoful Boyfriend
yugioh on steam when
>start up weeb game for the first time
>half your friendslist react to it
Yugioh went to shit long ago tho
wow, you are a fucking retard who cares about for you image
you deserve to be shamed faggot
If the boss is a real friend he won't fire him over something like that.
If the boss is not actually his friend but just a steam 'friend', he won't care enough to notice what games you're playing.
If user is so shitty of a worker that the boss is looking for the flimsiest excuse to fire him and will use this to do so, then user can call the ACLU and get a big fat settlement check for discrimination.
Best case is user's weeaboo coworkers find out user is one of them, and they end up going to conventions/jerking off to gay porn together. In my experiences, 1/10th of workers in an average workplace will be anime loving degenerates. This number is higher among the young and women.
Girls are cute at least
Just cause you have up on having friends doesn't mean we're all lonely losers like you.
Really? I have everything in private and nobody has talked me yet.
Just man up.
I'm actually making an indieshit single player game in the style of the old GBA Yu Gi Oh games.
I don't even play in tournaments anymore due to the card game having no real incentive over other games with better prize support. All of my Yugioh activities are online. The problem is people were getting that upset when they saw the YGO Pro icon on my taskbar, despite never even really talking about it.
Knowing Konami, probably never. I doubt they think there's an audience for it.
My friends know who I am, I don't pretend to be someone else to get them to like me. You should be more confident in yourself and your personality. Own your eccentricities; an person is defined by their beliefs and aberrations, if you mask these you stifle your individuality and people probably find you uninteresting.
Why would you want friends that don't accept you for who you are? Let's say you're gay or Jewish or something like that and a guy you befriend is the son of Ben Garrison. Are you seriously going to hide who you are just because you don't want his judgement? Why not just find friends that won't become furious over those traits? I have friends that don't like the stuff I like. One of my friends really hates Virtua Fighter and prefers Smash Bros, for example. I hate Attack on Titan (and most anime, really), but it's his one of his favorite shows. But we're still friends because we respect each others differences and won't sperg out over something as trivial as what shows or games someone likes.
The lot of you clearly don't go to /d/. There are games which can single-handedly ruin your reputation, though none of them are on Steam.
Just pirate it then
I go to Sup Forums regularly. None of my friends are durka durkas or Christians, so no one cares about Corruption of Champions on my hard drive. More importantly, how are they going to find that without snooping anyway? It's not the kind of thing that comes up in regular conversations.
>giving a fuck what a faggot on steam flist has to say or thinks about you
just end yourself
>Corruption of Champions
literally entry level
you have not seen the dark net
But I have. I just don't care for guro or scat that much, so I don't play those kinds of games that often. Part of why I didn't like Starless that much.
so are fetishes a pissing contest now?
>that nico JAV
fucking happy
I want to lick every inch of Nico's body!
maybe OP isn't autist fag?
A lot of autists like showing their steam friends that they play perverted weabshit. People with like 1k hour in sakura club or nekopara
he wants to play anime games, so that's not likely