I really need to get around to playing Nier.
It's a short game. Skip the side-quests and you'll be fine.
>skip the side quests
>miss out on the hilarious banter
Couldn't they have shown this yesterday instead of over the shoulder wilderness survival simulator #652?
Yeah, look at that dumb shmup bullshit.
I love it.
looks awesome, my lads.
They're showing popular IP's or new ones. Nier wasn't a commercial success.
I thought you had to play it like 4 times to get the endings?
Now this looks like a fucking video game, no wonder Sony didn't want to have it onstage. It would have easily upstaged all their shitty movie games.
The replays part puts you at the middle of the game basically and after you replay it once you can skip all the cutscenes up until the last boss
They showed it last year.
Man, what is it with Yoko Taro and Shota boytoys?
This dropped the EXACT MINUTE I decided to get out of bed, I feel blessed.
So the first nier was about everybody feeling justified in their killing, and based on the text in this trailer it will probably focus on the futility of combat in whatever situation Earth is in right now.
somebody hold my I'm going to faint
Oh sweet thanks OP.
Was disappointed I didn't see Nier during Sony's conference, but not surprised.
I like how the desert enemies wear scarfs.
It's a nice trailer, hoping we some more at another event soon though.
E3 rarely show off games whose target audience are that of this game.
Finish it once and watch the other ones on youtube.
Square Enix showed it in their own thing.
>Early 2017
Too bad.
The second, third, and fourth playthroughs all kick off about 2/3 of the way through the game and the second playthrough adds a ton of story content. Now leave before you get spoiled.
oh right, forgot they had their own conference last year
They announced it last year, took less than a minute. The gameplay they showed last year was at the Paris event I believe.
It's not short, and you'd be retarded to skip the sidequests except maybe the fishing ones.
60 hours minimum.
Even after Sony's conference ends they still bring the heat.
everything about the game is good except the gameplay
I can honestly say I expected it to be delayed. 2016 seemed too early even for Platinum.
After beating it once just put it on easy mode and you can blast through the second half in like an hour because you know what to do already
The gameplay isn't even that bad, just mediocre with some sour parts. Some good.
will I be able to play this on the computer?
yes, when someone makes a working PS4 emulator
I liked nier and got endigs a and b.
Why does everyone upplay it so much. Im excited for this new one but people play up the first as if it was this amazing game. It had good writing but honestly it wasnt amazing by any means in gameplay or graphics really.
It took me 35-ish hours to get all endings and most sidequests.
>mfw I loved Nier's gameplay and thought it was above average at worst
The only real problem with it is that blocking and like half the spells are useless.
It looks stupid. This is why I hate japanese games.
oh... ok
Looks freaking great. I really need to go finish Nier sometime.
You should do the fishing too.
The OST was 10/10, story was also great especially after all endings and now the gameplay is done by Platinum which is already a lot better than the combat we had before
The characters, the side stuff the emotions in general. Amazing OST. And a shit ton of back story and lore you can read up on.
>knew about the major spoiler before I even knew about the game
>only did ~2 quests before the timeskip
>didn't even do another playthrough but know what happens
>tfw you completely ruined your experience of playing NieR
where's the dick
>ost was 10/10
I keep reading that but all i remember was i heard the same background track 75% of the game.
>Square Enix Game
>No Exclusive to PS4 logo
There's still hope
After the first ending, the other endings only take about 5 hours and progressively gets faster. When I went for the last ending it only took me two hours.
Check your ears.
Shitty kids can't appreciate good music these days.
i hope the game fucking has more enemy types than they've shown
there's like 3 different regular enemies in all the videos they've shown
This is it. This is literally the only thing worthwhile from E3.
This is the only game I'm looking foward to.
I'm glad that no matter how shit Sony's E3 was, I can still look forward to NieR 2. I love video games.
You're kidding right?
looks coolio
Great story
Great characters
10/10 OST
Decent, responsive gameplay with a unique magic system
Toys with multiple game genres in interesting ways
Excellent art direction even if the graphics aren't the greatest on a technical level
No i specifically remember that because i was listening for the soundtrack after everyone raves about it. Im not saying the music was bad i just heard the same track over and over again.
I fucking love based Taro
It's good for everything but mediocre gameplay. That's why this new one is so fucking exciting. Platinum who are famous for making great gameplay but shit stories making a game with Yoko Taro, someone who's famous for making great stories with shit gameplay. It's a dream combination.
>60 hours minimum.
it took me 60 hours to platinum it, with all sidequests done, you could probably remove a good 20 hours if you don't go material hunting for weapon upgrades.
Just go listen to the entire ost on youtube
Seriously, it's great.
the power 1.3 TFLOPS and a i3 CPU i guess HAHAHAHA
I found the gameplay, particularly the combat system, better than Witcher 3
You mean it's the power of a dev that doesn't give a shit about graphics and is only praised for 5 hour long hack n slashs
Fuck off cancer don't bring your console war shit here
Please don't shitpost in Nier threads
Don't even reply to it. Just hide it.
Friendly reminder he did nothing wrong
He was lied too by the humans and androids, I can't blame him for being pissed and wanting to solve everything on his own
Sidequests are the fucking meat of the game. Just google up where to find specific shit, so you're not hunting forever.
But fuck gardening.
It's hard to say that I wouldn't have done the same.
>that moment when you begin to realize he's the shadowlord
was there a heaven, Sup Forums? Or did I just destroy 13000 years of work just to keep my android daughter alive?
>a sequel to a notoriously shitty game
oh boy im hype
Reminder to ignore posts like this.
>was there a heaven, Sup Forums?
Ending B implied that there's at least some form of afterlife
Kill yourself
Is that the fume ultramemesword?
For real humans at least, who's to say replicants have souls
>choose to erase existence to save Kaine
>the game slowly erases all of the UI and menus, one by one
>it deletes your name
>it then deletes ALL of your save files on that profile
>try to start new game under same name
>it wont let you
>Skip the bullshit sidequests that require you to get shitload of useless and rare materials.
>Do the rest
oh god yes this will be amazing
>mfw starting to catch the references to Drakengard
A red dragon falls from the heavens... Ah, that memory has been lost. A shame. It was a favorite of mine.
>3DPD ahegao
fuck off
Man I love how much detail they go into in grimoire Nier about everything that happened before the game and after the ending of Drakengard.
I hope Caim shows up in Automata somehow
>platinum guys write the story
>Taro is in charge of the gameplay
>they laugh maniacally as they release it
A-user, don't joke about that.
Would he even be alive? Nier takes place centuries after he and Angelus arrive in Tokyo. Though there was that part in Grimoire Nier about someone leading a raid on the bunker that was holding Angelus' corpse.
>tfw ending D is where automata continues off from
It's too bad Cavia is dead, even if Nier and that GitS PS2 game were the only games of theirs I'd really call good.
I always thought Caim was Red-eye. But maybe I'm wrong.
>that everything
>ignore all opinions i dont like
yeah just ignore the fact the first game was terrible and got shat on, it also flopped hard in sales
look at the latest platinum games, scalebound sucked ASS at E3, turtles was crap and transformers was meh
Nier will forever be a shitty game series and Platinum is an extremely overrated developer
Kill yourself
>flopped hard in sales
It sold like a million, this isn't what I'd call "flopped hard".
So how fucked would I be if I played this without playing Nier?
Shooting projectiles looks fucking dumb
other than that - can't wait to play it. Have they revealed a release date?
Early 2017
It takes place thousands of years after Nier. Taro actually said that you aren't really required to play the first game to enjoy this one.
However, I still recommend that you give Nier a shot.
>So the first nier was about everybody feeling justified in their killing, and based on the text in this trailer it will probably focus on the futility of combat in whatever situation Earth is in right now.
Well humanity left Earth and robots are fighting robots. It reminds me of an anime where warfare became exclusively fought with robots, but the consequence was that war never ends anymore because war became just another financial expense. No one protests about warfare or desire to make peace, because no one dies anymore. But the robots that fight these wars are fully sentient, and that means they are intelligent beings sent to fight for humans, and get destroyed for no real reason. And in the end that is rather unfair.
It's like 8000 years after and will have one returning person at best
>Shooting projectiles looks fucking dumb
Fuck your trash opinion, you useless sack of shit.
What's it called? Self aware robots suffering is my favorite.
>mfw it looks good