Does anyone else think VR will result in games being watered down and homogenized into extremely simplified cinematic walking simulator experiences so that they work within the limitations of VR?
Does anyone else think VR will result in games being watered down and homogenized into extremely simplified cinematic...
That's science fiction user. The industry would never go into that direction.
I am worried that you cannot move in a VR game without moving in real life.
Seems like a huge problem that should have figured out a long time ago. Teleporting is not a viable alternative.
most games i saw for VR at E3 were watered down experiences, killing floor did it and someone else but i forget
>didnt fall for the VR meme
enjoy your face wii fags
A little late for that
>wear glasses
>cannot into VR due to glasses
wew lads, guess I dodged a bullet.
Weeeell, I personally think VR has LESS limitations than flat games.
Nausea is an issue but I think it will go away as people get used to it.
VR is fucking dumb and only good for porn
VR is already dead, nothing to worry about.
I want it to do well for technologies sack
On the other hand personally I think it's something I will literally never be interested in
Well no shit. First there's no known sure method for making a good vr game. Second, the selling point of vr are is the feeling that youre actually there. What is the best way to let you enjoy that than cinematic experiences? It won't be something that lasts forever but you can't expect perfection from something so new.
The thing i dislike most about it is for somebody like me who really doesnt care about VR or have any real space to play it in is games like RE7 that were clearly built around it will be garbage with a normal controller.
>Like they aren't already.
We already have that thanks to consoles
I learned today that the only people on Sup Forums actually excited for VR are indie devs themselves here to shill their own games.
Seriously the other VR thread had a dev that was openly brazen in his shilling.
It's a dead platform. The only people who are buying VR headsets are devs developing games for other devs.
>Walking Simulators are turned into Hoveround Simulators so you can move without teleporting or actually walking
People are just fucking stupid with VR trying to make the same games they make without VR. For example the lack of walking is something you have to build into the core of the game. So instead of being stupid and trying to make a shooter where you walk around. You change things to work well.
For example I remember way back in an Xmen game you had nightcrawler that could teleport around. Use that to make the teleporting a core part of the experience rather than some stopgap measure to make up for the lack of space. Or you make a puzzle game where the limited movement is a part of the game. Or you make a game with a jetpack. Or vehicle where you sit
No. There will be VR games, and there will be non-VR games. It'll soon become obvious that trying to make a game be both won't work in most cases.
There are tens of "standing one spot and shoot stuff" games.
That Serious Sam VR is just another one.
Room tracking pisses me off for this reason. Games that use it can't use an environment bigger than a bedroom.
>games being watered down and homogenized into extremely simplified cinematic walking simulator experiences
You mean like they already are?
>mfw people still call these 3d glasses "virtual reality"
no, nobody cares about VR for this to happen
Its already like that.
Look at that serious Sam VR.
Your literally rooted to the ground.
VR is garbage
Some people have reported that forcing yourself to get used to D-Pad movement eventually gets rid of the simulator sickness.
Ankle bracelets to correspond to walking and carefully designed levels so that you'll always be walking in a circle.
I never had the opportunity to try VR headset out yet.
I don't understand why the fuck you can just walk around like a normal game with a stick or KB+mouse
What's the fucking problem?
>Panzer Dragoon-style rail shooter where you ride a dragon
>always automatically move forward so it gets rid of the movement problem
>shoot with a gun or knock on the back of the dragon to make it shoot fireballs
>limited movement by steering the dragon around with your hands
>allows for lots of varied levels and bosses
And it won't happen becaus making that would require actual effort be put into it.
why do people keep posting these? who the hell is this woman?
>VR walking simulators get called "segway simulators"
>killer7 remake
>on rail so that is fixed
>extra stuff in that was obviously scrapped the first time around (as seen in Hand in killer7)
I know it will never happen but damn now i feel sad knowing what I miss
Redirected walking works great if you have a certain minimum space. You don't get that space inside a house.
Are you near-sighted or far-sighted?
Because if you're the former, you should be fine.
So people are finally waking up to the VR bullshit. Took you guys long enough. Had I criticized VR before I only got shit like
It was fucking ridiculous.
kinect all over again, huh?
Accelerations can make you feel anywhere between kind of funny and literally sick. I've only had the "kind of funny" end on my gearVR so far, but I haven't done anything intense on the accelerations either.
you can/will get nauseous. it's weird.
that dude who works on VR at valve put it simply, we have lizard brains. basically vr head sets LITERALLY trick your brain into thinking you're in a new world sinec your eyes are 100% fooled thanks to the motion sensors and crazy tv inside the head set.
so when you use an analog or wasd to move forward your entire brain is telling you "holy FUCK man why are you moving forward so fast all of a sudden? you didn't even move your legs fucker" and you get sick or feel weird.
the best games in vr are therefore ones you sit down in basically. unless you do what vive did and get roomscale, then you can actually walk with your own legs a bit. the teleportation thing they invented too helps for moving around because your brain doesn't think you're all of a sudden gaining velocity as if a hurricane appeared under your ass.
stop being gay
I actually agree with the second point.
Problem is, that's all it is. Just an immersive experience that gets boring after a relatively short while.
Absolutely NO good games on VR. No point in getting it now at all.
You do inside a basement so it should be no problem.
I tried using a joystick to move. The disconnect feels like falling down when lying down on your bed.
Waiting on an awesome first person dragon ball game for vr.
The whole obsession with VR will eventually die down like motion controllers did. Companies are just trying to cash in while the hype is up.
i played a game, for like 3 minutes, where I was using a controller to drive a space ship with the DK1 and I felt like death for an hour or more. it was fucking weird.
i got really sick in general with the dk1 though and i'm pretty sure the newer head sets won't do that for me.
no it won't.
I think it will pick up when it becomes more affordable and more people get to work on custom shit.
The best ideas usually come from those who do it as a hobby and don't have to focus on mass-appeal.
So the games are completely gimped because some people might get a little nauseous?
That's pretty terrible. VR sounds dead on arrival. I literally thought VR was just "real" games but in 3D with head tracking for camera control. But I'm finding out the games are all very specific stuck to one spot or move verrrry slowly simulators.
Absolutely terrible.
>I don't understand why the fuck you can just walk around like a normal game with a stick or KB+mouse
>What's the fucking problem?
There isn't any. You use your head as the mouse, and the gamepad as your analog movement stick.
Even the gear VR (which is just a fucking phone) has extremely precise head tracking and in FPS or turret games it is more responsive and precise than aiming with an analog stick, but not as quick as a mouse.
The downside is that you need to play standing up or use a swivel chair. Some people get motion sickness from this.
I'm excited about the future of the technology, rather than what can be done now.
Making idiots buy them now, funds the path to tomorrow.
I was excited for VR when I thought that it was just going to be existing first person games in VR.
Now the Oculus and Vive have almost no games, and the Playstation headset is just going to be shovelware that they shit out for 2 years and then stop supporting like the Move controller.
VR was a mistake
literally both. like I cannot see shit father then a foot away from me with my glasses off.
Can we watch 3D videos on YouTube on PSVR or not?
Havent tried vr but Ill still post my uneducated opinion: the thread.
thats not both.
Do you have + or - glasses.
no, carmack or palmer also said something relevant on the topic of this issue.
basically you just have to make the velocity increase slow and gradual. in games in general you press w and instantly you're moving at full speed which is fucking weird for vr. like if you walk slow you won't get sick because then your body just thinks you're casually riding on a boat or something instead of being an F-Zero racer on planet no gravity.
vr litearlly puts your head into the game world so you can finally grasp the scale and depth of virtual worlds.
so like if you like anime tits you can finally see exactly how big and 3d they are, as if they were real.
or if you like space sims you can see how big a fucking sun is, flying right up close to it. it's great -- i never have and NEVER will see anything that large with my own naked eyes. vr is amazing because of that.
this little girl is seeing cooler shit than you've ever witnessed, you should feel bad for being an ignorant fag
>The downside is that you need to play standing up or use a swivel chair.
what the fuck are you talking about
like seriously, is that what you imagine causes sim sickness? standing up and swivel chairs?
They are just waiting for their killer app.
X-wing vs tie fighter remake in VR.
The battlefront VR mission thing at E3 this year looks more like a proof of concept. A true star wars flight sim is something people have wanted for a very long time.
Overall VR could bring back the era of the flight sim (kids would be surprised to hear it but PC gaming in the 80s and first half of the 90s was dominated by flight sims over all else).
>that video
That's illegal. Little kidlets shouldn't use VR or see 3D until the age of 7 and up.
>was a mistake
the same could be said about you, son.
Standing makes it worse. Swivel chairs actually lessen the sickness effect.
Standing and moving, but without your legs moving, is what fucks people up the most. Sitting in a swivel chair gives your brain a bit of a break but some people still cannot handle it.
>basically you just have to make the velocity increase slow and gradual. in games in general you press w and instantly you're moving at full speed which is fucking weird for vr
The exact opposite is the case, m8. You want to make your velocity changes instantaneous, because that way they're not perceived as accelerations.
what are you gonna do about it
I've seen my dick repeatedly enter and exit a girls asshole. That's been my favorite sight of my life, that little girl hasn't got shit on me.
Didn't that lying man that makes fallout say Fallout 4 will be fully playable on VR on the Xbox conference? That game moves just like every other AAA game so what do you think they will do to get that to work that others can't?
People have actually played the VR version of Fallout 4 at E3. It uses teleportation, although it's been implied that's not final.
"can't walk, game is so limmited"
"motion controls are trash. Don't try to tell me that you can do alot with motion controlls even though yo ucan interact with the world like i normally interact. X button is so much better"
the new head sets are better for the sickness than the dk1 which i was talking about. and like i said you just have to adjust velocity or walk slow to not get sick.
it's not a deal breaker either, most people don't get sick at all i'm just talking about old issues that have mostly been resolved.
also you haven't seen this, that's one of the most common sights on the planet you little bitch.
that's weird and not lore friendly, what the fuck?
This user gets it.
I like how those VR both hand controllers look to make certain games interactive. Imagine a game about using swords and other weapons, and angling the weapon in every possible direction
Problem with swords and stuff is that you can't make the player's sword stop when it hits something, so you need to design around that.
H3VR does some crazy detailed stuff with guns.
Gamers would quickly learn just how much they suck as fencers and go back to games where the player character has at least some semblance of skill.
Man, why do Asians always wear really shitty quality skin color pantyhose? Like get something smoother, sheerer and more pleasant to the eye, you style lacking dumbarse. Something like pic related.
Why the fuck did I even study style and clothing production. I hate every single bit of my autism.
See, I dont necessarily agree that it's a proof of concept. It seems, like the rest of that Sony showcase, that they're simply making extra VR mini-games as a bonus for their titles; they're not making core games.
The only one standalone game I can think of that actually showed game-play was Summer Lesson and that one has either stopped progress or just has been glossed over this year because of the bad press reaction last year.
summer lesson's releasing in october
only in japan though
that looks worse honestly you shit taste human.
That could be a big problem, but there's some ways that you can fix it. I don't know how janky it would be, but maybe have a rebound animation play, and you need to sort of re calibrate in order to hold it properly again.
Hey, at least you didn't study Psychology
Look at that shit. It doesn't give her legs any definition. It looks like she has see through bags on her legs. Also it makes her legs look fatter and less well formed.
Another option would be to make the enemy jump back when he successfully parries you.
i can't argue with an autist of your calibre so i'll just call you gay
i like you
got anything cool to read for people outside the field?
On style, not so much. There isn't anything overly solid.
Otherwise there's a whole set of clothing material books, sewing, things like that. They really aren't interesting at all.
Working on your idea is interesting, reading about how not to fuck up clothing is not interesting.
VR is our last hope for normies to leave gaming bros
The paradise is coming soon...
VR is definitely going to get anything that isn't a walking simulator about discovering your genders banned by the government.
>Years ago the glasses issue came up and literally everyone said 'It's not a problem. The headsets have plenty of room for glasses and adjustable lenses for glasses users
Because they want to protect their legs from the sun.
>There are no such things as astigmatisms
>wear a black T and jeans every day
>jacket in the winter sometimes hoodies in the fall
>swimming in tail
so what is the point?
The way people envisioned VR (i.e. motion/walking controls) is way too expensive for the average you're gonna get shovelware and you'll like it.
those look like shit though
Best case scenario we get a Renaissance of highly autistic cockpit simulators.
Highly autistic might be a problem, because you want lots and lots of buttons for that.
Only pedophiles have VR headsets to distract their kids while they molest them. Shit is fucking sick as fuck like these fucks.
I don't believe so. Take my opinion with a gram of semen because I only had a DK2, but the best example for my argument is Half Life 2. That game seemed like it was built for VR. At the beginning when those cops are chasing you up the apartment stairs, my heart was pounding and I actually got that instinctual feeling of needing to run away. And I was playing with keyboard and mouse. Anybody who says Half Life 2 was a watered down, simplified cinematic walking simulator is someone whose opinion bears no weight in this place. That game was NOT originally designed with virtual reality in mind, and yet it is completely perfect for it.
At the same time, however, Todd Howard promised at E3 that Fallout 4 would get VR support within the next three weeks, so there's at least one watered down extremely simplified cinematic walking simulator
vr works well with glasses.
having no problem with mine
>face wii
This is hilarious. But fuck you, VR is gonna be fun as fuck when I'm flying my virtual Boeing 747s
definetly worse if yo uare glasses wearer because the god rays seem to get stronger as it becomes much easier to get fogged out. This is my exp with the cv1 so far.
I had a DK2 set up at my studio, and everyone I knew who wore glasses (as in most of the people I know) had no problem in VR. The alternate set of lenses came in handy a couple of times, but most people could simply wear their glasses with the headset on no problem.