Alright lads. I have the hypothesis that the longer you've been here, the better your taste in vidya. Post when you came to Sup Forums and what your favorite game of all time is.
Alright lads. I have the hypothesis that the longer you've been here, the better your taste in vidya...
conkers bad fur day
>post moot
Didnt moot quit halfway through last year?
>HL1 and its mods
>mfw I thought vidya would keep getting better with more and more great free mods
>instead vidya has gone to shit and we cheer devs for not screwing us in the ass
>mfw I thought Sup Forums would constantly be a source of funny new content
>now it's just repeating the same tired shit over and over
Please send me back
'13 (so sorry)
Mother 3
2008 here and torn between call of duty and dark souls.
Jagged alliance 2
Last year was 2015
I'm no old fag, delete this
Moot quit January 2015 from what I recall.
How do you guys remember? its all a blur
First major event I witnissed was the memes after Steve Irwin's death, so 2006?
Sup Forums raided the forum i frquented in 2004 though
Demon's Souls or Tales of Symphonia (ToS got me into RPGs)
Star Wars: Tie Fighter and Commander keen IV: Goodbye Galaxy
I still like video games but those are my favorites.
got a hivemind with that guy
I think around 09-10, not sure.
>Fallout 3, despite it's flaws and inferiority to NV
>Metroid Prime Trilogy
Mother 3
ITT: People from reddit lie about how long they've been here
07+ is newfag and it clearly indicates it through color.
Do you not keep a daily journal?
The witcher 3
I've been here (on and off) since I was 14.
I'm 24
Favourite game is either Gangsters 2 or Mass Effect 2
Bunny-chan is cute, so I'm picking her.
Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines
>Trollface 2
God that shit still fucking triggers me
Nice projection.
The last memory I have is 2014
I think
newfags are retarded user, this is common knowledge
> there are people born after the year 2000 browsing Sup Forums RIGHT NOW
I need to leave but I can't
Donkey Kong '94
OP is asking for your first memory. You got it backwards.
Dont really have one.
>Still here
>Still haunting the same Rizon rooms
>13 fucking years of my life, from first year of university to now
I may not be addicted to video games, but I'm sure as fuck addicted to Sup Forums. God help me.
At least I don't trip anymore.
Dark souls
If I can barely remember the last I can not remember the first
Favorite game is probably streets of rage. Most fun I can remember when playing games as a kid.
Yes and that's why the user you replied to told you that 07+ is newfag territory.
Timesplitters 2
Way of the samurai 2
>Yoshi's Island for SNES
Found out about Sup Forums after a long session of looking up stuff on encyclopedia dramatica. My sister made a glancing comment relating me to chris-chan, I asked who that was, and she said not to google him. So of course I googled him, fell down the rabbit hole, and years later here I am.
I used to laugh at the idea of a Sup Forums addiction until I found myself unconsciously tabbing out of shit to f5 a page.
You just sorta have to force yourself to fuck off from Sup Forums after a while.
this chart is shit
everyone is a newfag
late 2006
TF2 or WC3 custom maps
World in Conflict
2006. Found a bunch of links I wanted on /rs/
Fallout 2
2004 probably, I was here shortly before Sup Forums and the rest of the interest topics were boards. My favorite game will always be Glider Pro for Macintosh Computer althought its impossible to play now without OSX
So if you hypothetically left, where would you go? I see people whining how this place is shit as if they haven't seen the rest of the internet.
Really your only bet is small forums and that's debatable
How long have you been here user?
>we lived to see moot leave
>we lived to see anime be supplanted
>we lived to see the normalization of Sup Forums and the internet
Kill me
Rising zan :samurai gun man
You don't have a very good grasp on following conversations do you buddy?
I was here like 05-07, and then again now since 2013.
the Talos Principle
2015 (Lurked newgrounds and a few assorted internet communities since the early 2000s)
Thunder Force IV
Zone of the enders: The second runner
2007, so newfag then
>Knights of the Old Republic
I'm getting too old for this site...why can't I just leave?
when did Sup Forums split into Sup Forums and /vg/? Im pretty sure I started coming around here maybe a year or so before that.
of all time?
I have no fucking clue.
Current flavor is OW.
Not him but
>tfw you met moot irl
>tfw you went to the last Sup Forums panel ever
>tfw stuck here forever as a bunch of literal underage children destroy the website
Is that the graph for the current activity of the boards? Where did you find the stats?
Age of Mythology
Start of 07, when I was 16.
Team Fortress 2
>2007, but didn't shitpost on Sup Forums intil 2010
autumn 2014 IIRC
Metroid Fusion
2005 or 2006, I think.
I can't decide between Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, Witcher 3, Thief 2, or Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders.
>Resident Evil 2.
Not sure why I'm even still here.
>elitism so strong in this place that people browsing for 9 years are considered newfags
Tells you a lot really.
Sup Forums has always had underage posters.
I know someone who started posting in 2006 and they're 25 now. That means they were 15 when they started posting.
Hopped in about the beginning of cancer, mostly stayed on Sup Forums until I came to Sup Forums
>all these people pretending they are oldfags
>only 2 people itt said they came after 2011
Thats pretty much statistically impossible.
Yes and as long as underage can follow the rules, it isn't a problem. Unfortunately, the huge majority of them cannot.
No where. Sup Forums is shit but everywhere is shittier. I've tried multiple places
>good news aggregator but shitty format and discussions are stupid circlejerks
>too censored and threads have to be approved by the mods resulting in it taking days for news to be approved
>something awful
>haven't been there in over a decade and have no desire to return
>generic forums
>hate the format
>other chans
>too slow or wildly illegal content regularly posted
There's literally no where else to go
I don't really have a definitive favorite, so I'll just fall back on a pretty generic option I liked and say SMG2
>Gothic 2
Starcraft Brood War
>Between 03 and 05 I must have personally been responsible for about 3-4 major memes
It seemed so easy back then, everything just stuck if it was amusing and you posted it more than three times.
Remember when you could say shit like "I CAN HAZ" and "zOMG" unironically?
Resident Evil 4
>There's literally no where else to go
Soul crushing, ain't it?
It's data from several archive sites but that particular graph is like 4-6 months old. Some dude usually updates it in /qa/ but haven't seen him in a long time
Original Doom
System Shock 2
Demanding objective proof that Sup Forums was good before
To my shame I must say 2010.
Crash Team Racing
Back when moot put the tombstone of RIP Sup Forums on the frontpage. Don't remember when that was.
Ninja Gaiden Black
>There's literally no where else to go
Well, it may be shit, but it's our shit that we've been bathing in for years.
Any time I try to get on a random forum to talk about anything, I see people who registered almost a decade ago, have 50k posts and everyone licks their ass every single time and your opinion is ignored, or just banned.
I'm 27 now and remember lurking this site when I was 16. I honestly don't even want to be an oldfag but I am apparently... I never asked for these feels.
>too slow or wildly illegal content regularly posted
Yeah this is the one and only reason I'm still on Sup Forums. It's fast and with the amount of new threads each minute chances are something good will come on once in a while.
2003 I lurked, I didn't become really active until post ZERO HOUR
Not good at sticking to a favourite game, so here's my most recent 3x3
It's not accurate since board traffic changes daily.
2003 if you're counting Sup Forums itself
2004 or so for Sup Forums, i guess
i have shit taste though, theory disproven
quake 3 is basically my favorite i guess
I joined pretty recently but i hadn't really thought of going to Sup Forums for a while, but i found the content on the rest of the web was basically just cancer after i thought about it for a bit and i figured: Since Sup Forums is a bit like the older internet i'll just go there. And i feel right at home here.
Around when Katawa Shoujo came out, so 2012 I think?
Dragon's Dogma
LoZ Minish Cap