So have Xbox and PC fan bases combined into one yet?
So have Xbox and PC fan bases combined into one yet?
There are still a few secessionist but one day all shall be under Microsofts grace
Combining with PC is the only way for the Xbox brand to stay relevant at this point to be honest famalam.
People care so little about the bone that you barely ever even see people bothering to troll it in consoles wars threads.
>Now we... Are ONE!
Microsoft bringing gamers together. Thankyou based Phil
Nope, but thanks for the games. There's a chance some of them will be decent.
no, but i don't mind if that happens
xbros are alright
Sharing is caring, enjoy. I'll see you online.
Now there is a Windows xp-8 fanbase and XboxW10 fanbase.
I'm glad I got a free Xbox One with my new PC build.
I have no problem with Xbros, they are the least cancerous console fanbase BY FAR. Sonyggers and Nintoddlers are the reason I dislike console faggots. Xbros on the other hand are alright, looking forward to play with them honestly.
>best friend cannot afford good gaming pc
>won a free xbox one
>we are both hyped to shit for sea of thieves
>cant play together
>microsoft is god
>can play together
thanks based bill
normie pls go
I've been using xbox controller on my pc for a while now, does that count?
I have been both for like 5 years now. planning on upgrading my PC soon, and maybe ... (depending on the price, getting a Scorpio or Neo)
>unironically using normie as an insult
summer pls go
this, it's awesome that the Xbone is a cheap alternative to PC gaming now. If you want to spend more money it is better to get a PC but if you want a quick and cheap solution Xbone is great.
isn't tis saying, look devs, we dont have an audience of 2mil xbones, we have 200 mil potential customers because of win10
hell no
console are scum, stop latching onto pc you fucking xbots
No. We unified now.
no because windows 10 is dogshit
I don't understand Microsoft's business tactic here. I'm a PC player, but a huge Gears of War fan. If Gears 4 was an Xbox One exclusive, I'd probably end up getting an Xbox One to play it. But because it's on PC, I'm not going to buy an Xbox One. Maybe my situation is specific, but in general isn't this worse for Microsoft?
What if the Xbox One S secretly has built in kb/m functionality?
>all these xboxfags trying to be our cucks because they're afraid of being mocked like sony niggers.
>least cancerous
nigga did you forget 2006?
t. Xbot
no, pretty much the opposite.
xbots hate PC for "stealing" their games.
PCfats have no reason to buy an xbox because they have a PC, so why buy a far less powerful pc to play the same games?
PCfats are basically looking to the PS4 for their consoleshit, because that way they get all of the games from both camps.
>xbots hate PC for "stealing" their games
Incorrect. Xbros are loving the idea of cross-platform integration with PC players.
the fanbase has changed back then Xbox 360 was the dudebro console with CoD. now CoD has moved to PS4 and it has become the biggest dudebro console with MUH CoD and MUH CINEMATIC GAMES.
stop trying to push this, console cuck.
It's fucking hilarious how some xbots still can't grasp that Windows 10 and Xbox are merging.
well Sonyggers still cant play our exclusives so get fucked. We are part of the masterrace now you cuck.
user, I've been a bot since the original Xbox, and I like the idea.
MS is basically turning the Xbone into a Steam Machine, I love the idea that if they do plan on doing incremental upgrades, that you can continue playing your old games just like you do on pc.
>Things that didn't happen
k man
I believe you missed all those streams where crapgamer and his friends cry unfair because PC players don't have to pay for Xbox live.
There were visible upset and visible frustrations about Microsoft abandoning them.
>MS is basically turning the Xbone into a Steam Machine
they should ACTUALLY make it a steam machine then.
people would actually consider buying it if you got a bunch of the games you already own right out of the box.
This is a great move on xbox and it helps Xbox gamers, but most AAA shovelware pc users don't give a shit about. If they did they'd already have an Xbox.
So it's a good move for everyone, but it doesn't affect most pc users
consoles have a laughable profit margin it's more important to them to bring people to win10 and the windows store
how is it good for xbox gamers?
if they had a PC they wouldn't be using an xbox, so they don't get anything either.
>online won't be dead in a week
pretty sure it affects pc users
It will start with the Anniversary Update but once the Scorpio launches then it has finished.
We're married user just face it.
It's good because the games will sell more and their platform with remain more relevant
No, pc gamers won't play Xbox live games much more. Steam releases won't be cross platform
Xbox One is getting kb&m already.
Now that piracy is effectively abolished there is no reason not to combine PC and Xbox. I feel sorry for Sony who will be left behind.
>Xbox ONE
>No, pc gamers won't play Xbox live games much more.
t. eggspert
>Sonyggers still cant play our exclusives
Every ps4 owner has a pc.
We don't care. We're playing games together so shush.
Kill yourself xboner.
you get any xbone games you already own or windows 10 games that have the crossbuy symbol on it, like I said,
it would be great if it had steam but I highly duobt MS or Even Gaben would allow it.
I still think its a great idea, but time will tell, depending on how it unfolds.
so with how bad the nintendo showcase went, how microsoft is agressively fusing pc and xbox and with weeb games selling pretty well on steam how long till nintendo and sony want a piece of that pie?
Can't wait to play Titanfall 2 and other games together with my xBone bros while I'm on PC
Thanks for the torrents I guess. I'll help seeding them for you.
>Every ps4 owner has a pc.
who doesnt have a pc nowadays anyway?
roody poo
a gaming pc however, that is a different matter.
Saving the money by not being forced to pay for Live will buy you the PC
yeah sure every PS4 owner has a 1000$+ PC with a 4K Display. Tell me more about this fantasy world you call reality.
>you need 1000$+ PC to play the new xbox games
>1000$+ PC with a 4K Display.
They don't need all of that to get all of your games.
>ITT People arguing about nothing
>Sonyggers not understanding PC gaming
I wonder who knows more about this topic some sonygger or someone like me who has a lot of experience playing on Microsoft systems.
Not even close.
I bought my R9 290 2 years ago or so now, and the videocard only cost me 260 dollars even back then.
That shit will easily hold the line 3 more years to come, before I need to upgrade it.
No hard feelings bro, I'll help upload the torrent streams for you.
MCC will come to PC, just you wait.
No, I hate windows 10 and microsoft.
PC will never be Win10
You'd be a complete fuckwit not to move to 10.
The internet already knows all your relevant data, besides you can block windows 10 from sending your shit to MS if you actually give a fuck about what games they see you playing.
>an operating system will never be on PC
Nigger what?
reminder xfags still pays for xbox live while pc doesnt and get better graphics
I'm pretty sure PC is made up with more than 2 components
I'm pretty sure Microsoft is just moving towards the Xbox being a pre-built Windows PC. Basically their version of Steam Machines, but with actual games since it's running DirectX.
It's not a bad move really, consoles are rapidly becoming irrelevant.
Those two are the performance critical ones. I'm just letting you know my PC is perfectly capable of getting all your games, without a need to upgrade anytime soon.
AMD just became the largest OEM GPU provider overnight.
I don't know how to feel about this. I play mostly on PC since I don't have a current Gen console. However, I like Sony exclusives way better than Xbox exclusives. I grew up with Playstation consoles before PC and I played games such as SoTC and God of War and seeing the new games coming from them on E3 made me really excited and got me thinking about getting a ps4. Xbox exclusives only include Bros of War 4 and other Bro games that I really don't enjoy.
if forza's beta was anything to go by, I welcome this change, it was really well optimized, wheel support was lack luster tho.
As long as M$ keeps the ports nice and not shit fine by me.
You kids need to go outside
The Scorpio is the saving grave for the Xbox brand's relevance.
Until it comes out, the only reason I can reccomended someone get an Xbone is if they have friends they want to play MCC with (I won't lie, reliving the glory days and being able to switch from halo 2 to 3 maps immediately with 16 player lobbies is great).
But other than that, anyone that wants what Microsoft has to offer befire the Scorpio releases would be better off investing in or building a pretty good gaming PC.
That being said, when the Scorpio releases that will be the go to option for MS games, since it will be more powerful than the overwhelming majority of gaming PCs at a fraction of the cost.
PC doesn't have to pay for Xbox Live though, so there is that.
I fully expect the Scorpio to launch at 600 dollars.
The Xbox One is already more powerful than the overwhelming majority of gaming PCs
Sup Forums is a an outlier. It's not representative of the masses at all.
>I fully expect the Scorpio to launch at 600 dollars.
That's still a huge saving compared what you would need to put down for a PC of similar power..
It was in 2013
Why would they? Cool, there's shared games now, but it's still a toaster in a fancy box which is holding the industry back. It speaks volumes that they've already announced an upgraded version simply because of how poor the hardware is.
it will release holiday 2017 bro. that is 1.5years from now, by that time 6Tflops arent even state of the art anymore.
>600 dollars for 6 teraflops, VR ready, and 4K standard
That's a phenominal offer
Micrfosoft needs to drop the Xbox Live fee for this to work. Make it an optional subscription for both PC and Xbone players, and just give them X free games a year or whatever. Sort of like the EA Origin Vault or whatever it's called.
Ehn. PC already uses 360 controllers for a ton of games, and you don't hear as much BS from Xbox fans in this generation as you do from other platforms.
hopefully they allow us to dualboot Win10 on it.
No, keep pushing it. Then when Microsoft really does it we can laugh at all the console players crying because they get destroyed online.
>This is worse than Sony fanbase somehow
Wait, do people actually think this will hurt the Xbox?
I mean sure, by Sup Forums logic it reduces the point of supporting the brand, but does anyone here think the masses will give a shit?
>PC already uses 360 controllers for a ton of games
You can use any controller you want.
360 has native support on Win10 though you dont even need to install drivers anymore.
No one actually think its a bad thing. It's literally just a few Sonyggers in damage control.
is KI worth moving to win 10?