Other urls found in this thread:
>empty open world
>it's okay when nintendo does it
I'm not buying an NX for this
>we want the Skyrim audience
I'm not even shitposting.
Yeah, the loser award.
>Framedrop in the stream is framedrop in the game
Sup Forums irgins are this stupid
Skyrim with ducks
Not if it has voice acting. that 'open your eyes, link' was fucking awful.
>grass growing from 3 feet away
>that draw distance
>empty as shit
Welcome to the open world meme nintendo
>Nintendo game comes out
>shitposting immediately begins
I see the Sony fans are up to their usual shit.
filtered :)
>stream dropped frames only when the zelda trailer showed up
hell no
Why are nintentoddles so pathetic?
Nintendicksucker tripfag janitor got triggered. kek
Looks worse than Far Cry.
Like the first Far Cry, from 2004.
>"open your eyes"
If it comes out on wiiu I'll get it and enjoy it but I'm not buying into a new console for 1 game
This is how retarded you are
Everything in the trailer looked to be solid 30. Unless you were actually watching from twitch and not using livestreamer.
I dunno, why are you so pathetic?
Being honest how do people still like Zelda?
Its literally the same shit over and over, same with pokemon and the majority of Nintendo's IP's.
>rusted master sword
We Zelda 2 sequel
This one clearly isn't the same shit
>the demo is one huge plateau!
>the plateau is only one fraction of the game map!
Who the fuck still gets excited for this? Overly large open worlds are fucking boring. When will the open world meme stop?
>This shit is going against Horizon Zero Dawn
Same generic shit.
it'll stop if you just buy our moba
Looks like hot garbage
Even if it was literally the same shit, there are usually 6 year gaps in between so it's not worth whining about that much.
That said, Skyward Sword being the most offensively shitty game of all time is the bigger reason to hate the series.
five years from now they're all gonna admit that this installment wasn't that good, but claim that... hmm what will have been 2 mainline zeldas earlier- Twilight Princess? that Twilight Princess is GOTYAY
>voice acting?
I dunno man the quality of the lines/voice actress didn't really work for me.
All the 3D Zelda's are different user, maybe with an exception of TP being OoT 2.
People like to say it's the same game just because it's still called Zelda.
>Metal Gear Zelda: Skyrim
Where were you when the GOAT was announced by nintendo?
A game with what looks like depth is going up against a game in
which you only make arrows and fire them at robots?
>>empty open world
Didn't stop Shadow of the Colossus
No. Because it sounded fucking bad.
I think people like zelda because they are still for the most part a gameplay orientated game with a focus on interesting exploration. The games are also pretty different from iteration to iteration (at least the 3d versions)
>Breath of the Wild
I actually really like this title, sounds cool.
>Horizon Zero Dawn is going against this
I was watching from youtube, normally I use livestreamer but it stopped working for some reason.
Totally not shilling, guys.
>voice acting
>open empty world
>shit frame rate
>however all of this it's okay because Nintendo
Jesus this place
i came 5 minutes late, link?
I didn't believe in this cycle shit but saw it firsthand with Twilight Princess. When it first came out everyone said how crappy it was and how it was a knockoff OoT.
Now I see a lot of praise for it online and a lot of the same hate directed toward Skyward Sword. It's fascinating.
I was hoping they would speak Hylian.
And how come they have such bad voice actors? why even bother then?
>If it comes out on wiiu
That IS the Wii U version. They're not showing anything NX at E3, not even the Zelda port.
Looks exactly like Rime
Fuck this trash and nintendelusion
>Dedicate an entire conference talking about a Zelda game we have known about for 2 years and another shitty Pokemon rehash
nah even as huge zelda faggot this title is lame as fuck, zelda titles always have specific references that differentiate the series from any other fantasy game e.g. Ocerina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, these are all have references to unique zelda elements. Breath of the wild could belong to any game ever
>unironically think this is shilling
I dont think you were here for the three Death Stranding threads yesterday.
Well the games have been getting shittier and shittier
I am so incredibly fucking bored right now.
This is legit going to be the first Nintendo E3 in a decade that i'm just not going to finish.
This is nintendrone central
To be honest the quality of the competition is such that they might just "win"
Yeah it's still Link, not Linkle.
>A Link to the Past
Still better than a pun though
maaaaaybe at least the 3d games have names on point prior to this
Sony's conference was awesome though. Microsoft also showed off a lot of cool stuff, just not enough gameplay.
Nintendo is finished. Man-children can't support the company anymore.
I bet. It will run all day today and a majority of tomorrow just showing gameplay of Zelda.
>Literally only one game everyone knew they were going to show
>STILL on Pokemon as of right now
It's looking awfully bad so far. Literally nothing new yet
>He didn't close down last year's E3 direct halfway through like any sane person
Really, now? So far this one's been way more tolerable to watch than that one. The only thing that would justify your comment is that you didn't even watch last year's direct.
The Breath of the Wild may be the name of that totem Link had on his side. It's literally a magical item that controls the forces of nature.
B-but it's Nintendo! NINTENDO!
They can do no wrong, I hope they increase the price of their games, they're so great!
Hey fuck you, Xenoblade Chronicles X's open world was fucking gigantic and a shitton of fun to explore
>Zelda automatically wins by deluded Nintentoddlers
>One game and Pokemon
I'm sorry guys, but I'm not hype for Zelda anymore.
I guess still seems a step down from even skyward sword
Sonygger here. This was a much more interesting reveal than Horizon. I still want Horizon, but I have to say, nintendo really pulled something good out of their ass here. Maybe they realized that they have to make something to draw people to them instead of just relying on the name.
too bad
At least last year you could still hold out hope that they would show SOMETHING good.
This year it's Zelda, Pokémon, and nothing more.
I want to feel the breath of the wild
I mean, I can't even take more than 5 minutes of this. It's just a boring-ass interview.
This is the kind of shit that should be in the post-conference discussion.
Last year's was the puppet one, right? At least that was somewhat enjoyable in its silliness, and at least I had fucking games to look forward to.
I don't give a shit about Zelda and they're showing nothing interesting about Pokemon. What's the point of sticking around other than to glare at the girl's fat tits?
Were you not here when FFVIIR was announced last year? Literally half the catalog was filled with threads about it.
>Breath of the Wild
>open world grass
Sounds like a ripoff.
That's because there isn't a conference this year.
It was Treehouse stream from moment one.
fuck i missed it, how long til they put it on youtube you think?
You're really not missing much.
You're deluded if you don't think Zelda and Pokémon is nothing good.
>people get hype after e3 announcements
wow i never saw that coming
oh thanks famalam
Because, regardless of the fact that Nintendo rarely plays with new IPs, their games still achieve a level of soul, care, and originality that no other games ever manage to achieve anywhere near as much as they do.
I'm not shitposting either, you'll just disagree because you feel the need to be a contrarian in regards to positive comments on Nintendo since you've been on Sup Forums for far too long and are jaded to video games as a whole.
>Ubisoft unironically has been the best show so far
>Ubisoft unironically showed the most gameplay so far
I'm in disbelief lads. How is this E3 so fucking bad.
Anyone remember the usual press site passwords?
I wanna see if there's a nice hires version of the trailer in there
You're deluded to think this is anything impressive and to be hyped for.
If you're one of those "people" who still give a shit about pokemon, fuck you. You're responsible for this.
The biggest positive of playing a nintendo game atm is that it's not a quasi-movie
don't forget they also devoted 10 minutes to a LITERAL MOVIE
Wait, people thought this looked good?
It looks like a childish skyrim with none of the detail, why does zelda need an open world? Do we really need all that space just to hit enemies and throw pots around? Not really much else to zeldas gameplay seems like a waste of space, and speaking of wasted space did you see how empty that demo looked? Big open empty fields and mountains with deer. Also the focus on graphically underwhelming scenery shots over gameplay only makes me more sceptical over this, well we have to wait and see but at this point this looks like a disaster
Didn't Sony show nothing but gameplay?
I'm not a fanboy of any stretch.
I've played every single Zelda (including the handhelds, and CD-i games).
I gave up on Pokemon after Silver, and only picked up Soul Silver to nostalgia bomb.
I've seen and heard my friends play them.
Every single pokemon game is exactly the fucking same.
>4 moves
>Take turns smacking each other
It's the laziest, rehashiest series in fucking existance. At least the earlier Final Fantasies fucked around with the formula and tried new things.
The only depth that Pokemon has is "EV"'s or whatever which are just your power level. But don't grind them too high! otherwise you'll get banned from tournaments.
Zelda will never be "great". They are all casual garbage post-NES. The only enjoyable ones are the GBC ones and the NES ones.
>Delayed Winter 2017