I've been thinking, maybe SS wasn't so bad after all.
I've been thinking, maybe SS wasn't so bad after all
Don't start, man.
Yeah we all get it, it's the Zelda cycle joke.
Have you finally opened your eyes?
Fuck off. It still is one of the worst sequels ever made.
It was funny the first couple times, not now.
No, it was horrible.
Will be the worst Zelda game for a long time.
No it really is terrible.
Its definitely under appreciated. I loved flying
every fucking time
Heh, I see what you did there.
Still, it's shit. Zelda cycle is a myth.
kek, I am replaying it right now
I actually like it
shame the stamina meter sucks ass
I played it in 2014 and loved the fuck out of it.
Fuck all y'all niggers.
Nah it's still shit, even if Breath of Wild turns out to be a worse game.
>Do same exact thing 3 times with motion controls that played worst than the game before it.
Even if Nintendo go full MGS5 on new Zelda it will still be better than Skyward Sword
Skyward Sword is actually my favorite Zelda game. People who don't like it are too stupid to set up the motion bar properly.
>the imprisoned
>the trials
I couldn't replay it if I wanted too.
>best combat
>best zelda
>most original and unique zelda dungeons, gadgets and features
>best pacing
Skyward Sword was a great.
Honestly, it wasn't as bad as people here claim it is. Game had some very cool dungeons, and pleasant atmosphere.
Yeah it used motion plus, yeah the imprisonned was a chore to play (moreover 3 times) but still the game was very enjoyable
Its the best 3d Zelda game because of the motion controls. Still worse than every top down Zelda, even including the Capcom ones.
vocal minority hatedom
You call it chores, I call it shit I could do for hours of fun
not even close
I loved it. Felt like a lot of the people that hated it were bandwaggoners.
The zelda cycle is restarting again?
Outside of the dungeons, what else does the game have going for it.
I'm not sure that even includes bosses, since I don't remember any of them besides Koloktos.
It definitely has good stuff in it, but the game drags on for waay to long and has so many tedious parts in it.
Best Final Boss servant ever. NotAkuma didn't deserve him.
The fact that the overworld segments where made into dungeons too was SS's best new idea.
Fuck off, falseflagger. Being able to do all of that on the gamepad instead of Wii Motion Plus already has the game on day-one buy for me.
None of that is true. Don't lie, user
good one user
>best combat
no way in hell
>best zelda
Ok if you want, it's a matter of taste
>most original and unique zelda dungeons, gadgets and features
>best pacing
No it wasn't. It completely did away with exploration, which was a core part of every single Zelda since the original.
LOL le epic zelda cycle, you were gonna make this thread even if you liked the game just for the sake of memes
>wanting to place a bomb on every wall to find a door
The meat and potatoes of the games has always been the dungeons and removing the boring overworld padding only present to add perceived value was great. That they're bringing that boring shit back in the new game is honestly a turn off since its a reminder of the days of laying bombs on every fucking wall in the overworld in LoZ.
>le zelda cycle
this literally happens with everything. Every video game, movie, tv show, porn star, wow expansion.
the last one is always 'not so bad after all', the one before that 'the best ever' and the one before that 'nostalgia factor'
i think the new zelda looks nice and I also enjoyed skyward sword
Story was good, that's all though. I would never replay it.
this game is boring as fuck
tried to play through it twice, quit at the same place both times. Why bother?
>memes and opinions
oh wow, you've totally BTFO my post, how could I ever think that having an opinion contrary to yours was acceptable
because you're a horse cock sucking faggot and casual?
Combat in Skyward Sword is something of a mess.
Because it does have the best moves on Link's part. Yes motion controls is overall quite ass all things considered but it really isn't that much of an issue in itself. Link controls really well and has a wide arrange of moves that can actually affect enemies in a wide array of different ways.
Just about everything on Link's part is great in Skyward Sword, it really is and I will argue against anyone who claims otherwise.
That said. It's sadly rendered almost completely moot by having just about the worst enemies in any Zelda game ever.
Link controlling well and having a great range of moves sadly doesn't really do much if the enemies are as dull as rocks to fight against.
And therein lies the trouble of Skyward Sword's combat. If it weren't for the enemies it would hands down have the best combat.
Story was awful. Ghirahim is an incompetent villain who doesn't even do anything before the last hour of the story and your only motivation within the story is to get Zelda back even though you only interact with her for like 15 minutes at the start of the game and 15 minutes at the end of the game. That is not enough time to build any sort of emotional investment in her as a character, especially not one that lasts for 30 fucking hours
I think the high point of the entire game was Fi reminding me what a boss key and boss door looked like four dungeons in.
That or when I ran up to the first form of Demise and wildly flailed and he died in seconds. Great combat
sorry your game is terrible bro
Like clockwork.