ITT: Nintendo E3 in one pic
delete this
Kaz always bringing the bantz
>Come to E3 with only 2 games
thank you based chinaman
Nintendo lost again.
Why was the sticky removed?
Is it over? Weren't they going to show zelda again?
I started choking holy shit.
Top tier bants.
I was really hoping for them to bring something new to the table
Nintendo-mod hanged himself
They're setting up now.
Lol kaz
Yea wtf, that's it correct? No surprises? I love pokemon and zelda but Wtf is that??
So I'm stuck at work, no new Metroid?
cant handle the bantz
Zeruda and Pokeymon only
fuck off kike shill.
Speak for yourself.
Zelda and Pokemon already BTFO everything else every other company had
Why are you retards responding to this fake tweet like it's real?
Yeah because it's not like Sony's was 10% actual interesting games and 90% "virtual reality is the future!"
It's a joke account newfriend
>Sony Conference
>a million threads that all have "SONY WON" in the OP
>Nintendo Conference
>threads full of baseless hate for the Zelda game
Sonyggers are in full force during this time it seems
Guess I missed it, but I wasn't expecting anything anyway.
Everyone has know for a while now that nintendo's show would focus on zelda and nothing else, they announced this long ago.
As for the zelda stuff itself, I don't need to see it since the atual game release is NEVER what they show in these things, and every zelda title announcement people all cream their pants until it actually gets released to find out the game sucks.
They haven't made a good zelda since the n64, I'm not expecting them to break form now.
All 3 conferences from the 3 has a shitload of threads where "[X] WON"
Yeah and like triple the amount for Sony
Yeah excuse me for not following Twitter bullshit.
Fuck off newfag.
Because Sony had the best conference
>nintendrones are actually this butthurt
Yeah i loved Dad of War: Walking Dead Edition, Skylanders, VR shit and some mary sue shooting robots
Yeah Pokemon: Another One and 4 hours of Zelda is a lot better
>being this butthurt that sony won
>Legend of Dark Souls Skyrim edition
All the conferences sucked, only difference is Zelda is actually something interesting and different from the norm for the series
Nintendo fucking dropping the ball this hard.
sup, nintendrone.
>Legend of Zelda Souls is interesting and different
No fuck Sony for what they did to crash.
>implying zelda falling for the open world meme is "interesting"
>2 games we already knew about long before
No, not really.
More different than anything Sony featured, but the Neogaf astroturfing is still probably really high right now so I expect this board to get shit up until the conference is over. Fuck Sonyggers.
Zelda is nice, but lol Pokemon
This guy is Nintendo right now
You mean it's for jawless mouthbreathers?
Sounds about right
See the first few minutes of god of war. Jumps to conclusions and complain that it is different. Zelda does it OH EM GEE NINTENDO WINS E3!!!!!! Son your summer is showing.
Sorry to be that guy but I was without internet for the last hour, what has happened? Was anything good announced?
>implying there weren't 8 or more SONY WINS threads during the Sony Conference
Go back to Neogaf
Nope, don't even bother really.
No, only Pokeshit and Zelda.
Just look up the Zelda trailer yourself, Sup Forums is in full shitposting mode and won't give you an accurate description either direction.
They're showing gameplay right now, or they were a moment ago.
I mean they had really good games...not just two...
>Announce they will only be showing Pokemon and Zelda at E3 a month ago
>Confirmed they will not touch NX whatsoever
I really can't find a better image for this conference.
Nothing has been announced at all, they've just shown off Pokemon and Zelda.
What does this mean? You do know they don't own the IP to Crash, right?
>new special items in miitomo
They got nothing, they're releasing a new fucking console but they have nothing.
>nintoddlers actually believe this
Go back to miiverse.
When will people realize that Sup Forums is literally Neogaf for Nintendo fans? There's actually no difference between the Sony fans on Neogaf and the Nintendo fans on Sup Forums.
t. Neogaf
There were plenty of actual games, the main issue being that 3rd person action was overasaturated.
With "Angry fantasy dad chops trolls", "Tumbrl mounts the bull and won't shut the fuck up" and "Not Joel shoots underused enemies" they sure have their bases covered as far as settings go but would some genre variety be too much to ask for?
stopped watching after the guy blew himself up. if anything interesting happened after that, let me know.
My exact reaction.