>Can play the game naked
>No girl Link
Tumblr was right, we need a female Link in this game
>Not being gay for Link.
What are you, a faggot?
Well... this'll either be really good or another case of Other M where it kills the franchise.
Naw keep him a guy
>we want the shota twink audience
Other M was bad for some many other reasons.
So, they're just ripping off Darksiders 2 now?
This man is right, Link is a mascara and lipstick away from being a bangable trap
>being a gayfag
I bet you kiss girls too, you fucking fruit
>Darksiders invented loot games
And this is more simplified anyways. I'm more wondering if there's actual stats or just gear.
Link looks fat.
Looks exactly like tw3
Anyone thinks this takes place after Skyward Sword?
The vast unknown world gives me those vibes.
With all the future tech it's likely a new latest point in the timeline
All Zelda games take place after Skyward Sword
>made long ago
Is that why the world is barren? Link is the only one in it? The SotC vibes are so hype this hands down won E3
i want cute clothes and a girly voice
Zelda is dead
>manually jumping
>witch time
>breaking weapons
>shitty empty open world
>literally minecraft (chopping trees)
>again this horrible stamina system
Maybe this is the first 3D Zelda I'm not going to buy and play.
It really does. I guess Nintendo want the "kids that want to play Witcher 3 but aren't quite old enough yet" audience.
this will be the Other M of Zelda, where it will break the franchise.
This is what youngfags want. Absolutely disgusting.
not really zelda is an actual open world and the battle system seem fun. In other words, the exact opposite of wither 3
Zelda sucks and had always sucked
I can't wait to see Link in a sexy spandex suit
A place of power
Since Japan is trying to get the Yaoi audience I can see them having fun with that.
Anyone else hype for The Elder Scrolls VI: Hyrule?
Same here, I did enjoy Skyward Sword but I just can't buy this, they're turning Zelda into something it isn't.
>manually jumping
don't see the problem with that
That's good tho
at least it should be like Skyward Sword where you need a heart medal to make hearts drop
>Female Link shitters BTFO
Will the trend pass or are we forever screwed?
Do you want the same thing every game? I'm open to franchises changing. My favorite game of all time is RE4, but I'm glad RE7 is nothing like it.
>I'm a Nintendrone and parrot things I read on Sup Forums for a game I've never played.
I know it most likely won't happen but now I want a survival mode. Like with Fallout where you need to sleep, eat, drink, ect.
he has vagina bones, all is well
actually I'm kind of interested, a casual rpg is what I expect out of zelda
do you have any idea how much porn we would have gotten out of a linkle game?
The Legend of Fashion: Wardrobe to Hyrule
I'm gonna look fucking dapper out in the field.
>old shirt
>not old hat
No, nothing of that is good. They trying to make Zelda into something completely new. It looks like a fucking rpg now. LIke a survival rpg almost.
I want my traditional Zelda things. Hearts in bushes and no manual jumping and shit. That are things that made Zelda recognisable.
I don't like this new one. It looks shit.
Who's to say you can't sneak into a woman's house and take her clothes and makeup and have Like put those things on?
That would be interesting that was needed for a side quest.
Nintendo lost.
im a PC master race m8. witcher 3 is a shitty game except for gwent. Stay salty shitcher nigger
no hearts anymore and that inventory full of health items makes it absolutely impossible to die now, great
How is the world more empty then every other single 3d zelda game? all the 3d zelda game worlds have been EMPTY AS FUCK, this game seems more brimming with life then any of those
>TW3 invented an inventory system
IT honestly looks like the best Zelda yet
I was just telling my husband the other day that most games now seem to be open world BS with RPG elements. Now I see my favorite franchise of 20 years has been turned into this.
My little shota Link can't be this cute
Feels bad man
Just like Dark Souls?
>I don't like this new one.
Good riddence. Go play something suitible to your shitty taste than faggot.
it hurts, doesn't it?
>link activates witch time
guess he learned something from participating in smash after all
I need this to be a thing
If you think this isn't a window to just switch out tunics for fire/water shit you are a retard.
>they don't already have that
There's a girl Link
>This will be either a good game or a bad game.
Wow nice deduction skills there sherlock
It pains me that I can continually see Hyrule Castle and Death Mountain in the distance but they can't go to them yet.
It does. The RPG elements are completely unnecessary.
It was impossible to die in any 3D Zelda game, with the exception of SS, anyway
Potions actually having a use is a thing that Zelda has needed since forever. SS almost did it right but the heart drops just ruined the potential for potions that weren't the one that fixes your shield
I also really doubt that you can have all that inventory with just potions. they are going to be limited by the number of bottles in the game, like always
>Metroidfags cry for another Metroid
>Nintendo gives them another Metroid
>fans still cry and bitch
>Nintendo announces another Metroid game
>fans continue to cry and bitch
Fuck Metroid fans.
>my favourite franchise
>is a gamer grill
I wish I would wake up one day and people wouldn't be living and breathing stereotypes
Guys have that you fucking fatass, it's called an Adonis Belt and you have to be in-shape to have it
Seriously. All of you are idiots who think this is different.
Its time for Zelda to evolve, this looks like the best way to do it.
last game sucked despite seeming like it might be cool at first and this one looks like shit from the get go.
Reacting accordingly
>the battle system seem fun.
You press literally a single button to do any move. I know it's the same for witcher but that's not fun.
Where are all the lore autists crying that Link isn't left handed again?
I wish this was on pc so we could just swap link for linkle
>Complain Nintendo constantly re-hash shit.
>Complain when they try something new with a franchise
>Metroid fans want a new Metroid
>They receive the most insulting piece of shit ever
>fans want a good metroid game to wash the awful taste of other M from their mouths
>after many years of silence they get a spinoff
I hate Metroid fans as well but they kinda have a reason to be upset with the last two games
>with generic rpg tropes that every shitty triple A game uses
>apples and shrooms heal you
In another thread.
Wasn't the first LoZ game open world with RPG elements?
I don't think a bigger scale is a bad thing.
It was impossible to die before you pleb. Hearts shot everywhere from everything. If you died it was because you were an incompetent philistine.
They did in AlttP
>Minecraft owns cutting Trees
M8, you shouldnt be drinking all that Bleach
It is.
Now the weapons have durability. Just the fact that there are more weapons than Link's traditional sword kinda pisses me off. I really don't want Skyrim: Hyrule edition to be honest.
Look, you can even chop trees to get apples and shit. And for that they removed the remarkable hearts that have been there in all zelda titles up until now.
If you want to try something new with Zelda, okay, but please let it actually stay zelda and don't turn it into a shitty survival rpg.
Open world yes, I don't recall many RPG elements like crafting and gear though.
Then move on grandma either stay with the times or stick with your games of the past.
>Time for Zelda to evolve
From??? To???
Because this looks just like OoT (which is exactly what I want, frankly).
You open menus to access your armor/weapons/accessories. Other menus for your items. Your "loot." It's open and you explore on your own, doing little quests as part of a larger, over-arching quest. Combat is adventure-styled. Unique opportunities exist in gameplay and combat, from turning butterflies into fairies by walking around with a Deku stick to shooting arrows into fire to create flaming arrows/explosions.
...how is this evolving except better UI?
Zelda always was a real time RPG. You just "leveled up" based on progress, not exp.
Well, only speaking for myself here. I personally never had a problem with Nintendo rehashing.
After all, all they really rehashed everytime was Mario.
>two ramshackle platforms nigger-rigged to a tree
>"wow they got a really nice camp"
these faggots
I don't really care to watch trailers for upcoming games and read through info and all that anymore. Someone sum up the RPG elements that people are angry about.
I used to love zelda but every game including SS and came out afrer it I've hated especially ALBW.
This zelda looks so fucking shit.
It looked promising but It just looks shit, and is trying to be something else.
Also whats with the gay ass title and shitty looking enemys
I always liked Link being left handed since I am left handed myself. It was kind of cool to have representation.
It's Skyrim with Zelda instead of Dragonborn.