Any butthurt or backlash now that we know Link is male only?
Any butthurt or backlash now that we know Link is male only?
Sure, just wait 30 min for Polygon to write up an article.
People are too butt blasted to respond to these threads apparently.
Shame to see such a cute design going to waste. It could have been such an opportunity for loads of r34
Honestly I kinda want linkle as Link's little sister
>It could have been such an opportunity for loads of r34
>implying there isn't enough gender bender stuff already.
Meanwhile Anouma is like baka gaijin you pray zeruda and you rike it
The'd rather take their complaint to twitter where they will actually be heard by Nintendo and the press.
Both SJWs and people like you are part of the problem
Just like they heard everything else yea?
why is there not enough porn
I very much look forward to it. I honestly don't care if they added a female link yes I do but I'm so glad they didn't because now we get to laugh and drink their tears
Both versions are equally feminine.
I'm talking about Linkle specifically. I know she has her roots in the idea of a female link but her design, while heavily referencing Link's, is still something of her own.
kys fag
Already drank bleach
Why the fuck do you care what some idiots think?
Hopefully, I love me some womanbaby tears
My dick is backlashing into my pants. It would have been a doujin renaissance.
>Not laughing at retards with shit taste
You sure you belong here?
>like one sfm with linkle
Linkle would have been great but we can do without her so long as the Zelda U offers more than just Skyrim-esque exploration. Where are the dungeons, where are the bosses, where are the characters? Where's the story? If its just pure exploration, I'll probably end up passing up the title.
Only on Neogaf.
I want Linkle in this game as a secondary playable character
>Focus is on using her bows
>Can shoot from horse back and go cap some goblin asses
Linkle a cute
SJWs and loud gay people are too busy yelling at that Orlando shooting thing to care, for now. When they get back to their regularly scheduled pointless existence, they will bitch and moan and write articles about it.
Polygon's not bothering to wait.
>Nintendo includes female Link
>girls just pick male Link anyway because they want to look at a cute boy as they play
>>implying there isn't enough gender bender stuff already
No. There never fucking is enough genderbender stuff, you shit.
I want to make Linkle's butt hurt.