Post your E3 face.
Post your E3 face
Wake up, the new World of Warcraft is on!
Its so boring.
they're just padding this out because they have so little to show this year. its been two fucking hours and all they've shown was 2 games we've already known to be coming out.
мoй чepнoмáзый!
Me in the middle
Such a shitshow all round this year
>They had a moment of remembrance for the Florida killings
>while all of the dance crew were still on stage
nice to see that the unfitting tribute moments are still going on
I knew any E3 that followed the FF7:R reveal would be lukewarm
>Death Stranding
Tokyo Game Show am I right fellas?
Literally every conference except Nintendo gave me at least one thing to be excited about.
Didn't watch and reading the summaries didn't excite me.
desu I missed it completely.
I was busy talking about the warcraft movie for a couple of days.
translation: "SHIT SHIT SHIT FUCKING SHIT etc"