Not gonna lie that webm is actually pretty fucking awesome.
I'd expect something like that in a gimmicky FPS, but in a Zelda game where it's just one facet in a sea of many? Admit it. It's cool.
Tyler Campbell
I can't wait.
Christopher Peterson
ebin don't you have some ps4 movie trailer to watch? Let us discuss about actual games
Benjamin Diaz
That some developers actually still do fun?
That you can interact with fucking everything in this game and it isn't just trying to look le beautiful like Witcher 3?
That there is actual verticality instead of, well, what you can see in this webm?
Ian Bennett
what is up with that framerate? And i thought the E3 stream was bad.
Jordan Moore
It's Super Mario Galaxy all over again
Joshua Jenkins
Za Warudo! Toki yo Tomare!
Evan Robinson
Ryder Reed
>Metal Dragon Phantom Half Pain Dogma Dead Life Space Minecraft Souls
I am literally stocked, the level of detail is simply mind boggling, they only need to iron out the performance which will most likely be completely fixed on NX but jesus, I'm frankly amazed they even managed to have that much moving shit with all that physics shit on screen at once on hardware as bad as the Wii U, nintendo's programmers are fucking wizards.
Samuel Ramirez
What's fun about hitting a boulder? Maybe I just have to be a retard to understand.
Eli Hughes
You can get on that ledge though, you're just jumping the wrong spot.
Jason Miller
they stopped time on the boulder to build impact momentum on it.
Ethan Fisher
John Gomez
>Nintendo is back and showing people what games are while everyone else just tries liberal agenda pushing cinematic games with glitches everyhwere these days
Camden Bailey
you have to use the tree though, its an exploit not game design
Jordan Hernandez
>build momentum to send it flying >arrow shows a direction >the boulder goes to the left instead of following the arrow why
Benjamin Reyes
I know. But I'm sure you get what the point of the webm is. Maybe I should make a new one with different environments, though. You can get literally blocked by tiles in Souls.
Nolan Baker
When the graphics are Unity tier, it leaves room for Unity tier physics.
Xavier Scott
yeah just like that exploit to get back to undead asylum
Bentley Howard
Looks more appealing/interesting than all games shown at E3 to me. Specifically the NX version will look great, I believe. It's the version I'll get.
Jaxon Morris
Hol up Did I just witness what I think I did? Did they really add something like that that probably wont have any practical use except for being FUN?
Matthew Cook
Juan Baker
Lincoln Allen
It had a use i belive.
Looks like a single swing would not have been enough to move the stone so he could reach the chest under. So he locked it in place to get more hits in for it to go flying, so he could reach the chest that was under
Leo Gray
You Nintenyearolds do this every fucking Zelda game. You hype it up as the greatest game of all time, literal 10/10 flawless masterpiece, and it winds up being a disappointing game that's mediocre at best. EVERY single time.
Sebastian Davis
doesn't excuse the horrible vertical gameplay.
Carson Edwards
I wonder what if you do that then hop into the boulder
This game looks pretty fun, but where's the difficulty? Where's the thing that keeps me from just lazily wandering getting bored before I get to a slightly interesting dungeon?
John Lee
maybe outside of the starting map area faggot?
Wyatt Phillips
>we want the bethesda/ubisoft/warner bros/mojang/from software audience
Jaxson Hill
>playing nintendo >still being 12
Benjamin Cooper
this game looks fun as hell
i'm convinced it's just sonyfags getting salty
Chase Phillips
Gonna spoil the game for you
>Get to the first dungeon >Get an item >Use that item in the dungeon >Use that item to kill the boss >Get a heart container >Go onto the next dungeon >Get an item >Use that item in the dungeon >Use that item to kill the boss >Get a heart container >Go onto the next dungeon >Get an item >Use that item in the dungeon >Use that item to kill the boss >Get a heart container >Go onto the next dungeon STORY CUTSCENE >Go to the next dungeon >Get an item >Use that item in the dungeon >Use that item to kill the boss >Get a heart container >Go onto the next dungeon >Get an item >Use that item in the dungeon >Use that item to kill the boss >Get a heart container >Go onto the next dungeon >Get an item >Use that item in the dungeon >Use that item to kill the boss >Get a heart container >Go onto the next dungeon >Boss Fight with one form of Ganon >Boss Fight with the final form of Ganon >Game over
Welcome to every fucking 3D Zelda game ever, and they're all garbage.
If you bother buying this trash, consider suicide, then again you're probably the same faggot who actually buys amiibo and has brought a nintendo game in the last 3 years so you're well overdue for suicide.
Nathaniel Taylor
>killing an enemy with this >their dead body flies into other enemies and kills them I can't wait nine months.
Jonathan Gray
>somebody wrote all of this out and posted it thinking it was smart
wow here's the >(You) anyway
Dylan Ortiz
that looks fucking badass, this game might make me actually want an NX when they come out
Christian Cox
t. guy who buys every dark souls and final fantasy
Connor Martin
you see that rock? it went over there
Levi Mitchell
>console wars shitter can't even spell to save his life
Go to bed middle scholer.
Hunter Wilson
Wow, you're so deep and artistic, judging a game about exploration based on its dungeon order formula, story, and lore instead of its gameplay.
Please dissect Gone Home next and tell me why it's the best game of our time.
Samuel Hughes
Faith in nintendo restored, i'm not gonna lie this look awesome,even if it's pretty ugly it's not GOW4 see that not mountain you cant get near it
Adrian Rodriguez
Wtf. I hate Nintendo now.
Eli Reyes
>That some developers actually still do fun? There is nothing interesting about objects with physics in 2016, and shit like this gets old very fast. Maybe for a Nintendo fan this might be interesting, I suppose.
Alexander Parker
This is a very nice post. I almost want to lick it. It's such a craving. I can not kick it. For such a thing, I would purchase a ticket.
Josiah King
I'm going to spoil all Sony games for you
>go here
>kill stuff
>go here
>the $10 for OTHER ending
Jason Murphy
>old man flies down and talks to you
nice anyone read what he said? something about instantly travelling to areas marked blue
Gavin Scott
>assblasted nintendrones cant see how trash their "10/10 WOW IT SAVED E3 LMAO SO WORTH 5 YEARS FOR THE EXACT SAME GAME" shit is Hilarious
Shit yeah, i forgot to mention the "Exploration" which is running around doing boring as fuck side quests to get heart pieces that you'll never fucking need unless you're a child or the autistic manchild who'd actually buy this garbage since all the games are easy as fuck, Quiver upgraded you'll never need and Rupee wallet upgrades you'll never need just to "100%" some trash game thats no different from any of its versions in the last 20 years
Jack Ward
Shit man thats a good amount of dungeons. Some of them only have like 5. Im extra hype now.
Ryan Myers
So it's basically like most modern games except not punctuated by "STORY CUTSCENE" and QTEs.
Grayson Hill
So what you're saying is that games are formulaic? Wow. Deep.
Jesus christ this world looks emptier than Daggerfall.
Ryder Sanders
>go here >kill stuff >go here >the end But user, thats every Zelda game?
Maybe if you're playing garbage, sure, its exactly like that.
>some of them only have 5 Either 5 or 6, they all just copy OoT since you retarded faggots think that game is anything other than garbage
Mason Moore
Chase Cruz
The arrow was showing where the rock would start flying to, and how strongly.
However the rock was placed inside a small pit, and collided against it as it was taking off, changing trajectory.
Cameron Jackson
I got a Shadow of the Colossus vibe. But atleast in that game it made sense.
Connor Robinson
>nintendofags can't respond to criticism so they just say 'ebin xdd'
Jayden Torres
Quite the opposite, actually.
William Young
Daniel Gomez
>If you hate how rehashed every Zelda game has been for the last 20 years and how rehashed every Mario game has been for the last 10, you like Sony. How fucking mad are you? lmao
Nicholas Jones
Calling it now: the old man is actually Ganon
Cameron Parker
Assblasted I am not, my fine adult fellow. I'm on you're side, so please be mellow. Unlike these children, good games do not make me yellow.
Tyler Morris
I'm not ready to leave the plateau. Someone hold me.
Adrian Fisher
a reformed Ganon would be fucking insane.
he's so tired out as the villian, and is just a fucking pawn of Fate, even his slightly less evil self in WW was a breath of fresh air.
Cameron Clark
This is probably the biggest Sup Forums opinion turnaround since the Deus Ex HR reveal
Asher Wilson
>even his slightly less evil self in WW was a breath of fresh air.
Kill yourself, Ganon is supposed to be an indisputably evil character. WW Ganon was shit.
Man i cant even begin to comprehend how retarded you are.
Tell me the last time a quest item or something required to beat a boss has been out of the way of the main game. Not a fucking upgrade that you'll never use, something you actually need to explore to get. Or even, its not required, but its worth getting?
I can tell you exactly when, and its the Big Gorons Sword. But they cant even re-do that.
Its just go here, get the shit you need to kill the boss in the dungeon, and move on to do the same shit over again.
If you honestly think thats fine, you're fucking braindead, then again you're defending Zelda.
Andrew Jenkins
I will hold on to you, young child. I guess for you even baby games are too wild. Perhaps playing with blocks will be more mild.
Juan Flores
This post is so cringe, holy shit you drones are trying too hard.
Kevin Cooper
It's a Zelda game from Nintendo, Sup Forums were always going to eat it up like the Nintendrones that they are, no matter what.
Ian Morgan
That's pretty cool
Gabriel Edwards
I hope they show the effects of Demise's soul inside of him.
>the spirit orbs you gave him have been powering him up the whole time >the powers he bestows upon you have been his own >you're both almost equals and the final battle is a Dante vs Vergil kind of duel
Leo Cox
It's a pretty cool spell. You can fix something in space and then build up a force vector before you reach a critical point, and then it takes off.
Easton Moore
Carter Diaz
Before now most people, me included, where extremely fucking cautious. It didn't look great in 2014 and Nintendo have a track record of shoving in one/two new mechanics and calling it a day. The general consensus here was mostly that it'd be disappointing.
Since the streams I've seen nothing but shitloads of hype.
Dominic Ramirez
Ganondorf was never an indsiputably evil character, even in Orcania of Time their was some justification to his actions.
Brandon Walker
You're retarded. SotC had literally nothing in its world other than some lizards and fruits. There is more stuff in the area between the starting cave and the Temple of Time of Zelda than in the entire SotC map.
Wyatt Adams
>b-b-b-but s-s-s-sony kill yourself
Cooper Reed
But after the first few times you do it you'll get bored and realize that by making Zelda "open world", they just took the bad parts of open world games (kill x monsters to get the crafting materials, destroy monster nest 2/24 in this area, crafting in general, weapon degradation) and put it into a franchise which didn't fucking need it.
Leo Hall
disregard the deleted post what I meant to say is he isn't a pawn of fate it's who he is his
Aiden Hill
Ryan Howard
>this thread Usually I think some pessimism is necessary, but holy shit some of you faggots literally hate fun.
Benjamin Watson
Towns confirmed. Only absent for E3 version.
Nolan Bailey
>That some developers actually still do fun? This doesn't look fun. Its gimmicks are things that wore out their welcome years ago.
Nintendo said they wanted to throw out the conventions of Zelda for Breath of the Wild.
Obviously, they picked all of the wrong conventions to throw out and all of the wrong conventions to keep.
Blake Flores
More like legend of gimmicks am I right? At least it's not controller gimmicks this time.
Christopher Johnson
Who gives a shit what some unimportant retard says
Ryder Hill
This game looks very fun and the best Nintendo has to offer, my only gripe is that it again looks severely outdated when it comes to visuals.
Bentley Nguyen
Fuck, you're right.
I'm a #CruzMissile now.
Isaac Lopez
Finally, a reasonable opinion.
Cameron Johnson
Robert King
>Biggoron's Sword >required to beat a boss If you can't even git gud at Zelda and you need a weapon with inflated damage output to beat a boss, I'm not going to take any of your views on video games seriously.
You also didn't address anything I said. I never claimed that required items would be out of the way, so I don't know why you went on that tangent. My point is that while, yes, those items aren't required, the game is still about exploration and their purpose is to reward you for going out of your way to explore. Much more satisfying that a chest with fifty rupees inside.
Ethan Turner
So is that old man near the beginning of the Demo Ganondorf?