This game slowly starts to get interesting the more I look at the new one

This game slowly starts to get interesting the more I look at the new one.

Here we go again

Said everyone about the previous Zelda every time there is a new one coming out.

That and the zelda before the previous one is now a masterpiece.

So is this their marketing strategy? To make all of the shitty Zelda games after Wind Waker look retroactively better by putting out progressively worse installments?

And so the cycle continues


No it doesn't. The controls still only work part of the time, when it does it's just simon says, there is fuck all exploration, Fi is annoying and the imprisoned is shit

This is the only Zelda game I have not bothered to finish.

I just replayed it. Its the worst 3rd person zelda.

I really like what they tried to do and the motion controls are great, but they made the whole game linear. Each level is just another dungeon disguised as an overworld area. It gets really tedious. Dungeons 4-6 are just shoved in randomly and while it has nice parts later it never really breaks out of it.

Had some of the best fights in the series though.

No. They know you don't actually know what you like and just want to be cynical about the new thing and then praise the old thing.
When in all actuality they know what you want later but not right now.

This is the only 3d Zelda I haven't played yet and don't plan on playing either. It's so liniear and holds your hand so much its insulting.

The zelda cycle continues, the new game is always shit until a newer one comes out then its GOAT and you always loved it and don't understand why the new isn't just like it.

Same. Fuck that sliding puzzle

oh no

the zelda effect has already begun

They tried to implement to elements, which now seem to be present and more polished in BOTW, but the didn't change the formula for SS. Farming and collectables doesn't work for a linear game with shitty controls. They played it too safe.

It really is kinda happening. People that shat on this game for being too linear are shitposting about the new one being open world.
It truly never ends.

And so it begins

Well, it didn't take long this time.

>the zelda cycle isn't real you guise we always liked TP. SS is never gonna be good


It was already better than Twilight Princess.

New one also looks really promising.

Yeah replaying the game this year, I realized I don't hate it anymore. Enjoyed despite the flaws.

I actually always like TP and Wind waker.
It is real in a way but not what you are thinkng.
Most people force themselves not to like the new games out of pure jadedness. Then hate the next new installment to justify their stupidity in forcing themselfs to hate the previous game.

Really. Every dumb fucking faggot is Tsundere for Zelda games.

> only 3d Zelda I haven't played yet
> don't plan on playing
> It's so liniear
> holds your hand

> I haven't played yet
> haven't played yet
> played yet
> yet

More like you never hated it as were just being a jaded fuck.

The Wind Waker was always a masterpiece
TP was always a fantastic game
SS is and will always be a piece of complete dogshit

This is the objectively correct opinion

Except I always liked all the 3D Zeldas up until TP, and still do. I never liked TP.

Until the new Zelda game in 2020 when you hail Windwaker as a relic, TP as a masterpiece and SS as a fantastic game.

Yet as in up until now.
And I don't plan on playing it in the future.

> It's so liniear

The Winder Waker was always mediocre
> holds your hand

This is true

I said the first two were always amazing, TWW just slightly better. On release I felt this way.

> I don't plan on
> Yet
> liniear
> the future.

It's just WW, without the T, bro.

They sacrificed exploration for tight, incredibly solid level design. Easily the best dungeons/mechanics in the series, all items remain relevant, and there's slight RPG elements to justify collecting stuff.

That being said, all your points are correct, and there isn't enough quality in this game to compensate for its tiny size. Also fucking tadtones

>Wind Waker

Only real turd was TP.

All the other 3D Zeldas have been good or great.

Nah, this one really is way too awful.

This, TP, was a OOT copy pasta with some few quirks here and there.

The others have contributed something to the series. TP contributed nothing. It was more of a filler series.

The game is called "The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker".
It is on the box.

The new game looks pretty dope, especially compared to Skyward Sword. So glad the motion controls are gone when in combat. I just wish the open world was a bit less empty looking & the stamina meter that Skyward Sword introduced was gone, at least when sprinting, climbing I can understand I guess..

How is the Stamina meter bad? It allows running which is a means to an end and will be only used to gain momentum for long distance gliding and moving around dungeons when you are not riding a horse.

Not like your stamina drains when you climb things or fight.

Wind Waker retained enough of OT and MM's thematic writing and worldcrafting to be good, yes, despite its kinda lackluster dungeons and gameplay.

TP has nothing going for it, a kind of cardboard Zelda. On the surface, it looks like everything Zelda should be, but once you delve into it, there's nothing layered or deep or unique or fun. Game design is by all means solid, but it's too safe, dungeons/bosses try to use grandeur and spectacle to disguise their vapidity, and the wolf is an underutilized gimmick. Overall it uses artificial "seriousness" and "darkness" to attract people like you who are still mentally infants.

SS is a clusterfuck of problems Nintendo should be ashamed of for perpetuating in the 21st century, but it shakes up 3D Zelda's staling combat and has intelligent level design. Kinda breaks my heart though that the first Zelda game since ALTTP to make an effort with its world and dungeons also has tadtones in it.

the new Zelda looks great, Skyward Sword is still the only bad Zelda

the "Zelda cycle" (I'll pretend it ever existed) was already broken with ALBW and WWHD anyways (which were both great), since Skyward Sword has always been shit, and will be shit forever, Zelda U will just cement it on naysayers heads

The stamina meter drains real quickly when sprinting which while realistic I find to be pointless & just slows gameplay down, I wish it was infinite just for sprinting alone. In addition to this there aren't even any plants that refill the meter like Skyward Sword had. Also you do lose stamina when climbing, it's just slower than when sprinting & I'm fine with it going down when climbing, it makes sure you can't just infinitely climb so I could see it having a good point to be there..

Zelda Cycle

>broken by a handheld and a remaster
Not how the cycle works though.

>That and the zelda before the previous one is now a masterpiece.

Twilight Princess confirmed for a masterpiece classic now.

How in the fuck does it slow down the gameplay when you could never sprint in the first fucking place and your walking speed is the exact same speed you have been a custom to for the entirety of the 3d zelda franchise?

Not like you can't roll everywhere like everyone did in the old games.

If there's a faster way to move & it's being hindered I find that to slow down gameplay, it doesn't help the world is so big either this time around, it's going to be a big issue for me.
>Not like you can't roll everywhere like everyone did in the old games.
In Skyward Sword rolling took stamina.

QUICK Sup Forums WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ZELDA? MINE IS four sword adventures because I had friends to play it with and we bought all those damn cables

Majora's Mask, I liked how many side-quests were in it compared to others. It also had a very good atmosphere I enjoyed & the characters actually had character unlike most of the series. Also it's fun to squeeze in as much work as you can do in 1 cycle, kind of gives me a Pikmin vibe when I do that.

>the "Zelda cycle" (I'll pretend it ever existed) was already broken with ALBW and WWHD anyways (which were both great)

Doesnt work like that. It only works when a new 3D Zelda entry releases.

You walk the speed you normally do in every 3d zelda.
You run at least twice as fast as you ever did walk while sprinting and at least 50% faster speed than rolling.

You make no fucking sense.

>four sword adventures

About the most normie Zelda out there besides that new one for the 3DS.

Fuck out of here.

>A game nobody bought because it cost you a arm and a fucking leg and you needed friends to play with you.

If fucking anything FSA is least casual. That shit required dedication and work to even fucking start.

>naysayers putting as many rules they can to try to make the cycle valid

next y'all retards will try to say that Zelda U doesn't count because of whatever, and the CYCLE ISN'T BROKEN YET GUISE YOU'LL SEE NEXT GAME WILL BE HATED AND THEN SKYWARD SWORD WILL FINALLY BE LOVED

reminder that Skyward Shitstain is ~5 years old

>Think about Twilight Princess
>Think about Skyward Sword

Nope still shit. Dunno where this gay cycle meme came from. Just because there are people who liked TP (as insane as they are) doesn't mean they represent the same retards that liked WW. Anecdotes of mass opinions on the internet are the worst.

When you run, that's the faster way, what don't you understand about what I'm saying? In every 3D Zelda game I barely do the normal running speed since it's too slow for me, so I keep rolling, side-stepping (which I hate spamming the button for) or in Majora's Mask case I use the bunny hood. In the 2D games I use the pegasus boots as much as possible since it's all faster. In Skyward Sword & this new one when I sprint the stamina meter will go down until I run out (which will then slow my standard running speed down) & rolling will most likely take even more stamina if Skyward Sword is any indication. Also chill dude, it's just my opinion on how slow you can be in the games.

Skyward Sword is still shit.
Even if the new one is shit, Skyward Sward will still be a turd


TP is boring. SS is offensive.

In short. You're a faggot and bitch over the fact you have to walk 1/10th of the time when you travel by air, sea, and horse.

Now you are going to tell me Riding epona was terrible because she had a stamina system.

Nothing slowed down. Everything got faster, and you are bitching over absolutely nothing

OoT > LA > LttP > MM > 1 > TP > 2 = SS

No it doesn't. SS was boring and dull, and will remain that for all time regardless of future Zelda titles.

Oh please. Don't tell me the fucking tadtones gave you trouble.

Why are you taking this to heart? You're acting like I said "it's a 1/10 game, Sony for the win!" It's a fucking game. I just think it's slower since the stamina meter is the way it is. Also no, Epona while I wish also didn't have a meter kept most of her speed if you clicked the button at the right time so it maintained her speed consistently rather well.

>miss out on entire n64 Zelda era
>Like Twilight Princess and Wind Waker
My liking of it is only that my relationship with Zelda games is backwards compared to dudes who have been following since OoT.

Game is a flawed masterpiece,


I like you. One problem though

>ungeons/bosses try to use grandeur and spectacle to disguise their vapidity,

that's an issue with almost every 3D Zelda boss, not just TP's bosses

WW was hated pre-release for its art style, but people liked it after. Every major zelda after was pretty fucking bad though. SS easily being the worse, but this new game seems to be trying to take that title from it.

I have never played SS. Not for the lack of trying though. Every chance i could get I get shafted by shit like "disc is damaged" or "Someone broke into my house and stole my wii. I kind of gave up.
I don't hate a single Zelda so far.
My favorite is The minish cap.

This was the worst console Zelda of all time.

The only enjoyable parts were the desert sections with the time shifting. That was brilliant, but everything else was awful.

I can't wait for Breath of the Wild. I've been wanting a the Legend of the Zeldar Scrolls for a long time.

I love every zelda ( except 2 ) but the fcking wiimote.... ARGHRHGHGR

the openess of breath of the wild will make people remember skyward swords linearity more favorably

screencap this post

I never followed this cycle.

>Legend of Zelda
I was a kid and thought it was a gold cartridge so I had to have it, loved it even though I didn't beat it for years later. Still thought it was amazing just exploring and bombing and finding shit. Still great (though dated) now.
>Zelda 2
A disappointment, but still somewhat okay.
>A Link to the Past
A fucking masterpiece from the very first time I touched it, I've replayed it dozens of times, love it every single time.
>Link's Awakening
Fucking masterpiece, just like ALTTP
>Ocarina of Time
Fucking masterpiece, even when I replay it, still so much fun.
>Majora's Mask
A bit of a departure, still pretty fun, but, not as good as OOT.
Both masterpieces
>Wind Waker
Didn't like it at first, gained appreciation for its artstyle and sailing later, still weaker than OOT
>Minish cap
Okay for a handheld, not as good as prior handheld games or console games
>Twilight Princess
OOT 2.0, fucking masterpiece. I loved it (especially Arbiter's Grounds) then, love it last time i replayed it recently even before HD came out.. considering getting HD since I have a Wii U ordered now. I hear there's extra content? and then you can use the Amiibo for Wolf Link in Breath of the Wild.
>Phantom Hourglass
Had some fun moments like breaking into a cold sweat thinking about having to yell SALVAGE ARM in the middle of the University Center between classes but I learned I could just blow into the microphone instead. But fuck that same temple you keep going back to.
>Spirit Tracks
I stopped getting handheld games when I was no longer in University and wasn't traveling as much anymore.
>Skyward Sword
Fucking terrible game with janky feeling controls especially for flying and swimming, and no overworld. I still haven't replayed it because of silent realms, flying/swimming controls, and the imprisoned fights. I'd love to do just the desert parts again, only truly fun parts.

What did he mean by this?

>I don't hate a single Zelda so far.

You never played the ones on DS?

I liked PH

>I just wish the open world was a bit less empty
They said in the stream that they removed a town and NPCs as not to spoil the story during the demo.

I'd play it on my hacked wii if I didn't have to buy a fucking meme motion plus.

>I hate whatever is new just to look cool XD

And thus the circle of life continues.

ST was legit good and is underrated hard

PH is probably the only bad zelda not including the multiplayer ones

Oh, that's good to hear. Ignore that complaint then.