Towns 100% confirmed

What will shitposters do now that they are deprived of their principal argument?

> muh empty e3 demo build of a game that is almost a year away


I thought the shitposters argument was 'lol Skyrim' and 'its popular therefore it sucks'.

Shitposters are scared because Breath of the Wild will make The Witcher, Dragon's Dogma and Dark Souls obsolete.

Looks fucking sick but I don't have a WiiU. And the NX will be in stores in less than a year.

Now if the WiiU had LAUNCHED with this fucker, oh my god THEN I'd be hyped. Now it's just a "we're so sorry" gift for the poor suckers who bought a WiiU, kind of like TP on the Gamecube.

Why so fucking tiny?

>towns will be 5 houses

Truly the best game this E3.
Like no joke, I sat through that long was the stream again? Like 6 hours? Either way, I sat through that entire thing and my hype just did not diminish in the slightest.

I'm proud of you nintendo.

It'll be like MGSV, but finished.

>it's okay when Nintendo makes boring open world games!

I'm excited for this new Zelda, but your statement is just not true. Mostly because all those games will be on PC and Zelda won't. So all the PC exclusive fags will never play Zelda.

Not saying that it looked bad but
>e3 demo build of a game that is almost a year away
This is a "its okay when Nintendo does it" thing. E3 demos, especially when they show off SEVERAL hours of it, should impress and show off the game. We didn't get any feel for Zelda besides climbing, crafting and item interaction, and it has mini-dungeons that the leak already said and 4 major dungeons.

There was no need to hide literally all the towns, story etc when its already very likely the Temple of Time shenanigans play a big part.

So like every Zelda? And almost every other game?

I'd rather have 5 really detailed houses than 50 empty houses.

But MGSV did finish the series.

On a serious note, can we talk about how many fucking skyrims we're getting this year.

Even God of War is skyrim.

I watched 50 minutes, what did I miss? Aside from Link starting a field-razing fire by chopping down a few branches.

Monolith is helping nintendo with the game.

I don't think so.

I'm uncomfortable with the fact that people who have video games as a hobby genuinely wish for any video game to be bad. I wish all video games will be good, regardless of platform.

>Nintendo fanboys

Nothing. If you watched an hour of it you're good. Same old bullshit running around and entering the occasional blue underground building and activating a switch.

This is just a placeholder box art right? It looks really fucking bland.

That was pretty much it.

Don't underestimate how delusional Nintendrones can be.

3 E3s later and we still don't know what Zelda looks like?

lol those idiots are hyped for a fun looking game

One day you will come to realize that this industry is derivative. If a game like TLOU is good, that means the next God of War will be like TLOU.

This is very bad for variety, which is why it's healthy to see a few flops in every genre now and then to promote developers to try out new ideas.

It saved us from the platforming, fighting, RPG, MMORPG and Shootan plagues.

Nigga there was a metric fuck ton you missed. I'm about to go to bed or I'd list it all for you.
You did miss Link getting one bombed by the world boss of the plateau that one of the guys accidentally stumbled upon...
Fuck sake I can't even find the webm I had of it.
Somebody post it if you got it!

Snowboarding, guardian fight on horse back, weapon demonstrations, cooking, nude link, titties, changing hair styles confirmed.

Fun is subjective, the game ugly as fuck is objective.


I certain thers going to be crafting with al the materials you get and I wouldn't be surprised if you can get itens reparied there.

>tfw the game is clearly already done (and probably has been for months) but they're refusing to release it because of the NX

Skyrim was the highest rated game of it's year beating the likes of Dark Souls and importantly to Nintendo Skyward Sword.

It also sold 10m units and still has people playing it.

Then we look at just last year where a very similar game Witcher 3 took all the accolades and also sold millions of units

People love open world swords and sorcery, and it's not just us, it's the normies too. For some reason these games sell gangbusters and I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a dozen Skyrims trying to copy it's success.

Hell even Bethesda is even releasing a remaster trying to grab a fraction of that audience again. Be happy it didn't become COD and the modern military shooter of the last ten years.

God of war is last of us now, including being followed by a kid and the old grumpy man with the beard. Its a joke

Why are you so upset about it?

I thought it was good and survival-like without villages.

average Sup Forumstard

Watched the trailer, looks good to me desu

Stating a truth is upset ?

but where is the story

is that true and do you have a source?


In the game

I don't know who is the biggest autist; the youtube faggot or the retard who made that image.

>Sup Forums shits on open-world games as a whole
>Zelda turns into an open-world RPG
>suddenly everyone loves it despite the massive, largely empty open-world

Seriously, this game would be eviscerated if it wasn't Zelda. It's Skyward Sword all over again.


Keep up shitposter. Your bait is stale.

I am truly amazed with nintenyearlds ability to deny reality so hard. I mean, we all pretty much understand that this is wiiu's last breath and you somehow gotta make it exiting, but what I've seen in the last few threads is just sad. Literaly ONE game. ONE. Which looks like Skyrim and tons of nintendo sectarians on the background, screaming

>b-but it's so cool it btfoed others!
Are you like for real? Couldn't you come up with a better excuse?

empty worlds isn't really something new to 3D Zelda. its just now that there's more of it and new ways to travel across it.

Skyward Sword is good

u jelly? :^)

One actual, true, legitimate video game is far more impressive than QTE-fests, remasters, or cinematic experiences. Some people still enjoy video games as a medium of interactivity instead of the on-rails faggotry that shitty devs/companies like Naughty Dog, Sony, or David Cage like to shit out. Of course you would only focus on the grafics instead of the actual gameplay, because that literally the only think the PS4 has going for it. And to preempt your inevitable "b-b-but I never mentioned Sony! xD" response, we both know you are a die hard Sonyggers who is so assblasted at the mere thought of Nintendo winning another E3 that you felt compelled to shitpost.

>Looks like Skyrim
>Third person view
>Character doesn't talk
>atmosphere isnt 1 color
>no character creation


so far all I've seen is legend of bear grylls, where the fuck is the story

Great argument.

>blows up a horse
>the rider flies off, horse keeps running

Doesn't bother me much, but it's gonna just fuel the trolls.

Did people not listen to the presentation? They literally said they took out towns and anything story-related for the E3 build to focus on showing the main gameplay.

Where are the fucking theories at

You thought the E3 zone was big?

Post the meme spouted version of the game cover.


That is way too much.

Yeah, Dragon's Dogma, Witcher 3 and Xenoblade X have been absolute shit
Not every open world game has to be MGSV user, thats the one people are thinking of when shitting on open world. That and the million ubisoft sandboxes


>mfw there are people on this website who legit think like this

In the game. You'll probably have to wait for the marketing to kick in closer to launch to see something of that. Why do you think they kept talking about keeping it spoiler free, and even cut off the feed when someone accidentally entered an actual dungeon

You can see the horse recoil though. I know the explosion would likely put it on the ground but I guess they didnt want you to be able to kill the horses.

> there are people on this website who genuinely want games to fail because they are console warriors.

that is a red bokoblin, and the other one is a horse.

logic tells me that the horse has a LOT more HP than a fucking bokoblin

It's not true. They did say they were willing to help out, but nothing came of it. Google it.

I wonder how many legitimate console warriors there are, and how many are actually just opportunistic shitposters.

If I can't propel myself into the sky using a bomb and a shield then I'm not buying the game.


> weeb poster

>Za warudo a rock with your sword a million times

>Jump ontop of it with your shield underneath at last second

>visit skyloft

I'll be doing this

Aonuma you fucking madman

>implying the wii u can handle this

fully expect it to be gimped

It handled XCX

I hope it's bigger.

Hell, I want an ocean to sail to the west.

I watched the massive gameplay livestream and at one point it was mentioned that the towns were removed in order avoid risking any spoilers of the story plot of the game. The E3 version was to mostly advertise the gameplay and it believable that this was just their way to avoid spoiling too much of the plot, which in my option was alright in my book.

they were playing it on a wii u.

Do you respond to every nonsensical meme?

I think it'll be a good game. But it's only one game and not enough for me to buy a wii u or nx

It's seriously sad. I'm a Nintendo manchild but jesus Christ if they think this new Zelda game will make any of those games even close to "Obselete" they are kidding themselves.
The games listed are so different, too, and excel at different things. Dark Souls is all about the combat, Witcher is about the story/world/quests, and Zelda is about dungeons and puzzles.

This new game looks to be an astounding leap in the series, but it doesn't come close to making either of those games obsolete.

This game is gonna be a speedrunner's wet dream.

Jesus fucking christ. Can you please FUCK OFF?

Just let us enjoy something for once. We let you enjoy your shitty fucking movie games on Sony and Microsoft.

It doesn't directly hit the horse. I guess the force of the blast was enough to knock the dude off but just stagger the horse.

Or it's just what said, they don't want you to kill horses.

Damn, and they say sonyponies have a persecution complex. You're fucking delusional if you think Sup Forums doesn't shit on those games either.

sorry, you nintendo kids and your kool aid are too aggravating, someone needs to break the truth to you

>This is a real post, and not a parody


Nintendo released some bullshots screenshots today.

But they weren't 1080p, like MK8's.

They were 4K.

They released 4k "art shots" and 720 "HUD" shots. Kinda weird, but I kind of don't mind it since the game looks pretty.

Anyone have the webm of the SSS Guardian Kill off the horse?

t. kid

go tell mommy that someone was mean to you on the internet

>tfw the Wii U emulator will be able to emulate this on release
>tfw all xbox games are releasing on PC now

what kind of overpopulated shithole cunt do you live in where 5 house towns don't exist?

I've been trying really hard to not get involved in all this e3 shitposting, but the game looks good to me, so apparently it isn't objective? Some people like cel-shaded art styles, and your opinion isn't absolute, m8.

I'm not a huge fan of any Xbone exclusives, but I am ecstatic about them coming to PC regardless. I bought a Wii U and it was worth it but also cannot believe how far the emulation has come along in such a short time

> on release

> because ninty lent them a copy of the game 8 months before it released

You aren't actually that stupid right?

you serious?

user, looking at the old map, it doesn't line up with it at all. I think there's actually a ton more to this map. You can't see the coast.