so do we like it or do we hate on it, Sup Forums?
So do we like it or do we hate on it, Sup Forums?
Bentley Bell
Tyler Taylor
think for yourself sheep
Jason Hall
We like it
Hunter Murphy
Love...Love so much.
Christopher Powell
I love it
I don't know about the rest of you guys
Jeremiah Gonzalez
it's 10/10
Ethan James
Nintendo fanboy on the working right now. They're trying so hard to defend this garbage.
Charles James
Liked a lot about the trailer and gameplay, but the lack of Zelda music and sounds was very jarring. Still my most anticipated game.
Levi White
It looks great. For once, when a dev says, "you see that mountain? You can climb it," they were telling the truth. I'd score this E3 in Nintendo's favor except this is the only game they showed.
William Carter
It's simply sublime.
Mwwauh! *fingers cupped kissing motion*