So do we like it or do we hate on it, Sup Forums?

so do we like it or do we hate on it, Sup Forums?

think for yourself sheep

We like it

Love...Love so much.

I love it
I don't know about the rest of you guys

it's 10/10

Nintendo fanboy on the working right now. They're trying so hard to defend this garbage.

Liked a lot about the trailer and gameplay, but the lack of Zelda music and sounds was very jarring. Still my most anticipated game.

It looks great. For once, when a dev says, "you see that mountain? You can climb it," they were telling the truth. I'd score this E3 in Nintendo's favor except this is the only game they showed.

It's simply sublime.

Mwwauh! *fingers cupped kissing motion*


Who is we

I think it looks great

everyone but phantom pain kiddies, ff15 kiddies and sonyniggers in general loves it
case in point

We hate it. We hate fun.

the game I'm looking forward for the most
but the lack of an exact release date is killing me

So is it confirmed no towns or NPCs, just endless wilderness? This is the biggest issue for me.

I loved it.

Skipped out on the WiiU but will probably get an NX.

looks ok. they deliberately didnt go into detail they just explored a small part of the map so im still holding back until the game is out

were you not watching the stream

like, at all?

It looks really good. Looks like the biggest change in the Zelda formula yet.

there are towns and npcs
Bill said it himself

>Wolf Link is introduced but unexplained and nonsensical in terms of the Zelda Universe
>Just to move their some amiibo units
You'd probably eat this up even if it looked terrible.

Looks cool

Wish they showed story, towns and shit. The base gameplay is good though. Not worth buying an NX for but I got the Wii U version atleast

It's okay for Nintendo to make shallow, empty open world games with shitty animations so I like it.

What, are you talking about the one old man? Besides him.

Never played a single Nintendo IP bar Gameboy, looks about 12 years out of date

I like it so far. What about you?

Like it.
Could look prettier though.

Empty fucking bland open world.

I like it. What about you?

they clarified it many times during the stream that in the E3 version of the game they didn't want to show any towns for story purposes, but they assured they are definitely in the game

True Ludus worthy of Kojima himself. Micrococks simply can't understand.

I think this new Zelda is without a doubt the best game that has been ever done.
Nintendo has simply crafted a piece of entertaining media that pushes the boundaries of what we now as gaming so far, that I seriously can't see a single videogame surpasing it in the next 10 years or more.
Every detail, every animation, every branch and corner of the world's majestic enviroment it's done with the love and caring that only Nintendo knows.
This is not a just game, it's a ode to us, the players, to show how when even the world of games is at it's worse with all the cinematic and press x for awesome shovelware, Nintendo can do the impossible... to actually make games

One thing to note, some of the offcial screenshots they released. Obviously they were bullshots, like the MK8 ones.

But these were 4K resolution.

Game play looked good

I like it a lot
How about you?

I like how everything seems sort of physics-y, as in the rolling boulders, enemies dropping their weapons and so on, makes everything seem very alive.

That's sort of what I wanted from "next gen" memery back when the new consoles came out

Reminds me of how all the trees and shit move in the wind in Witcher 3, I really like that

I never even played a Zelda game, but my little sister asked me if "there is Zelda on the Wii" so she's getting Wind Waker HD for her birthday and I might play that and this one when it comes out

Whats Ludus

I can only hope it they tweaked it for the E3 build. Otherwise they're going for a dramatic/cinematic effect via musical ques and not doing a very good job at it.

Everything else looked good though sans the pop in textures. Mini dungeons look nice, and I'm hoping you can unlock additional attacks as you progress, like the stealth overhead. It basically seems like a bigger Wind Waker with more hostile monsters, so it's probably going to have a polarizing as fuck reception. If Monolith is actually helping them with this then maybe there's a chance they'll put out texture packs too.

i loved the game but i still think you have autism.

What does Nintendo have against pigs?

I think it's pretty good. You?

>joy is overrated

Good for you but I'm gonna go on an adventure with my wolf that's literally me and doesn't annoy the crap out of me.

I fucking love it.
Get ready for Sup Forums to start praising skyward sword

Just dropped by Sup Forums for the recent news. Is this how you are, Sup Forums? Asking the rest of the board to form your opinion?

form your own opinion sheep.
i personally think it looks bland and empty, also not a fan of them adding crafting and all these pointless mechanics.

Nintendo won with this. By showing gameplay instead of cinematic trailers etc. Nintendo gave the people what they want. 2016 is Nintendo's year

I like to play games before I form an opinion

Ludus is the highest form of vidya
There are games, there are joeux, higher tier and there are ludus (highest possible tier, classifies as high art)

I think it looks alright, not crazy about it.

That logo though, love it, especially the jap one.

Preordered it

I need it

Holy god anything is better then skyward sword

Fucking anything

release date or are we going to wait until the nx?
if yes, fuck this shit.

stop using garbage Sup Forums memes

I love it, but it renders things so shittily.

Form your own opinion, autist.

What an awful birthday present, you must hate your sister

where can i pre-order it?

Graphics are a little dull, probably proof NX is going to be a bit underpowered regardless of the game being for Wii U as well.

Still not fully voiced outside supposedly Zelda's. hope they make the old man and others speak.

who wan presskitu


though it was the WiiU version

I was skeptical at first but I began to like it the more they showed shit off.

I've not been a Nintendo fan since the N64, moving into GC and this doesn't change anything.
It looks like just another open world game but "omg its a zelda gaem!"

There's nothing wrong with what I've seen, it looks fairly nice, but that's it. The people claiming is GOAT and won E3 single handedly are fucking crazy.
At this point, it feels more like ammo to shitpost with. We won't really get actual unbias thoughts until the next Zelda game's released.

>The visual is ugly
>It's boring
>It's inferior compared any modern game in the same breath

I'm not a Zelda/nintendo fans, so I treat it like other normal game, sorry.

Spoken like a true anti intellectual
Please stop holding my hobby back

This game will be max comf.

Why would Phantom Pain and FFXV fags be mad at Zelda, please elaborate


what was going on during the Press Conference.

It looks fine
but I refuse to ever buy another Nintendo console

It's hardly an indication of the NX's power since it was developed for the wii u

Thats actually pretty cool, already seems more interactive than every open world game released.

i like it. pretty impressive but all these Nintendrone posts are so obnoxious, make me want to hate it.


>It's OK when Nintendo does it: The Game

>holy shit you can jump

why isnt he left handed?


Why do you guys care so much about what other mindless posters think?
Your little Sup Forums community is so meaningless in the grand scheme of things, why even bother?

this is by far the strongest pre-release showing the series ever had, and I'm psyched.

the only plausible thing that would kill it for me is if it suffers Bethesda-style rubberbanding and copypasta locations, especially shrines.

>garbage art style
>super expansive open world with few dungeons
>action is played in slow motion
>physical dlc
>complex clothing/equipment system

I am so disappointed. I could probably overlook 2 or 3 of these, but they've literally hit all of the things I hate about modern games.

Looks great. I'm considering buying a Wii U just for it and Twilight Princess HD.

Looking pretty cool to me. One minor thing that nags at me are the enemy health bars not being hearts. Seems like such a natural thing to include and its absence just confuses me. Link's stamina bar also does not need to be in the center of the screen. It's ugly and stupid and I hate it. Only real major issue I might have is how the new item system plays out. I don't typically like random filler loot systems and I honestly feel a more deliberate placement like the Souls series would have played to classic Zelda sensibilities a bit better.

Are you 12 years old?

>Kept the Male link

They were under pressure with this, so I like that.

>return to more open area's
I think this is a fantastic fucking development after the disaster that was Skyward Swords open area, which was literally just an expansive sky of nothing in between levels. It also is overland, correcting Wind Wakers mistake of the ocean having lots of nothing in it (nowhere near as bad as Skyward though).

>RPG elements
This I'm not so hot on. Of course stuff like inventory, shittons of weapons, and the like has always been a Zelda thing. But damage over time weapons? Upgraded weapons outside of Dungeons? Eh, remains to be seen if this will work.

They were pretty vague but there being so many is a red flag for me. That and it hints that the plot will be centered around the Goddesses of Hyrule, like finding the statue of Hylia in the ruins of the temple of time. This I am REALLY not looking forward to, the more they do this god shit the worse the story is

I'm excited

Looks like what Skyward Sword was meant to be

>Your little Sup Forums community is so meaningless in the grand scheme of things, why even bother?

Where are you even going with this?

>few dungeons
how many?

>action is played in slow motion
only if you want to, theres an item that lets you do that

press kit 1

>gods prepare to reincarnate Link because world is getting dicked by ganon
>old Link fucked up and didn't die properly
>can't have two links, but still need a fucking link to kill ganon, so they make wolflink
>old link wakes up from coma

>One minor thing that nags at me are the enemy health bars not being hearts

Some of the monster's hitpoints were so large I doubt they could portray them as heart containers.

The red goblin things had like 13 hitpoints, while the Guardians had like 500.

Childlike glee followed by the realization I don't own and will never buy a Wii U or NX.

>2016 is Nintendo's year

Except the game doesn't come out until 2017.

>They were under pressure with this
No they weren't

I don't believe for a second that they only showed 2% of the content and I believe the world will have a lot of travelling areas where very little happens.

All open world games love to pretend that the gameplay experience is unique and different if it takes place in a different environment. We all know how Farcry, MGSV, Just Cause, Skyrim, Dragons Dogma repeat themselves.

I don't trust it at all. Amigo content is jewfuck as well.

I am interested in seeing the final release of it because it reminds me of Nausticaa

yes daddy

presso kitu tu

underrated post

so I can trigger your existential crisis :^)

It looked good in the treehouse segment today

Hasn't weapon durability been done in LoZ before? I think it was in Majora's Mask as well as in some others.

You either really love it for stupid reasons, or you really hate it for stupid reasons.

Or you're the 2% who can remain indifferent.