>hyper light drifter was symbolism for the creator's terminal heart condition
>hyper light drifter was symbolism for the creator's terminal heart condition
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It's a goddamn fucking crime this game is so short and will never get more content or a sequel. Literally one of the best games I've played in a LONG time.
The guy was on a literal death clock. Seems like a decent reason to rush it out a bit
twitch informercial please leave
I admit, I just watched it. it did explain alot about the game that was nonsense to me. Alot surprisingly makes sense now that the reason was irl heart disease.
Well that's fucking depressing.
Fuck this universe.
>Studio is called Heart Machine
Uh, okay? How should I know that?
It was the dev group bio in the e3 show
you watch the long-ass commercial twitch just ran for it
symbolism without narrative purpose is meaningless, obtuse and unnecessary.
Wow I didn't know that. Now all those moments where the Drifter is coughing his lungs out make sense.
Is the dude gonna die?
And does this mean no more games from them?
What did the creator die?
Was? Shit, don't tell me he's dead.
its almost as if video games are made by a person instead of a soulless corporation
>why did hitchcock movies all feature a breathy, sexy blonde?
>because he liked them
its fine
To be fair, alot of the game's narrative is meaningless, obtuse and unnecessary. So i guess it fit in well into the game in hindsight
he was at the e3 explaining about his condition. I dont think so
Oh, thanks!
>I get to sleep with this sweet mask each night now
Why does he wear the mask?
>Wanted to make a video game before he dies
>its locked at 30 fps but still a twitchy hack and slash
Life is cruel
soulless corporations are all people
corporations are just a legal instrument to shield people from various forms of liability, so that there is an incentive to try doing things
So is it confirmed he's gonna die soon, or is it just something he can manage for the rest of his life if he's lucky, and just hope serious shit doesn't go down?
Because other than the occasional post, he seems pretty happy/normal on Twitter.
Critical analysis is not a hard thing to do guys. Within moments of the game you could tell that heart disease was the subtext. You might think that it was about the death of someone close to the creator except that its the protagonist that is the one having sudden bouts of illness throughout the game and having opening cut scenes feature such obvious death metaphors chasing the protagonist gives the mortality a very personal feel. Hence, the creator is sick, is fearful of running out of time and its got something to do with their heart. Didn't even know I was right till this thread.
Git gud.
Is there a plan for console release?
Glass houses.
Serves him right. I remember him shilling the fuck out of this game.