Reporting live from E3 after hours.
Reporting live from E3 after hours
Hack everything in the building
Are the Zelda machines still up or is that the wrong place I'm thinking about?
did you get any sjw butt
Are you the janitor?
>nintendo ever let some fag steal their stuff.
Hell, they even got ride of leakers, I'm fucking impressed.
Also, didn't zelda like went for like kilometers?
He's the cook.
I will execute the biggest hack in the history.
They're still there, turned off.
I stole some of Microsoft's food.
Nope. Can post censored badge if you'd like.
lol battleborn
There's not even that much food (on the show floor that is). Lots of Doritos though.
it's pretty empty now (7:30pm, show floor closed at 6) besides security and some xbox people.
>Nope. Can post censored badge if you'd like.
Do it
Will deliver in a few minutes, gotta find this place for dinner first.
Cool shit
Sorry for shit quality. Had to edit on mobile
I believe you're at E3, I just want to know how.
I mean I'm not saying it's impossible, wow how did you do it.
I mean what is the process for getting a ticket? How expensive are hotels in that area? If you have a pass to E3 are you invited to the press conferences as well or is that invite only? Are the lines into demos huge? Are the cameras and interviewers there really annoying to weed through? What's the process for getting a pass entail? Do you apply? And if you're accepted do you have to buy the pass or is it given to you? How bad is the security check going in? How long does it take? Any fun swag? Is it like any other video game convention just with smaller lines or is it super anal like a large business meeting?
Sorry for asking but one day I'd like to check out E3 for myself and I have friends in the gaming industry so it could happen. If stupid youtube shumcks can apply and get accepted there is a possibility. I'm more worried about how expensive it is though. LA isn't cheap.
I have a free day to roam around tomorrow if anyone wants me to try to do certain shit? Not sure of all there is to do even, it's so huge, and my first E3 and all.
Oh yeah, I met Greg Grunberg. Cool Sup Forums guy. Was super surprised. First formal "celebrity" I've met in my life I think.
Show us the booths you faggot
So, whatcha showin?
thats pretty cool OP, I always like to wander events and huge venues alone like this, though I rarely get to
Find Audrey Drake and take pictures of her tits
I'm doing games-related things this summer and had the opportunity to volunteer, which (apparently) gets you a pass.
Like, 80% of people here are NOT media or devs, so I really wonder how they do it too. I believe if you're willing to spend $1000 or something you can just buy a ticket. Not worth it.
Security is pretty lax this year honestly. Knowing someone there who would help you get in is a way to do it, at least for a day.
There are passes given away through various means too. Xbox Fanfest and all that. I also met a couple who was invited by Ubisoft because someone there liked their streams of a game.
Since I'm a volunteer (classified as a exhibitor) it's not the normal registration process on the website with the whole badge pickup outside and all. I have to say security isn't all that bad - I had a friend who snuck in two years ago, not sure if they could still get away with it but yeah.
Lots of swag, lots of food. T-shirts and bags and all that - tomorrow is my roam around day so I didn't look at or get anything today besides a thing from Abzu.
Lines are very long, e.g. for the Zelda game as soon as doors opened. I should've taken the chance to play it before show floor doors opened but I was playing PS4 games and indieshit.
I live near LA so I didn't have to pay for travel here, just getting to/from the LACC. Food is somewhat expensive though but not horrible. Sorry if I missed any questions.
miyamoto-senpai & bill spotted, from this morning
Such as? I didn't have a ton of free time today but I can check out stuff tomorrow. Tbh I'm not big on AAA games. You can probably find pics online.
Same here. I have one friend who I know here but that's pretty much it apart from people I follow online. I don't get to much either.
Literally who
God damn that sounds even more expensive than I thought. It's a special kids club where if you don't have a friend, you need to shell out big bucks just to get a pass. Gross.
Pax is the same way, except with less content and most likely 2x worse lines and people to weed through. But I love trying out games and going from line to line chatting with people. The problem with Pax is they don't really give out any swag anymore, it's awful and pretty depressing.
I live on the easy coast so I would not only have to fly over there but get a hotel room too. God damn, I'd have to find a group to go with and split the cost, but I don't know THAT many people in the industry and most of them don't make enough cash to waste it on an expensive trip like that (they waste it on other junk.
One day.... one day.
>Literally who
best nintendo girl
Yeah it is pretty gross. It's just so big. There's so much shit. There are much better games-related events besides huge trade shows. Still, the hype is fun. Watching online is also fun though.
They have huge signs everywhere saying no one under 17 is allowed and I see a fair number of young kids there, presumably with their parents etc. I really want to know how they do it, or if security just gives zero shits or can be sweet talked (doubt it.)
Never gone to PAX but would like to experience it some day... maybe. Some cool people come there at least.
I honestly wonder how long E3 will last with Activision Blizzard pulling out last year, EA this year, etc. It's not the One And Only True Option for game companies anymore.
Oh her. I like flat chests, sorry user.
A man of refined taste
Nice shit taste, loser.
Some guy ranted to me about Gamergate today. He was like a Swedish neckbeard. Worst.
A boy of inferior taste
You see the light
You do not
Not like you can help it
that's fine user, figured it was worth a shot
this wasn't me btw
Update: Naughty Dog is sitting behind me in this restaurant talking about indie games.
Dogs can't talk, man I cant believe I believed your bullshit story from the OP but I know youre just a fake now man
Walked past Xbox man on street on phone: "Yo man, I'm here at E3, got free drinks, free weed..."
ya got me
tell them to take back the rights to fucking crash
Yell you are Donut Drake's revenge before stealing all of their food