say something bad about this game
protip you can't
Say something bad about this game
Literally the only thing I don't like so far is that there's voice acting at the beginning. But as long as it is just that voice I guess it isn't so bad.
inb4 GAF shitposting.
You can't personalize Link to look less faggy
No fan fare.
No cuccos
No celebrating anything acquired.
No ruppees
No heart containers. (might just be the demo)
It's not out yet.
Its on the Wii U.
It's not out now
Links right handed
no hat
i dunno if its bad but from what i gather shrines are user created, i hope there are actual dungeons
also the no music thing will get boring pretty quick
They shouldn't have given it a subtitle.
You can't personalize Link to look MORE faggy.
artstyle is terrible. I love WW, but I'd gladly give it up if this blight would be erased from Zelda history.
>no music
...You're joking, right? There's no score? Even a rehashed, remixed one?
dont get me wrong, the subtitle is great but when they first showed "The Legend of Zelda" with nothing else it felt perfect, especially because theyre trying to reinvent zelda
Music will prob be in town etc but they want it to be nature heavy so no music in fields etc
It should have been called Zelda: The Phantom Pain.
not while exploring it seems, and the music that does play is during events it think, it also seemed pretty bare bones
>Series reboot
>Title it "Game"
No. It didn't not need a subtitle, it needed a less shitty subtitle.
Breath of the Wild just makes me think the entire game is just dicking around in the world. I swear to god if the overworld is the main focus and everything else is mediocre or worse I'm going to flip.
>Ocarina of Time
>Game is about the Ocarina and Time travel
>Majora's Mask
>Game is about Majora and the Mask thereof
>Wind Waker
>You Wake Wind I guess
>Twilight Princess
>Midna rides on your back the entire fucking game
>Breath of the Wild
>Link breathes in an open world just trying to survive the rampant nothingness
>Star Fox Zero
>Zero fun allowed
I'm losing it already.
>mfw I turned off music while exploring in The Witcher 3 and inadvertently forgot to turn it back on for cutscenes
>mfw finding Ciri
>mfw fighting Eredin
>shit graphics
>world looks dead and empty
>shoehorned gimmicks
>literally Kiddy Souls
there is music during fights. it seems like music is pretty much everywhere actually, except during default exploration time.
pop in
weapon durability
and fuck the drafting autism minecraft shit
barren world
casualizing bombs
slo motion aiming casual mechanic
casual health boosting mechanic
link carries an ipad around
this looks good. though it doesnt really convince me to buy it and a wiiu
Pretty much this. Not buying a WiiU for one game, and until we actually fucking know what the NX is, hard to tell if it will be worth buying it.
>you bought a wii u
>Fan fare confirmed in the shrines
>We don't know that yet
>Ruins the immersion
>There are rupees, it was shown in the inventory menu in the demo.
>We don't know that yet.
>casualizing bombs
Stop grasping. That's pathetic.
The other things you could argue. But CASUALIZING BOMBS is not an argument.
Next time you shitpost, don't put that one in, it makes it too obvious.
>wii u
It lost all the color from the original trailer a year ago. Now, like Skyward sword, the entire game looks like a faded shirt that's been washed too many times.
It's like nintendo made its own gary's mod. Lots of random shit to do, next to no substance.
The weapon variety is fucked by the durability and the AR. Even just in the demos today stealing weapons or even limbs from enemies to swing around became pointless once you'd found a sword in a chest that beats them all in both categories.
Boss fights are going to suffer from this, plus the open nature of the game unless they stick to the same "find the thing you need to kill the boss outside the boss room" thing that pisses everyone off.
I would only ever bother with it if the story, music and characters are all 10/10 but there's not much of a chance for this to happen since it hasn't been done in a Zelda game in a very long time.
Doesn't seem like there is a good story.
Also i didn't see any NPCs only monsters.
One of the best things in Zelda are the characters.
The framerate.
It's just funny watching Nintendorks flip their shit as if they've never seen an open world game before.
jesus christ that's horrible
actually i think its funnier that everyone else hates that we still like games
Good for you.
>no hearts
>shitty chest music
>open world meme
>literally isn't Zelda anymore
No music on the overworld.
That was confirmed a stream problem, unless you think the Wii U was rendering Treehouse staff too.
I have to buy an NX, my first nintendo system, to play
damn you Japanese
it will be the new game that Sup Forums shits on and we will have endless shitposting threads for months
they only put that in to prove to people that VA would be stupid in Zelda
Shallow combat, shit graphics, empty open world, retarded ai(just about every zelda game ever)
>Also i didn't see any NPCs
there is an Old Man literally right as you exit resurrection chamber
literally shown in the first 5 minutes
Wait for NX footage.