Just a reminder that if you primarily play a zoning character you're literally a cancer plaguing fight games.
>inb4 git gud >inb4 something about salt >inb4 something about keep crying
Not only are you playing the game in the most boring way possible, but it shows an incredible amount of mental retardation to think you're good just by spamming the same two moves for five minutes until you win.
Ryan Sanchez
Can't hear you
Luke Perez
If you're getting zoned out and it isn't 02 Takuma or OSaga in the corner then you simply got outplayed
Christian Cook
It's not even this character specifically, it's just zoners in general. They're boring to play. They're boring to play against, and worst of all they're irritating. Even when I win it doesn't feel like a win, it feels like I just beat a retarded kid.
Robert Thompson
Read your opponent. 90% of zoners/keepaway character/players fall into a pattern in which they get complacent because you're not doing shit to make them change their pattern. Then they adapt to change their pattern and so on and so forth.
Even shit like Zangief vs. Guile is winnable as Zangief if you read the Sonic booms and get within range of your longest normals.
Learn to adapt.
Lucas Reed
Git gud. Step away from the game for a bit if you're too salty cuz you'll be tilted. Go to training mode, record the shit that giving you the most trouble and see if you can figure out a way around so you stop crying.
The reason your opponent is "spamming" those same two moves is because they know they can get away with it.
John Evans
Literally git gud.
Benjamin Lewis
I usually do, as I said it's just boring to me. There are matches I lose, I won't deny that, but I usually take most of the matches I'm in.
I never said I lost to it. I said it's boring and just a cancerous play style. It's tedious to even win because it takes twice as long as it should just to play the appropriate mind games/get inside their guard, and most zoners have moves to push you back to restart the dance of bullshit.
Joseph Price
I don't have that problem.
Hudson Ortiz
So did Ragna ever fuck Rachel or what?
Camden Gutierrez
Not yet, but the way CF is going it looks like she's the only probable love interest. She's literally giving up her life for him and is in the center of the art for CF. This is supposed to be the finale for Ragna's story, so chances are they'll get together in this game.
Zachary Wilson
Finally, she needed a dicking.
Joseph Richardson
every character is a zoning character, faget. The range is different but everyone wants you at a different zone
Jaxson Foster
You are a bitch ass nigga, OP
Colton Jenkins
You wouldn't be bitching about it if you weren't at least annoyed by it.
>It's tedious to even win because it takes twice as long as it should just to play the appropriate mind games/get inside their guard
Then it should be more satisfying to win because you got inside their head and fucked up their rhythm. You were overall better player, but you're bitching because zoners exist? It's a playstyle. Deal with it or play a competitive non-fighting game because zoners exist in every one of them.
>zoners have moves to push you back to restart the dance of bullshit.
Gee, it's like the whole point of their character is to keep their distance from you. Seriously, if you got in once and they're able to push you to other side of the screen, then you obviously did something wrong because you weren't able to maintain momentum. If he does this once, then he outplayed you. He does this twice, you probably aren't making the right calls and he probably got inside your head.
Ian Perry
I don't remember Rachel being a zoner in the first month of CF. Did they finally discover her? What ended up being the use of her new tombstone special?
Brandon Mitchell
>Every character is a zoning character because they want you at a different zone! >Every character is a grappler because they grapple! >Every character is a combo character because they have combos!
Zoner is a definition used in fighting games that gives a clear explanation of a character. Yes, every characters wants you in a different zone, but a zoner specializes in it. You being that technical either means you're ignorant or stupid either way, here's your (you)
I never claimed it didn't annoy me, that's the whole point of the post is that it's annoying.
>but you're bitching because zoners exist? Yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing because this is an image board that exists for the sole purpose of sharing opinions and arguing/discussion opinions on things, the example here being that I think zoners are boring to play, boring to play against, and irritating in general. Anyone who primarily plays them is cancer.
Michael Lopez
Oh okay. You're bitching then to elicit discussion, but how is there a discussion when literally all you're saying is "Zoners are cancer and there's nothing that can convince me otherwise." Doesn't that defeat the purpose of discussion in the first place?
Samuel White
That's a fair point, I'll counter it by stating that you're the only person to say something other than what is essentially "git gud" I guess I'm trying to figure out why people enjoy throwing out fifty projectiles and hiding in the corner. It doesn't seem fun to me
Nathaniel Ross
>get in >win I don't understand your problem.
Chase Jenkins
Well, I mained Guile in USF4 so I can give you a little insight.
I personally love the frame data on his normals. Everything is so far-reaching and if spaced right, unpunishable. The sonic booms are a way to keep my opponent on their toes since each version has a different speed to it, which means that if they time their jump wrong, they're eating a sonic boom and they have to start over.
That said, I like to "walk" the opponent to their side of the screen since staying in place, like hiding in the corner as you eloquently put it, makes me predictable if they figure out which normals I like to press and which sonic boom I like to throw.
A shitty zoner will hide in the corner, pressing the same normal and projectile, asking to be read. A good zoner will keep you wherever they need you to be and can corner you instead, thus limiting your options.
Honestly, the more I limit someone's options, the safer I feel. I hope that gives you some insight as to why some people play zoners the way they do.
Jeremiah Gray
Bumping because I like Zoners and I want to see where this goes.
Mason Clark
See, that's fine, at least the way you describe it makes it feel like you're playing the game. After reading that I thought to myself that I wouldn't mind playing against you, in fact I might even enjoy it because it forces me to actually adapt and think ahead, and try to read. I guess I am so annoyed with zoners because 99% of my experience against them online is the same thing. It's boring, it's stale, and it doesn't make me feel like I'm actually playing the game. It makes me stale as a player and that annoys the hell out of me.
Blake Thompson
Rachel has always had zoning tools (lobelia, george, tempest dahlia) supported by her slipheed drives. With wind regen overall better than previous versions, her zoning potential has increased.
Evan Bell
Then just play people at local events or something. I like online since I can just pop in the disc and play literally anyone, but having a local friend helps since you will learn the ins and outs of each other's character. Plus, online gives you pretty bad habits if you're not careful.