>still salty about mgsv ending but it wasn't kojimas fault, I blame konami
>hyped for the new kojima game
>hop on the kojima hype train once again
>the new trailer of death standing arrives
>its a 2deep4u music video about his male pregnancy fetish with his favorite western Hollywood actor crush
>no one to blame this time for this flop
I was a kojima fanboy but Sup Forums was right all along, he is a fucking hack
Still salty about mgsv ending but it wasn't kojimas fault, I blame konami
user, what other game series do you know where someone got cut open in the stomach and had something placed inside/removed from inside them....
...its all connected. Remember the Trojans they were talking about in MGS2? It's not a coincidence the armor in this new game looks like spartans.
he has his moments
MGS2 wasn't bad and was the most auteur-esque game I think a lot of people had ever seen
but most of his other shit is just either corny or complete shit, just my opinion of course
Blame Sony. They probably wanted him to create hype for their partnership.
"Kojima-san we need hype!"
"Sorru, no prans to create trairu. I still sad fromu phantomu painsu"
"Ok. You're fired."
>The best MGS was MGS1
>Where another writer adjusted and fixed to account for Kojima's autism
>Second best was MGS3 where Kojima just went full ham and campy to show that Naked Snake was a real human bean unlike clone snake
>Genuinely liking anything after his MGS4 film debut
You had beaten wife syndrome OP.
you guys know it's only this grungy corner of the internet that wasn't amazed by that right? I mean I'm with you, but they made the trailer to appeal to a specific group and it did that. we don't like it, but the normies it was made to impress were all over it.
You're missing the point user
Why should I care about normie masses?
Same goes for them
I'm just sad about the fact that my favorite game developer turned out to be a hack
you shouldn't care about the normie masses, and I'm with you and i dont really care about this, i'm just saying that this trailer was never meant to make people like us care about it.
Most normies have no idea who Kojima is, and the few that do think his """"""arthouse"""""" slop is retarded.
Thing is...he has been a hack for a while. You were just too busy sucking his cock to notice.
The real thing you should pull away from this is:
-Hype is fucking stupid
-Fanboism is fucking stupid
-Even more extremely dumb when its to a single moronic talking head who is a "face" of something. Because you let some fucking morons on the internet convince you a game is some magical thing one faggot like Cliffy B, or Kojima, or Molynuex makes and is responsible for...and not a huge fucking creative team
Now that you got that Kojima dick out of your mouth, try not to replace it with another too quickly.
true, feel the same way about a lot of things
star wars for example, the first three - orgasm tier everything else - fuck my eye sockets tier
but people still cant help but like them so i gave up arguing with them, after all it makes no sense to argue with people that are so devestatingly tasteless
d..do you think that MGS is some kind of underground niche game? MGS is fucking huge user, and Hideo Kojima's name is plastered all over them. Especially MGSV when it appeared before and after every single mission
Did you even watch the audiences reaction? They couldnt give less of a shit.
yes, meaning myself (for whom which i can speak for) and the person I was talking to who had just said that he didn't like it. we.
If you were informed, you wouldn't blame Konami alone.
im so glad kojima retired
what the fuck
not again
>why won't he just die
>"Wow a new trailer from a man notorious for his pretentious trailers and themes!"
>"Better pretend to be surprised about it on Sup Forums so I can feel good that people agree with me!"
>you guys
>I'm just sad about the fact that my favorite game developer turned out to be a hack
You either die a hero, or live along enough to see yourself become the villain
Kamiya's next on the chopping block
Am I the only one seeing a loss comic on his abdomen?
I mean I can literally see it
So this is how people slowly go insane, huh?
This place is taking it's toll on me
yeah no comic on his abdomen
thanks for visiting reality, enjoy the depths of your eternal insanity
It's not his favourite but one of the few actors he can get near and have a "working" relationship. Dude wants to make movies so it must be really painful he only gets tv actors.
hahaha, OP thinks this is his blog!
>Sup Forums, after a single day, suddenly hates the trailer
oh my fucking god this board
I don't even know why I still come to this shithole
Well it is a sony exclusive. Things will shift if it's announced for PC as well.
Sup Forums is predictable.
you havent even seen any gameplay of it yet
You can't prove that I'm not hiro and I don't own this site
>it's never kojima a fault
we have seen literally nothing yet
chances are this trailer won't have anything to do with the final game, this is just really expensive concept art
>Sup Forums is a hivemind
i expected weird shit from Kojima and I was not let down.
Remember, this was his reveal trailer for MGSV.
What I don't get is why people think symbolism is good on the basis that its symbolism.
Kojima hasn't worked on a good game since MGS3.
>Kojima comes on stage
>doesn't say "Kept you waiting, huh?"
Also OP, nobody knows what the fuck Kojima is doing in this game so lets calm down a bit. There's basically nothing to discuss without definitive gameplay.
And people hating on Normal Reedus have seem to forgotten than he modeled snake after Kurt Russel and just ran with that, snake isn't original at all, even his name is stolen from the character Russel played. We're probably seeing the same thing here.
It seems as soon as something sets out to be 2deep4u it's automatically praised as great symbolism. No. Symbolism can be dumb and convoluted just like anything else.
what I don't get is why you people are reading into this trailer so much thinking it's symbolic or some shit
They don't even have an engine yet, It'll be a huge surprise to me if the final product has anything at all to do with this trailer. This was obviously just Sony asking Kojima to put some concept art together and make a trailer out of it to show at the conference, which is why it seems like it's some 2deep4u trailer full of symbolism.
My guess is that Reedus, the shore with the stranded fish and the 5 floating figures were all different pieces of concept art they ended up mashing together into 1 trailer.
The c-section represents kojima having mgsv ripped from him before its time
>half the game is basically it's predecessor in 3d.
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