Days Gone

Holy fuck at the amount of zombies. Those fuckers are coming in crazy amounts.

This is pretty much World War Z on steroids. Just imagine being chased by these fuckers at night because you ran out of gas.

yeah did you see the gameplay footage? How when he was in the barn running away from the zombies, the zombies were all running in a line? instead of being scattered and shit?

totally looks awesome...

Ooh you mean in that wildly scripted "gameplay" footage?

PS4 was probably about to have a stroke backstage.

>implying they weren't scattered around towards the middle and end of the demo

Are you braindead?

Yeah, looked awesome. I was a bit disappointed it wasn't set in the same world as The Last of Us, but the huge hordes and focus on shooting seem cool. And Sam Witwer is based so I'm excited about his character.

it looks



So what you're saying is that you haven't seen the extended demo and pretty much talking out of your ass.

I was talking about a particular part in the segment yo damn ass hat.


didn't even know there was an extended demo.

Still pretty skeptical


what are they making The Last of Us again?

Final version will have half that many. Not that that'll change how he game functions, just more shiny doo dads, enough to make a few commercials and dupe the gullible and desperate.

>you're riding your motorcycle at night
>shit runs out of gas
>a huge horde of zombie behind your ass in the middle of night
>completely fucked

The fact they're adding a feature where you can ripen out of gas and your bike stops moving is insane. Think of the possibilities.

Edit: run


About the farthest thing from TLoU aside from post apocalyptic.

Seems more resource/fuel management with absolutely massive hordes of enemies with gunplay, stealth, and vehicular combat. Game looks rough and needs polish, but is still early in development, but goddamn, if they pull this off, it would be fucking amazing. I'm just thinking through all the scenarios in my head and all the cool shit they could add. Definitely has a ton of potential.

Gas has not been important in a game till now.

>2 dawg

Really now

Kinda hoping there will be co op, even though I don't have any friends on psn

It was important in Mad Max, unless you spent all your points on gas conservation.

>Year of our lord 1911 + 105
>Making a post apocalyptic game with weapon handling and realism this pleb tier

I love zombies more so than your average human being but it doesn't look like it brings anything new to a flooded market.

That was fucking stressful.

>1%'r with a heart
Fucking dropped

The initial trailer legitimately looked like it was going to be The Last of Us 2.

The art style and setting and themes are all a bit too similar

I can never tell when these posts are genuine because of all the falseflaggers, but I'll take it

I'm kinda hyped for this game, only because I never burned myself out on zombie stuff nor open world. So itll be nice to play when its out, that is if it doesnt fall flat. Doubt it will

It's actually a pretty common road name... There's a culture they're trying to depict and they're far off the mark but I can at least see they watched Sons of Anarchy

>About the farthest thing from TLoU aside from post apocalyptic.
>mo-cap up the ass

Hmm, i actually thought it may have been a walking dead reference. T-Dawg

Large hordes
Decent framerate
Pleasant graphics

MC is a generic asswipe
Those horrid reloading sounds
Open world survival no. 2,349
The """"crafting""" we saw with the pistol

What will be cut on final release:
Large hordes
Decent framerate
Pleasant graphics
Those horrid reloading sounds

It'll do great, but it'll suck ass.

Dying light: The following did it before days gone, and it was a zombie game as well.

that M4 sounds lethargic

>zombies made of tissue paper
Please no.

Is this one of those cynical jaded gamer posts?

>The """"crafting""" we saw with the pistol
>rips off a piece of a cold air intake
>sticks it on the end of his pistol
>magic silencer

fucking hell

That's an oil filter, and it works to an extent. He wouldn't get it from the top though.

reminds me of army of two where you could use a pop can silencer

man I need to play that game again

I don't think so. I was being honest with the pros and cons, but I was mainly joking. Thanks for the (you) though.

It was the oil filter. They actually make an attachment for your gun so you can adapt an oil filter to it and it makes a decent suppressor.

I wish someone would make a zombie game with no story kinda like Dayz but on a better engine than that clunky ass one Arma 2 used.

>cold air intake
that's an oil filter retard.
But yeah it shouldn't even be on the top LET ALONE be so easily taken off (They screw on, usually) and there's usually only one hole on one side, not a hole that goes through. That shit made me laugh in anger at how retarded that was and how retarded they must think we are.

Marketers are in deep tonight.

Epoch, Arma 3.
... sorry, I had to.

>Small spit town
>That many people becoming zombies
Come on now.

This looks retarded OP.

Watch the bit on the bridge before the end and see how fast bodies disappear from view
I doubt that we'll get Ubisoft level downgrades from that

This looks like the absolute worst part of any game separated and made into its own game, namely running away from aggro'd enemies who won't fuck off and leave you alone.

It wasn't fun in WoW, it's not fun here.

Why does the rifle sound so... eh?
Why does it have no form of sighting.
why does he hold the rifle so close to his face?
why did he look so relaxed while being chased by that many enemies?

People need to realize this is still in early development. It's being made by a team composed of a 100 people.

So it's pretty impressive for them to achieve this much with less people. As compared to Naughty Dog who has 300 people.

So why the fuck didn't they wait until next year to show it?

TLoU : we want TLoU audience edition.

To build hype

The actual gameplay is going to nothing like this scripted crap

Yeah, that's not what I would call the general reception of it.

The person who fucking greenlight this generic redneck zombie shooter should be fired immediately.

I'm pretty sure it is using the same engine as Uncharted 4. You can tell by the way it looks when you aim. The animations look pretty rough in Days Gone though

you would know considering you're working on it shiller von shecklestein, fuck off

>zombie games still being made

>some jaded shitposters who bash everything exclusive to systems they don't own don't like it
It doesn't look incredible, but it's definitely not bad looking, especially if they polish it up, considering it's in early development

ok looks fun but..

>zombies don't grab you even when they're within arms reach
>killing zombies is pointless because there's too many

the video was frustrating to watch seeing the guy stop to shoot them again and again with no effect and then somehow outrunning them when they're within arms reach. also the zombies tracking is terrible

novel idea but requires execution to be good
nice horde of zombies that takes 500 bullets to kill. Now spend 10 game hours fighting similar hordes running them around hospitals, amusement parks, city blocks, whatnot. still sound like fun? not boring and tedious?
I liked cod zombies for a while, but past round 20 it was just running in circles for hours with bullet bag zombies.
I question why he even bothered shooting at them for most of it. He could have better spent the time gaining more distance on them, or setting another trap like the log c4 trap (there was another one literally 10 feet away and he had the time to set it). The obvious answer was the player knew the layout and knew where to go next to follow the script of course, but why would I bother with guns in the real game? Instead of running back into the barn like he did, and gotten himself trapped (apart from the convenient open window that no zombies seemed to care about), he then kept climbing higher to get himself trapped on the silo.
How did he get out? By shooting the single chokepoint for a good hour, or until his gun with 900 bullets ran out of ammo. Even the zombies got hung up on various railings or the conveyer belt. He could have trapped them like with the garage door and used the time to run away.
Zombie games always rely on the story, open world, crafting, whatever other features these games have. Unless this game has exceptional human combat, the combat may get old.
Couple other questions too. Why would I want a silenced gun when all the zombies turn into a horde that you ultimately mow down mercilessly? I wouldn't want to stealthily snipe over 100 zombies. Why wouldn't he just run back to the motorcycle and drive off rather than run around and get himself trapped? Why wouldn't he run off into a field where he can put distance on them and shoot them without getting trapped? Unless the final game can answer these questions without making it a grindfest, I won't get hyped.

>Clicked the link
>Video loads
>Obnoxious blue image with massive letters appear
>"Only on PlayStation"
>Close tab

Oh well, never mind then.

wanna be cataclysm DDA

They seemed to be made of paper and turn into plastic bags when killed

It looked like shooting 2D sprites or something

Looked pretty damn stupid to me...I guess we'll see how it develops.

Well these things are played on easy mode.

Though I am worried that it will get old fast just having to run from ridiculously big hordes who will never stop chasing you

>He ran into the crowd of the zombies, on the outside of it
>Three zombies just bounced off of him when he touched them
Truly GOTY

State of Decay, senpai.

not necessarily bad compared to dying light where every third zombie has a quicktime grapple

I like it, this game could be PS4's Dead Rising.

Final version on Neo will have that many, PS4 will have 1/3rd of the amount and low res textures.

Yeah but those were manageable, especially with perks toward the later game.

I'd rather have that system than the "well I ran through a horde and they bounced off of me with no stumble animations or without trying to even swing at or grab me."

this is so ridiculously scripted though

>He's a bounty hunter which is why he needed a silencer in order to kill T Dawg without making any noise that would otherwise alarm the zombies
>they obviously wanted to just show off the tech with the hordes of zombies which is why their was less zombies plus it was on easy mode
>they also said their would be more survival strategy elements and the game would have a night and day cycle
>he couldn't go back to his bike because it was low on gas which is another element to survival
>running out in the open and just shooting would be bad due to the amount of zombies

You literally have to be brain dead in order to not find these answers. Th n again I shouldn't expect any less from Sup Forums.

so this is an indie early access survival zombie crafting game, except it was presented at E3?

>>He's a Bounty Hunter which is why he needed a silencer in order to kill T Dawg without making any noise that would otherwise alarm the zombies
sure, but how much human combat will be in the game? The video didn't show any. Also part of my point was mentioned that the amount of human combat was crucial to the success of the game
>>they obviously wanted to just show off the tech with the hordes of zombies which is why their was less zombies plus it was on easy mode
Was I supposed to know this? The video didn't mention it was easy mode
>>they also said their would be more survival strategy elements and the game would have a night and day cycle
How dare I only comment on the video shown and not do research into the game myself
>>he couldn't go back to his bike because it was low on gas which is another element to survival
Was I supposed to know this? The three second gas icon for the bike at the beginning of the video?
>>running out in the open and just shooting would be bad due to the amount of zombies
running away from the horde keeping them on one side of you compared to doing circles back into the barn where he was ultimately trapped? Hmm...

Doesn't make up for the fact that shooting into the horde did about nothing until he got them into a chokepoint
And doesn't make up for the fact that the gameplay looks tedious and grindy, which was the point of my post
Sounds like you just nitpicked, and expected me to give a shit enough to know about the game more than the video showed
Nice response friendo

if it's only gimmick is large hordes, it's gunna get boring real quick

That's not the only enemy type.

They different types depending on the age the human was infected.

It looks boring as hell, you just move back and shot stuff for more than 5 minutes with nearly unlimited ammo and no variety, follow Dead Rising 4 instead of this movie bullshit.