this is your girlfriend for tonight
This is your girlfriend for tonight
I don't want Sarah Silverman
Does it have a benis? :DD
I want the grey hair one with the dick
post dick
Only for tonight? I want to bury my head in those breasts for the rest of my life.
She's gotta lose the Jeff Hardy arm socks.
I don't think my wife would be very happy about that, but OK.
I'll pass
All of you combined would disappoint her.
She is a sexual race horse.
You guys can't ride a petting zoo pony.
She would throw you and her speed would scare you.
As long as she doesn't say a word and wears a paper bag on her head.
No, this is.
Breasts of the Wild.
minecraft jewess thighfu was hotter 2bh
>Ugly jew face
You neckbeards really need to get laid, holy shit.
She looks good though. Post yours if your so confident.
I can do better
those are definitely C cups, maybe D
>All of you combined would disappoint her.
giving a fuck about pleasing women.
I'll pump 3 times cum on those fat tits and go out for a smoke not a single fuck given
What about your wife's son?
You say that like it's easy. I know I need to get laid and I would love to, but I'm a fucking 26 year old virgin. It's obviously never going to happen for me at this point.
>Ugly jew face
I know it's baiting, but she is a bit old-looking and she isn't great with the makeup. Really, that's just part of the appeal. Seems a bit more authentic, you know?
I'd date Sarah Silverman as long has she looks a little dolled up like she did in during the zelda gameplay. Frumpy sarah isn't that hot desu
Lol what are you on about?
Wow another neckbeard talking about his "standarts"
Posting true best girl
[s]he is like the definition of a butterface
>She would throw you and her speed would scare you.
What did he mean by this?
What steps have to taken go get laid? You have to make the effort or it really will never happen. Pussy ain't gonna come to you, m8. You gotta go out and find it.
I'd rather have the QT asian pyromaniac. Someone post her.
She used to be very fat.
Bullshit. 15-20 minutes and she'd be done just like any other woman. Give her a good head start with oral and fingers before even putting your dick in and she'll probably cum at least once before you do.
I want to lick her gums.
>Kike nose
>Man face
>Fake tits
Audrey a shit
kill yourself WAIT you already are lmao
Who are these two 10/10s?
You can tell from her bra that she has saggy tits.
You must be ugly, fat, or autistic as fuck its not hard to get laid.
I mean I haven't but by the time I was 17 I had phone & cam sex if yoy can't get that at least you're a lost cause
There's prob like 1000 people who saw this thread. One woman couldn't withstand 1k men before erupting.
wow you are so cool
Friend of mine got his first girlfriend at age 25, was a virgin up until then.
It's not too late.
Great, those are the best kind.
No want, she's fucking terrible at Zelda
why? how come every girl gets to sit around with their thumbs up their assess and have dicks wash over them with zero effort?
and then they have the fucking nerve to bitch about it
I don't know about that, but it's certainly a bad bra for her. Women dread that "second boob" effect.
my nigggah
>natural human tendency is to like big breasts if you're a man
Sounds like you need a good lay before you start bragging about not being a virgin, m8.
Always appreciated a good pair of tits, has a nice face too. Definitely would not mind fucking.
>liking shitty plastic tits
look at those slurpee cups heave
>noa censorshit
no thanks
I figure it's pointless to even try anymore since I'm unemployed and live at home. I don't ever go out because I don't have anyone to do it with. I have no money. I don't have any social contact with women anymore like I did in college, and even still it never happened back then. Tinder didn't work at all. You clearly think you're an expert so you tell me what I should do.
>Not pleasing your woman and making her beg for more.
Enjoy your lame excuses why she's not in the mood today and her getting fucked by guys like me while you're at home playing vidya.
Googled it but couldn't find anything
Just wait until they're all 38 with no real relationship experience other than being a fleshlight attached to a body
That mentality is the reason you've never been laid, friendo. Men have ALWAYS had to do the chasing, even in the animal Kingdom. It's the same shit everywhere. If you want it you gotta make the effort to get it, it's that simple.
low test fag
go back to /fit/
>that part where they unequipped Link's shirt and kept gushing over him
I should start working out
Alright fine, what does she wanna do? We can go anywhere she wants except the disco, they don't let me in there anymore.
I love how the other utter queen has put on a jacket after every post in the streams were just about her tits, but this slut simply didn't care.
>does it have a penor?
>Sup Forums kiddies actually think this is anything above a 5/10
oh wow
>tfw you're more interested in your date's friend
Hell, she paid for them, she probably wants to show them off.
Online dating. Even if you're a boring loser in person I'm sure you can muster up the more interesting persona online.
the one on the right is so fucking cute
i wanna kiss her
Put a bag over her head and it'll be fine
u guys are pigs
This is your girlfriend tonight
>you like it in the butt Audrey-kun?
its honestly not that bad just okay.
the tits make up for it
Literal butterface. Even her body isn't even that great desu
How do I get laid or form relationships when I'm a depressed NEET?
Riddle me that you niggerdiddles
I need face on right + boobs on left
then I want my new creation to watch me masturbate to shirtless link
Online dating
Based Redditor
I refuse to be that pathetic
this is your girlfriend for tonight
does Sup Forums never go out in public and see girls wearing regular tshirts? like im serious. what makes this girl any different from any other?