
Hey Sup Forums just bought this game, what am i in for?

>Return to the Waking Sands

You're pretty much too late, the best this game has to offer is the main scenario quests, and everyone will get pissy at you for not skipping every cutscene and leave you in the dust, robbing you of the experience. Barring that, a decent game until "end game" where it turns to shit.

>Just bought a game
>what am I in for?
Fucking play it and find out.


You can just watch the cutscenes in the inn, jeez.

>Pray, return to the waking sands

Pretty fun. Some repetetive bits. End game is trash nothing to do. But youll have a good experience leveling your first character

Pretty much the best MMO right now with an amazing open and friendly community.
You will most likely make alot buddies there out of nowhere, except you're some unsocial kid maybe.

Unlike most MMOs the community is actually social and helps each other alot. Don't be surprised when a stranger suddenly hands over a bunch of money or whatever for free, that happens quiet often.

About the main story: Everyone praises it but personly I found it pretty dull and silly until the lvl 48 quests. At that point it turns actually pretty good.

The main thing that pissed me off in the main story is how fucking idiotic most NPCs are, almost braindead holy shit.

Hope you like sand

A great game, but honestly you should have played the new trial before asking this question, it lets you get a character to level 35 now. i was able to decide the game was for me back when the cap was 20.

lots of the storyline and boss fights have really great presentation and are fun to fight. endgame is easy enough to catch up in as well do to how they balance it. the savage/extreeme modes of content right now aren't very rewarding and are basically just bragging rights/for fun. Alexander dosen't even hold a candle coil though. i've been playing for nearly two years and have been having great times with my friends.

i'd say the point the storyline really picks up is around patch 2.4 content and higher. and yeah the community is really friendly itself usually. if you're willing to put up with weeaboos/people who are obviously gigglesquee hambeasts. but that's not everyone.

but yeah. it's a good game but your interest probably wont last if you're all alone.

>really friendly itself usually. if you're willing to put up with weeaboos/people who are obviously gigglesquee hambeasts.

Luckily I'm a weeb myself and don't mind these kind of people, so I guess I fit perfect there.

as long as you're able to deal with the kind of people you'd see in a high school anime club you'll be fine. it drove me nuts at first but then i stopped caring

Lots of cute Japanese gnomes



Maid costumes in EU fucking when

First thing I did was join an FC. Lucky there were decent people in it, so I could avoid most of the first time dungeon drama since they would walk me through most of them.

World of Warcraft. With chocobos.

You have enough to do as a new player so you're fine.
If you even give a single fuck about the story you'll probably have some decent fun. Join a FC though, since this game's community is actually somewhat decent for a change and you can actually have fun with other people.
It only gets stale as fuck once you're at end game and everything just consists of logging in to do your daily shit with the occassional raid, if you can find a group that's not actually full of shitters.

might as well just never subscribe now because your char will never be as pretty as mine

damn she looks good.

How do I make the perfect Au ra waifu?

pick the right face for starters

every au ra is a perfect waifu
even the boys

It's obviously not the same thing, jeez-brain.

>every au ra is a perfect waifu
>even the boys


what server you on, qt


too bad

i love you velvet!

Back to /xivg/

ZR here, 3.3 didn't kill the FC like 3.1 did. Feels good.


Yes. I'm too shy to whisper you in game tho


1.5G left to download before I can play the trial. So stoked. I'm hoping to come up with $30 to get started after the two weeks. I just want a comfy mmo on my console.

Is having 1 character $10 per month?

ERP. Lots of it.

>Tfw whored myself twice for 100k gil

Life's good as dragon slut

1 character on every server, yeah
You don't need more than that because you can do everything on one character

do you like miqo'te boys?

As far as themepark MMOs go it is one of the better ones because it actually has some degree of 'midcore' content that keeps you entertained for a while. Also one of the best MMOs to play dressup or jew the economy as crafter.

I don't dislike them.

Seems like a good deal to me. Would rather spend money on this than PS Plus.

thx, user. : )

what about tail/horn petting

>tfw when I really want this game but the race/job I'd want to play are in the expac and can't justify buying it when I haven't played the game

I'm not even a big MMO guy either but every so often I get tempted

Is that the first non-slut cat to be posted in an XIV thread?

You can't access it until you reach the expansion area anyways. Luckily the expansion classes start at 30, so getting back to the level you left your preexapnsion class doesn't take that long.

Looks pretty slutty to me

you get a free fantasia after a month of subbing, you can just go au ra after you buy the expansion

Sorry that nobody wanted to wait for your ass to watch an hour of cutscenes in praetorium.

I'm not worried about getting back to what level I was so much as I worry about rushing myself through the game so I can play it ASAP.

Raep and anal penatrations

Is there PvP and is it fun?

All I see are potatoes

does this potato have no shame?

There's pvp and it's pretty fun but it takes fucking forever to get in a game because there's 3 factions 24 players each

Isn't that this bikini from Bravely default?

I wish you could give femaled bigger tits.

Most armors already have silly breast-plates, so why not give them bigger ones!

Yes it's not in the game unfortunately

I never really gave that much thought, but I don't think I would really mind it.

I just wish they'd fix the asses

Aww damn.

I really hope they add some BD/BS goodies into the game

Kek only thing i remember 6 months after

Well even if it was it would get turned into those weird skirt things that all bikini bottoms turn into on lalafells.

I remember the forum post of this

It pissed me off how people came up with comments like "Hurr durr there are bigah problems xDD" like jeez, he has legit points let him talk

Didn't they said it caused problems with modeling armor? Lazy cunts.

Yeah it's pretty annoying

And obviously they're not going to fix it ever. And thanks to the kids in the forum nobody is allowed to talk about it.

I look forward to the 1.0 private server fulling running someday, so I can experience FF14 when it actually looked good and had good animation.

I don't actually want to play it though, I just want to look at the cutscenes with my own character instead of watching it on youtube.

>looked good and had good animation
Seriously what the fuck happened, why this huge downgrade?

budget, since it actually takes time to model and animate. Not to mention some models were unnecessarily detailed, and caused the game to run like ass.

Also change in core gameplay mechanics means that they had to change a bunch of animations to disregard physics (running use to have inertia), so players can turn on a dime for the faster gameplay.

praetorium is bad design, otherwise this basically never happens as the cutscenes are 10 seconds long at max anyway

CM and Prae were an admitted mistake for the cutscenes.
That's why you only get short cutscenes like boss intros now. Everything else is contained within intro/outro cutscenes or done outside the instance entirely.

Fuck you. You experience that shit as you go.

I've had people start bosses while I was watching the boss intro in sub 30 dungeons.

I've also had groups in MSQ that were willing to wait for new people in prea and casturm. I personally was lucky and ran them with my FC.

I had a dude in my FC get super mad that people were doing large pulls in casturm, even if they still waited for cutscenes before bosses. He rage quited and told the other FC guy who we were help to leave as well becuase he said large pulls is a douche move for a new player who wants to experience the whole thing. I fucking wat'd and then laughed, everyone else who was left was puzzled as well, as large pulls doesn't detract from the experience at all. Hell, the tank doing the pulls was explaining the whole thing too.

Meido promotion seems so fucking hamfisted. Why didn't they just tie it to a digital purchase, like 60 day subscription codes?

The last time I did those the tank just pulled full rooms and we ran through it. It's a joke now.

the amount of cutscenes there and in meridianum is ridiculous, and most aren't even anything worth seeing.

What a cunt who cares about trash mobs in an mmo doesn't that fag know the experience comes from the bosses

He must have been frothing from the mouth during praetorium where you skip entire rooms by exploiting teleporters

How fuck Shatter is amazing. I missed out on level 50 PvP, were the modes then as good as the ones now?

>weeping city tank ques