and it's so blatant and hilariously bad
who else is ready to play LEGEND OF TITAN?
and it's so blatant and hilariously bad
who else is ready to play LEGEND OF TITAN?
Other urls found in this thread:
your mom
Shouldn't it be "Legend of Titans" or "Legend of the Titan"?
good ol chinks
No shrek no buy
So like, does copyright infringement just not exist in chink land
I don't understand
How did they reverse engineer stuff or whatever to get all the assets they ripped off?
Are you as bad a dude as s34_kevein?
No China has absolutely zero intellectual property law.
Pretty much they do what they want. There tons of shit like this, they have a league ripoff with anime characters
Looks pretty much like overwatch to me to be honest
absolutely not, same with most of asia.
when i was a kid and went home to the philippines i was able to buy "Street Fighter 3" for SNES that was like some glitchy insane version of SF2
Chinks are literally incapable of an original idea.
Chinks should not be considered human.
it looks like its in a never ending state of lagging
ill probably play it though since im too poor to buy overwatch. at least too poor to think about it first, and when i do i just remember the beta and put my wallet back down
>less cooldown on abilities
Looks better already.
It's the legend of jupiter's moon
That would actually make sense.
it works fine, you just need to travel to china and sue them, deal with everything in chinese, pay chinese lawyers and deal with chinese courts, lose some goodwill in china, all to receive absolutely fucking nothing from a chinese company who just shuts down, and the players would never have paid $40 anyway
you literally get nothing except to shut down a shitty game, so it's not worth fighting
Everyone post your Legend of Titan™ mains!
Mine is the cowman McCraw! If you hear him shout "It's 12 o'clock" you better watch out!
China has no copyright laws because copying is a sign of honoring the original inventor.
Any non chinese company that attempts to take up a copyright claim in China will always lose against they chinese company which is infringing.
Basically, if it isn't chinese it's fair game.
My favorite character in Legend of Titan™ is Harvester. Beware his "Perish! Perish! Perish!" attack!
I am quite torn between Loseton and Babymaker myself
I have to admire the speed at which they were able to put it out there.
Although I guess it's possible that they've maintained malware inside Blizzard for a while now.
>those names
>playing Legend of Titan
>McScreech appears
>"the clock tells! Time!"
>kills entire team
>rushes to oue point and praises our Mao photograph
still nothing compared to that chinese military FPS that was suppose to compete with cawadoody and BF3, were you get to kill murrikans for the glory of the peoples republic
>a shoddy ripoff of a shoddy ripoff of a shoddy ripoff
The endlesss shit pit of team fortress spirals ever deeper.
literlaly copied all the animations too
it's like they just traced over it
>no shrek
fucking hell, what's the point
how bad are we talking? is it Unearthed levels of bad?
>Reaper looks like Donte with a hoodie
Eyy rofle
i just dont get it. these people are completely capable of doing something new and creative but waste their time on shit like this that will only fade into obscurity
the link isn't working
"its high noon-nu desu"
it's chinese you fucking gaijin
it seems like the site thats hosting it is fucked or something
"its ching chong noon"
are you happy you small dicked asian
>getting this butthurt that your joke was bad
its back up
Holy fucking shit, is China actually more fucked up than Mexico? Jesus fuck, after reading all that, I feel lucky to live in this shithole and not that other shithole.
fuck you white amerikhan
we may have smarr penis in rear word, but in 2d visual nobels we are the biggest!
>they gave widow huge tits
>China giving a single fuck about your IP laws
China do what it wants
>about to win
>hear "eye has field of view you"
>enemy Warrior 152 kills everybody on our team and we lose
Isn't that blatantly, literally bastion
>tfw reading this with Empire of Dust in the back of my head
you'd be surprised at how much worse asian countries are compared to mexico/some south american countries
That can't be real. That's imitation is the sincerest form of flattery to the next too far
they also have carbon copied widow save for her boobs which have been enlarged to draw more people in
and here i was considering mandarin
I'm sure the sfm models are sitting around on the internet somewhere.
It doesn't, which is why the country is so garbage since there's no incentive to develop anything.
Does anyone else remember the chinese p2w CoD4 MP ripoff?
Just fucking gas all chinks
no particularly difficult to re-skin a re-skin
Asians have retarded customs in general.
There it is also considered rude to leave an empty plate when you're a guest for dinner. There it means that you're not full yet and question the host's cooking qualities.
>chinks made rip off
Breaking news
>muh textures
>muh gs4
>muh curry drake
>implying every big name developer doesn't outsource asset creation to china in the first place
I like Mei
It's different in other regards. China doesn't have drug gangs that will murder whole villages, but if you lie bleeding in the middle of a busy street, nobody will call an ambulance for you.
Any more stuff like this? It's always facinating to read.
>pharah with dreads
What the fuck.
Whats this character from?
lol, not even surprised
They copied League of Legends, Team Fortress 2, and a shit ton of mobile games.
>and it's so blatant and hilariously bad overwatch?
And there are people out there who actually think China is ahead of us or a threat to America somehow.
whats with you faggots and small images?!
>Islamic people don't fit in with the west, their values aren't likes ours
>But the Chinese do!
Ban on all Chinese immigrants when?!
I wish companies would stop going to china for their shit. Let their economy crash, all their money is dirty money anyways. Fuck those subhumans
>Chinks are literally incapable of an original idea.
>Chinks should not be considered human.
its more like Maoism killed all old culture so now they don't have any stories they learnt when they were young
there's also since copy right laws are non existence they're not gonna waste time with focus groups and marketing when they can just as easily copy things that are already successful
fuck off Canada and Australia
Chinese are sneaky but their kids will integrate
they didn't even change bastion or widow maker, am i seein this right?
The RPG Overwatch came out of was named Titan.
>mfw I chose right choosing 'Watashi wa Toire-desu' over 'Ching chong bing bong'
Already visited Japan twice and it's been fantastic experiences. And outside of the smug girl who stares at me discouragingly, Japanese isn't too bad to learn; much easier vocally than written though.
Condolences to this user. Hope he RIPs for informing everyone.
I main Fortress but people call me a scrub
Their jewish ways are part of their culture and race, it will never leave them
I can't believe an entire nation is so creatively-bankrupt
they gave wm bigger tits
i donno man, stepping on some chinese cockroach devs seems semi-worth it to me.
They keep going to China because they actually know how to do business in China, unlike the "don't learn mandarin" guy who doesn't having a fucking clue.
>Their jewish ways are part of their culture and race, it will never leave them
you mean their culture that was destroyed by communism?
you mean their culture that is just assimilated into the general "asian american" demographic when are raised in the west?
obvious ripoff of final combat lmao
This is so fucking stupid. It's one guy's (alleged) experience with obvious scammers (not like those don't exist in America or Europe either) and some faggot saves it and reposts everytime China is mentioned just because he has a huge racist hate boner for China. Get new material you faggot.
Sent from my Redmi Note 3 Pro
why was she smug at you
So...why can't Islamic kids do this?
This is physically painful to read
China owns blizzard so they can do what ever the fuck they want.
see image
if I have fuck you money and suing chinese plagiarists is my hobby...sure. But I doubt any large company would even bother with this shit. You lose more than you gain.
because Islam is a religion and not a race?
that's not a change at all, though
and it's because they've gotten so big and industrialized that they don't have the time to be creative unlike dynasties ago
Underrated post.
Read "Poorly made in China" and then remember that video games there are made just like all the normal manufacturing mentioned in the book.
>Reaper has 450 health
That dosent sound broken or anything.