30 years old

>30 years old
>Have been playing vidya all my life
>This is the first generation in which I don't have all the current consoles and handhelds
>I don't plan on buying another console ever again
>I don't even have any games on my current PC and don't plan to get any
>I've dropped all my consoles and now play exclusively on mobile

But you felt the need to respond.

Clearly you do give a shit.

So Sega raped you so much after the Dreamcast and those shitty games that you left the hobby entirely?

Sugoi monogatari, oniisan

id rather kill myself than become you

No, I've never felt much of a connection to Sega.

I was in love with Nintendo, but then Sony won me over with the PS2.

During the Wii/360/PS3 generation, I stopped caring about company loyalty altogether.

Are video games that important to you? I used to felt like they were important to me also, but then I grew up. I still enjoy games, but in the end they're nothing more than a time-waster.

I making a living selling them so yeah and to spend your whole life on a hobby only to give up on it is dumb did you out grow movies and sex too?

who cares?

>I making a living selling them
>Make a living
>Selling video games
Well, I guess the term "living" is subjective. I'm not saying there isn't some money in it. I'm just saying it's hardly a career.

>to spend your whole life on a hobby only to give up on it
I've done other things in these past 30 years besides play video games. It's not like since video games have become less significant in my life I now do absolutely nothing. I run a successful business, have a social life, maintain a fitness routine, have a wife, and am constantly trying new things and experiences.

No, I haven't grown out of movies. Movies are more respectable as an art form than video games are.

Apparently, you do. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here.

Also, something else to point out is that I do still play video games. Just on my phone.

I know Sup Forums likes to say that mobile games are cancer, but fuck you. There's some fun games on mobile phones, and I've got some classic ports on there too that work pretty well.

Congratulations on abandoning everything you used to enjoy in the name of becoming a generic office worker.

Aren't mobile games exclusively for children?

Yeah, I totally just sold out to the man, didn't I?

I'd probably be so much happier playing with children's toys then I am now. Who needs to actually live life when you have toys, right?

>shirty games

>childrens toys
>plays candy crush on his phone

i care to make fun of you, not about the sad state of your life

you're both "wrong" because you're both extremes
enjoying one doesn't stop you from enjoying the other

>one life
>spent half of it playing online games grinding virtual junk
>peers were forming relationships, getting job experience, and living life
>"at least I'm good at games, they're my hobby"
>esports are full of normalfags that started gaming with League of Legends
>my favorite series' have turned into soulless husks so my peers can enjoy them
>can't even say anything about it because I never mattered

I'm just so tired, I spend more time on Sup Forums just... waiting for something. Don't know what I'm waiting for.

I've never played Candy Crush.

No. There are mobile games specifically for children just like there are console and PC games specifically for children.

Some examples of games I have on my phone(all downloaded legally from iTunes) that aren't specifically for children are:
>War Tortoise
>Warhammer 40K: Freeblade
>Special Air Wing
>Walking War Robots
>Fallout Shelter
>Magic the Gathering Duels
>Punch Club
>Joan Mad Run
>Bullet Party

That's not including all the games on my phone that are ports/remakes either, like:
>Final Fantasy VII
>All of the Ace Attorney games
>King of Fighters 98
>King of Fighters XIII
>Street Fighter II
>Street Fighter IV Volt
>World of Tanks: Blitz
>Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee

So, no, mobile games are not just for children.

>i care to make fun of you
That makes absolutely no sense and you sound like a retarded child.

Living life is travelling and meeting new people and trying new things, not working in an office building and playing mobile games during your ten minute lunch break.

I've got a full time job and I still manage to enjoy my life, what's your excuse?

>Movies are more respectable as an art form than video games are
>mobile "player"
>trying new things and experiences.
fuck off

>Living life is travelling and meeting new people and trying new things
Which is exactly what I do when I'm not working. In fact, I already said that. Why didn't you pay attention the first time? Are you just an idiot or something?

Then why are you being so defensive and aggressive towards a hobby that was your own for most of your life?

30 yo crisis?

It's the best that could happen to you. I started to play cello and have sex

Well, not playing vidya was clearly a bad decisions since you are now so bored you think making shitty blog threads about yourself on Sup Forums is somehow a good idea.

ITT: Pic related