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Holy shit, that's even better. You have to not be a retard when you cut shit down.
Why is physics so shitty in this game? Literally no weight behind everything
What does that even mean
Clearly it was scripted for that tree to fall...like in a king's quest game.
Everything flies around effortlessly.
Kind of like in HL2
moves like greased butter
What? Real life trees don't become static when felled buddy
Hope they dont make this easier and force the log to stay there
WOW you can use the enviroment to progress
literally no game has done this before in the last 5 years i swear guys
Because they're actual physics and not scripted animations.
Name a single game.
It's ok, I'll wait.
real life tree would have hit the ground so hard it would have dug in a bit
and i can't see, but even if not much of the tree was on the other side, a small boy getting on it wouldn't cause it to spin so much
>"the" log, as if you have to use that one
>as if there is only one way to cross
>as if you even need to cross at all
You havent yet grasped the full concept of this game
>You can't script a tree to fall off a cliff with the player on it!
Fuck off Nintendrone.
They did this to make the game look more interactive than it really is.
But they don't work realistically at all, clearly by OPs image.
That's like saying Darkl Souls 3 had realistic poise and weight with Havels. Game works as intended they said.
Divinity Original Sin
a real tree also wouldnt drop all its branches when it fell down
Not in this way, no.
Most of physics based games that allow you to tranverse the scenery this way has scripted physics puzzles.
Rip Mr tree
Sup Forums really complains about everything
Why not complain that link fell the tree in 2 hits
Clearly a tree that can be cut down so easily should be light as fuck dont you think?
>Artificial Interactivity
I can't think of a game that does this dynamically. A lot of people like you seem to be missing the point about how the items combine and synergize together with the environment.
I wonder if you can cut down every tree in hyrule
They probably respawn
I guess is time we call your mom so she can drop on my dick
It's a magic axe
That's the reality of physics engines, weighty physics do not exist because it is not yet practical.
If you want trash scripted games with pretty animations there are plenty out there for you to enjoy, alternatively go watch a movie.
kek, stupid nintendrois
where the fuck did they appear from all of a sudden?
A real tree would have bounced right off that rock face and slid off
>implying this game with buttered logging isn't trash
I understand what you mean, but as others have said it's just simply not possible to do yet. At least as far as I know. You either get this or scripted events that looks like it's "Physics" when in reality it's not. Not sure when this will be solved honestly.
to be fair, not a lot of people played that
still a solid answer tho
Neither does the glider, or anything else. What's important is if they make the gameplay good, which I think it does.
Never played that. What are some examples? Sounds neat.
adding this to the vocabulary of Sup Forums memes
remember this is a Sup Forums copyrighted meme, use outside of Sup Forums is not authorized
oh wow never saw that in a video game before.
and that "bloom" that the graphics use? holy shit that thing is going to revolutionise the gaming industry. even heard you can climb a mountain due to something called "open world" holy shit.
>i play zelda games for realism
>want physics
>doesn't want physics to work like physics
nice strawman
He can also push boulders like they're made of packing foam.
>I play zelda games because they have zelda on the title and nintendo on the brand
Is this the first game ever where this can happen?
Also, it would have been even better if as the log was about to fall, Link entered bullet-time mode automatically like Flash.
That seems pretty self explanatory
>being this buttblasted nintendo made a fun looking game
Physics required computational power that the Gamecube 3.0 does not have.
This. Link needed to cut a larger tree.
>cut down tree
>freeze it in time as it falls
>hit it to give it momentum
>hookshot into it
>fly to the other side of the map
No, mostly for the gameplay.
Wrong use of that word
so you liked Okami?
Nope, he sarcastically called out OP as he he had described the game as revolutionary
No one has ever done that in any thread
I did! It was probably the third best Zelda game I've played.
Sup Forums - tree felling physics
Seems pretty good to me.
Looks like it's true.
People really can't come up with complaints about this game.
It's going to be Ocarina of Time all over again. I'd hate to be in your camp.
thanks for the idea user will try it out when the game comes out
That's just sarcasm
I don't know if Minecraft counts...
..but I'm sure Dragon Quest Builders counts. Sure, it was not translated for world wide release, but it is open world with environment mechanics.
And I'm sure there are plenty of games with physics shit to overcome pits like that. The rock webm feels like a mechanic from a sandbox game from ps360 gen.
Crysis games?
>OP as he he had described the game as revolutionary
never implied OP described the game as revolutionary. I can call you an asshole in a foot fetish thread simply because I feel like it. anyone can sarcastically criticize a game for something even if op didn't mentioned that something. threads on Sup Forums are not thematic.
I'd agree if it hit something other than stone on a cliff. The tree was barely holding on either side. A tree will never just slam into rocks and be static, it will bounce and roll. It will never imprint itself unless it falls into an actual crevice.
>implying implications
kek you see the hypocrisy right?
And I can say you are strawmaning as you argued against argument that was never there
Is there hookshot gameplay? I saw the freeze time shit but didn't see hookshot stuff
>It was probably the third best Zelda game I've played.
not the user you're replying to but zelda really hit a low point if okami is considered the third best by anyone.
this is what they should be about, not Sup Forums
s stupid
>b-b-but it's not like a REAL tree
what happened to FUN
And the treehouse threads are nothing but horny people fawning over some girl
There is no place for videogames on this board man, its depressing
you're right OP. it's not scripted, it's "scripted".
Like how you just have enough width in the gap there for a tree to make a bridge over it. not scripted, just "scripted"
You should shoot down trees in Crysis but it was very canned and in no way related to gameplay. It was just icing on the cake.
ok user you learned a new word today we get it.
here have the last word so you can sleep at night, the word is
keep it
You are drunk right
Talking about the game isn't Videogames? Why don't you go to whatever safe space you have on reddit, if people nit picking bothers you.
Shit pisses me off. Crysis did it 8 years ago, and this shit is still not standard. Why did it take this long for someone to find a way to make such interactions engaging?
>do the thing above
>just on water
we wind waker now
Don't miss on the last part with the lined up boxes to spread fire into an explosive barrel(?). Yeah, Nintendo added the wind. Is it that impressive, tho?
>Like how you just have enough width in the gap there for a tree to make a bridge over it. not scripted, just "scripted"
You also have the option to make a mistake and fuck the entire thing up, and that's the important part.
That's what sarcasm is m8. English isn't your first language is it?
It's really hard to understand if people actually say strawman seriously or are just pretending to be retarded since it's parroted left and right by people that clearly don't understand the expression.
If that fails, you can put fire to the ground, jump on it with the cloth sail and get up with the hot air so you can cross to the other side.
I'm talking about everyone bitching about it not being like real world physics. The engine was built like this specifically for video game fun
you could say that for 100% of video games then.
Does it have to be a frigging tree log?
I'm sure there were a few superhero games or sandbox games or fps games with staple pshycho/telekinetic whatevernetic characters that could move or grab cars or big boxes, move them around and place them somewhere so you could reach a higher places. I remember doing that with the clunky grab feature in Oblivion and cheat my way into some areas...
My trees around here fall this way. Ok they don't loose everything but hey, they fall down, maybe slide a bit if they can, thats it. Is everyone here a faggot?!
Can we just applaud everyone in this thread for being able to talk about the new zelda game without posting that horse faced tit monster?
Don't bring that evil in here Ricky Bobby
Every single survival game ever with any form of crafting
i.e. minecraft
The speedruns for this game are going to be so fucking good.
If they complement a game they are a shill, don't you know the rules here pal?
look at the way that tree rolls. those are physics not scripted animations.
Anyone cautiously hyped for the new Klei game or Overland?
I like indieshit.
They didn't show a hookshot, but I think it's reasonable to expect one.
Shit nice catch we almost missed this one
These new Zelda threads seem to have a running theme:
>HOLY FUCK, look how good that physics is, so realistic! NINTENDO WINS AGAIN!
>That physics isn't realistic at all
>LOL, who the fuck cares about realism? XD
They didn't really show enough for me to get that hyped from it, I liked don't starve a lot but it just looks like don't starve in space.
>you can apparently go straight to the final boss if you feel like it
It's gonna be one hell of a ride
That is pretty much unanimously agreed upon. 3D Zelda hasn't been really good for a long time. They sort of got it right with ALBW, but the past 3 console instalments have been very flawed.
But will that break down the tree once the time lock ends? I guess we'll find out.
aww yiss
This nigga got the right idea.