Refute this if you can.
Refute this if you can
Other urls found in this thread:
>No Spider-Man despite being in the golden age of superhero media
Literal retardation.
>golden age of superhero media
u fucking wot
no one gave a fuck about battlefield 1.
Replace Zelda with Watch Dogs 2 and it'll be good.
I'd replace Battlefield with Spider-Man or The Last Guardian. I don't give a shit about Zelda but it definitely is in that triangle, same with God of War. Resident Evil of course.
>4 games in the TRINITY
well aren't you just the little autist that could
you mean no one gives a fucking about a shitty QTE press X God Of piss
>implying people who watch movies care about video games
>God of War
>bastardized to be yet another The Last of Us clone
Yeah, no. Switch that for Spiderman and it's right
That's a quadrology not a trilogy, OP
Eh... just use Zelda for all three.
People care about Kratos' cuck simulation?
Why isn't the Crash remaster on there?
Shhh, dont correct the summer kids.
>4 games
American education.
Battlefield is jewish propaganda.
Cuck of War is just a movie game
RE7 is nothing but a PT looking piece of shit.
Zelda is the only one that actually looks good.
its the second most talked about game
what are you on
Watch dogs 2 is already garbage
That's disgusting.
>no bannerlords
because they didn't show the damn thing and "remaster" can mean anything they want?
You're out of touch with reality if you don't think superhero shit is completely dominating film and television.
The only one Sup Forums gives a shit about is Zelda, look at how many fucking threads for it there are right now
acccshully, it's a tetralogy.
Because it looks like an abortion, like the majority of remasters.
God of War also looks like ass.
TLG should be on there too.
It's disgusting but unfortunately true. It's the only game that deserves to be on there.
>persona 5 and nier automata not present
>but QTE of war is
>I don't care for X therefore no one else does
Hang yourself
no one actually cares about battlefield 1 or zelda though. people care more about spiderman than those two. people just pretend to care about zelda because they want to be epic gamers with zelda symbols and tattoos.
That doesn't mean Golden Age nigger.
Golden age implies they are good, which they aren't.
This. Thing I'm most hyped about from E3. Never played any Crash's except the first.
On another note, are they worth emulating? Can they be played with improved graphics on an emulator?
>Because it looks like an abortion
They didn't even show the remaster dumbass
when u talk about popularity u always gotta think of the normies mate
schooltime Sup Forums sure is retarded.
Replace BF1 with Horizon and then you have your trinity.
I care about God of War. Sorry, I mean, I cared before they gutted it to make it another shitty graphic adventure with scripts out of the ass and a kid to care about.
>4 games
Are you retarded, OP?
I think people care more about Kojima's new game over God of War: My Wife's Son edition
>golden age of superhero media
Fool's Golden Age maybe. Comic book writing has taken a nosedive in favor of emulating the success of the movies, which have basically just been taking whatever name they can grab and throwing it on screen in hopes that it sticks. Marvel as been mostly successful in this endeavor, having a pretty solid formula to build around after the success of their first wave, but the rest are just hot piles of garbage that have failed to do more than simply capitalize on the success of superhero movies as a whole. The whole genre is basically being used a a springboard by content creators to gain rep and move on to other shit after quick stunts in their respective industries.
The character design m8.
Looks even worse than Skylanders shit.
Throw the Crash Remaster (probably an image of that background with his shadow walking on stage) and believe it or not, Infinite Warfare.
where did this wife's son shit start? The kid calls him father at least twice in the demo
No it isn't.
Have you even been on Sup Forums since monday?
BF1 looked cool
Zelda was nothing new, muh open world
God of war looked like a boring walking simulator
You're right, it's worse than garbage.
Please grow up someday.
Look, here's a trinity with 4 points. It doesn't matter how many points, as long as it's a trinity.
I bet you're a contrarian hipster who never watched the Avengers and GotG just to spite all your friends who fucking loved it you hipster faggot.
I care more about Recore than Battlefield 1, though I'm just not into war games. Unless they made a survival horror game about the winter war where you're a Russian trying to survive from the Finnish massacre.
They didn't fucking show anything
sorry senpai but the new Cod game, spiderman game, and South park games were the only ones that interested me desu
Maybe titan fall 2 but I don't have an Xbone.
4th point has to be in the middle of the hypotenuse. Fucking amerifat.
Inb4 downgrade amirite
Shills BTFO!!!!
Thats not the remaster besides the design is good it just looks bad cause of Skylanders art style
>Niggerfield 1
>Breath of amiibo
>God of Us
>RE7: we want the PT audience edition
Dropped all 5.
I don't think I missed much.
>big evil comes wrecking city
>hero and band must fight it
>oh no, the heroes are captured/beaten
>but they come around to beat big evil in the end
>a new evil appears at the end hinting at a sequel!
Fuck this board
Because of how retarded it is.
I never thought that I say that new CoD looks like a better game.
You dropped your fedora too
Replace god of war with death stranding
How many zaldo games are there now? 20? 25?
Just posting this.
>hordes of people all of a sudden pretending that they liked the God of War games enough to want more of the same thing which Capcom/Platinum did way better anyways
All you faggots want to do is bitch and moan, you don't actually care about video games
"stock zelda hate reply"
Except I don't care about those.
Gee thanks reddit
yeah, 'cuz we don't have 100 threads about it right now. Jesus you're fucking retarded.
That facebook frog looks really excited for the new zelda game.
>Normie shit
>God of War: My Wife's Son edition
>Capcom digging through Konami's trash
>Another generic nintendo game made from the ashes of an old franchise
Nice samefag
inb4 shopped screenshot with a removed (you)
>only complaint for BF1 is that its normal
I was completely underwhelmed by the trailer. Do people really want story based god of war? The story was easily the weakest link of this franchise.
>Battlefield 1
Do people -REALLY- care about a world war 1 shooter? I've seen some people going on and on how "refreshing" it is but then you look at gameplay and they fucked up weapon selection anyway so it's your generic ww2 shooter with some crude weapons here and there.
>RE 7
Trailer looked ok I guess? Not sure why people still care about RE6.
I found the presentation boring but the gameplay looks cool, a shame it's like the last Wii U game ever or something.
"haha look at me I'm such a nerd I love Zelda"
We'll see how much people care in a couple of months when Nintendo launches their new dead-on-arrival console and it ends up literally being WiiU 2.0
watch gameplay video, it's a bf4 reskin
>god of war
press x to watch next scene
res7 and zelda might have potentional
Lemme help you out with talking points
"720p 10fps kiddy shit skyrim clone not Zelda no difficulty empty world 3rd party boring piece of shit"
stay mad that your typical shitty ubisoft game is getting called out for the trash that it is
85% of those mentiones were from nintendo accounts tep kok.
>but they come around to beat big evil in the end
>he doesn't know
It's uncanny.
You forgot unrealistic though.
We are talking about now. Not in the future
Didn't know Nintendo made 70k tweets in just 2 days.
game looks fun and ill buy it :^)
All me :^)
Crash 1 plays like shit if you are used to good controls.
2 and 3 are a bit better, but I really expect them to fix the controls with the remasters.
How did you know, user?
It's not a trinity if it has 4 things in it you dumbfuck
Like all the shit god of war and Zelda are getting because they both look really good.
Trinity does not mean triangle.
It is the Christian concept of God being 1 thing made of 3 different persons.
It essentially means 3.
>Nintendo comes to E3 with one game and shows nothing but that game
>surprised it gets more focus than the companies that show off 8+ games
Why isn't Death Stranding on there?
OH, so you are retarded. you know what with zelda being discussed for the last 25 years, and nintendo always being talked about here... and the fact people still like the WiiU regardless. I'm not sure what your point is other than looking like a massive faggot?