Horizon: Zero Dawn

Anyone hyped for this?

Something people may not know, the developer said it was an RPG set in a post-post apocalyptic world, where nature has returned and where humans are no longer the dominant species.

Sounds awesome to me.


My most hyped upcoming game lad

It looks alright, nothing special though. I like the art direction but it's still yet another open world game with "follow the objective marker" gameplay.

I kind of am. I'm always interested in new games that aren't sequels, prequels, or remaster bullshit. I just hope it's not shit

It looks good.

It looks cool so I'm hoping it ends up being good. A lot of people see it as just another generic third person shooter but I like Monster Hunter and this looks like Monster Hunter with ROBOTS.

Will probably be good for a rent.

This looks a hell of a lot more interesting than a fucking zombie game by sony. Yet people would rather be faggots about that crap than talking about this.

It looks neat. I hope they have options for minimizing the HUD and UI though. I hate being forced to use all the tagging and objective marker shit. The combat looks super nice, I'm hoping that each of the items they showed will have a few different uses in and out of combat.

It looks neat. I'll probably pick it up once it hits $20.

Why the fuck are the robots designed like dinosaurs? Why does an AI need an animal shaped body? Do they reproduce. The brontosaurus had a long neck so he could eat the leaves off trees. Why does the robot in tat pic need a long neck? Better reception?

It looks like a ubisoft collectathon

Its neat, and more times I see it I see more neat things.

Traps like the fire balloon, those crab enemies and seeing how they harvest shit. Its really well done. I just don't know how fun a bow game will be

this, I like the robots but it feels too similar to ubisoft-style games which bore me to tears

Wasn't this game made by ex-Metroid Prime devs?

no interest in playing as a "muh strong wyman" hunter

especially since the game is going to make sure to present every women as perfect and every man as a pathetic loser that can´t do anything without women

Slightly more so than Zelda, if not only because the theme is something more refreshing

It's pretty much my dream of a MonsterHunter game in open world come true, albeit you mosly play with a HBG/LBG

>I just don't know how fun a bow game will be
Really? Cause I've had fun using a bow in FarCry and Skyrim. Though those are first person games.

will there be other weapons?

they arent all like dinosaurs. they seem to be a cyborg lifeform that takes the form of many different animals, some dont look like animals at all though. maybe they use animal dna? developer said a lot of these questions will be answered in the game and its part of the game to figure it out.

It looks like another open world bore fest

You should spend less time on this site. It's starting to fuck with your brain.

GGchan is that way

I did to, for a time. A dozen hours of a bow game will get boring I think.
There are normal animals too. We have seen fish, birds, boars and rabbits.

yeah I'm interested, trying my hardest to ignore fags like though

its made by the killzone developers

>Doesn't want to play a game since you play as a woman

Tell me, what's the difference between playing as a "muh strong man" hunter and a "muh strong woman" hunter? I'm not even one to give a shit about this gender equality bullshit, but what you're saying makes no sense.

i agree with this sentiment but i didnt get that vibe from this game. this is a sony developer. they dont tend to do shit like that either.

>It looks neat.
is this the cookie-cutter phrase they tell you guys to use

you're thinking of Re-core

Sorry, it looks --INTERESTING--.

she talks too much

sneaking through gras and not shutting the fuck up for a second
ruins it for me

I just hope I can play as a male.
I mean who wants to run around looking at a females ass all day? No thanks.

It looks forgettable as fuck to me. Protagonist blabs on incessantly, dialogue wheel is a red flag, and the gameplay itself seems slow. The robot designs don't look particularly memorable either, and the world itself looks like the same generic fantasy setting we've seen a million times with some wire themed robots and Nordic themes thrown on top.

This is my E3 game of show and after that gameplay demo, overtook FFXV on my list of most anticipated games.

Hell it probably is my most anticipated game now. Still gotta figure out how I'll play this and Persona 5 together since they release in the same month.

the scene where she flocks the angry robot with those rope things was so retarded

she hit that thing only from one angle, the robot could've just walked a few inches towards the player and would've been fine

so dumb

>game features a protagonist who's female
>suddenly all male characters are wimp cucks

I'm sorry you never touched a tit, user

It makes sense once you realize that user just hates wimmin

Not that guy but id rather look at a guys ass for over 40 hours then some chick, eww.

This honestly looks like generic ass queer shit.

It looks like a game put together by focus groups rather than by those who want to make a quality game.

Combat looked generic as fuck and OMG robo dinos vs cavepeople has to be the most retarded premise I have seen in a long time.

It just seems uninspired.

yeah this
nowadays you can´t have a female protagonist or "strong woman" without demonise or presenting them as useless down men

my favorite example of that is actually the last killzone so I have little hope for this game

the enemy design and combat looks interesting, although the lack of melee combat shown is worrying, I imagine using the bow continuously would get very monotonous, it also looks pretty simplistic

the graphics look very nice, and I thought the foliage was particularly nice looking

the story and characters along with the dialogue shown so far though are absolutely awful. It's kind of hard to believe that these people can just hack these monsters and yet live like tribes

Doesn't she have that spear in the trailer?

For a hype it's too early for me but I'm interested for sure. I have read a preview from a game "journalist" who had the chance to play the game for 30 min. and he was impressed how good the game already works.
He also confirmed that there are different outfits with different passive stats.

>the graphics look very nice, and I thought the foliage was particularly nice looking

I would be surprised if the game looks like the trailer we saw.

Depends, if i can make my own characters or at least change this shitty hair then yes, otherwise no

I am. I love the robosaurs especially that big walker one. They also seem to have really interesting stuff to them meaning you can really vary up how you take them down. I like there is dialogue options as it will add a bit more to the game, also has new vegas and witcher people on it so tehy should do a good job. Aloy is a qtpi

I hope there is a bit more variety in weapons though

The visuals and general style hyped me but the trailer took me back out of it.

Just give me a high budget MonHun clone for console/PC already someone please fuck.

It's Zelda with dinosaurs so yeah


That seems to be part of the story, though I'm guessing they are either cleaning or terraforming cause that one crab one dropped his pod to do something and could pick it back up. They also could be from some kind of park that ended up surviving

The real reason though is it looks cool and is good from a gameplay standpoint as you rip them apart

I just don't believe the world, when the robots are weaponized with guns and lasers I can't get past humans using arrows.
It's not like they don't have access to the better weapons

Ex-wicther 2, new vegas and a few others were brought in to help

Love the setting, potential for some interesting story and lore, but gameplay looks generic and boring. Yet another open world game with busywork

She does have a spear, and since you fight human enemies the bow is probably overkill

>although the lack of melee combat shown is worrying
I believe they said she has some

> people can just hack these monsters and yet live like tribes
No only she can with her techno staff, it seems she is special in some way. SO it isn't like they understand hacking and technology, it's more like giving a monkey a button and they figure out push the button to do stuff

What do you actually do in this game? The main bulk of any 3D Zelda games are the dungeons and boss battles. Does Horizon have anything to do other than wonder around?

Otherwise, it looks nice but the girl needs to shut up.

It looks like fucking shit
i was getting bored of shooting arrows and looting corpses just watching the gameplay preview

>we want the survival crafting audience

Anyone hyped for this will be severely disappointed when it releases

Quests, dialogue, getting lore, collecting resources/crafting and probably the general open world open fast travel points etc

stop making me excited for the game.

>Metroid Prime + Killzone + Witcher 2 + New Vegas

I have high expectations for this game

Cause it is like giving poo in the loos a toilet, they don't really understand it

Toukiden 2 is open world

Main story, side quests.

Aloy is probably a cryo-baby and they shun her for it, she goes out to figure out why shit is like it is. There are other tribes/towns to take quests from, even that fucking huge one in the mountains with elevator systems and shit.

I was amazed at how good the demo for that is, also the little robot buddy is cool

This and T2 are games I am really looking forward to

I have an interest in it. I have a feeling though it will be like all other "open world" games with the same repeat quests, and won't in fact be robotic infused monster hunter like I originally hoped for.

Looks decent, but the GUI is intrusive as fuck and all those pausing mid-gameplay seem like it could kill it for me. Also the chick talks way to much. Definitely on my list though.

I heard they got the Witcher 3 quest designer who made Bloody Baron quest

>Also the chick talks way to much.

This was only for the presentation so people know what she is doing.

In the playable gameplay demo she has talked way less.


Yeah lookimg forward to it too. Could use NPC slayers roaming randomly though instead of just as assist missions.

I hears 2 but I wouldn't be surprised, they seemed to be sucking up everyone they could get

>Bloody Baron quest
That was the whole wife daughter one right? That was really good, I doubt they will have that much going on but if the writer is that level and choices are decent I am pretty hyped

It probably will have some side quests to gather materials, but atleast when you do it you won't be doing it fighting humans but robots with interesting designs. Or kill a creature like a Thunderjaw

Apparently the AI is self replicating so maybe they chose to take the form of the most dominant predators in history?

Either way it's pretty dumb since they could just be mechs.

Who made a bunch of animal robots that just wanders around acting like animals?

Looks great tbqh.

Thats where I refer back to the robotic monster hunter. I am hoping it takes the excitement thrill of fighting a monster like in monster hunter and throw it into this game without warning.


>need to go gather supplies for base camp
>everything is going smooth and sound
>all of the sudden this XBOX HUGE robotic T-Rex comes out to fuck you thoroughly in the ass
>repeat quest later, T-Rex doesn't appear

This is what I am hoping for but I know it will all be scripted. Still I am really digging the robotic implemented designs. That Thunderjaw looks purdy gud.

It's going to be a flop and a disappointment but I'm probably going to buy it anyway.

looks pretty awesome, I'm looking forward to checking it out

I don't see why all the big enemies would be scripted for story missions only.
I think the full-powered versions might be. Like last year it was wounded from previous battles, so it didn't even have half the attacks the final version would have.

I could see some Witcher 3 guarded treasure type shit too. Some robo-loot box is just guarded by a big robot thing.

It makes sense from a standpoint for gathering resources. If the AI wants to upset the natural balance of the planet as little as possible, having it's ecosystem built around natural life found on planet earth makes more sense.

It still seemingly doesn't outright eliminate the more bizarre designs like the corruptor, which seemed to be a fusion of a variety of features mostly meant for disrupting the other mechs. I've got hopes, it's not like the Killzone devs are completely incompetent, so i'm atleast expecting a decent ride.

That actually makes sense, might b cool

I am hype.

It looks like a Witcher 3 with the ranged weapon being useful for a change and tits. I am sold since I loved Witcher 3.

>post apocalyptic game that takes place a long time after the fall of man
>the world is alive and not nuked to hell
Why has no other company done this before? Darksiders did it kind of, but the world was still destroyed.

>what is Tokyo Jungle
>what is literally the entire genre of "Surprise! It was Earth all along!"

>different mounts was confirmed

post yfw you turn the bird, and fly through the sky on its back

>"Surprise! It was Earth all along!"
Name one game that does this.

Star Ocean 3?

I really wonder where the story will go with this one

I really love how they animate though as they look so animalistic

I'm mostly waiting for a better showcase of the bestliary. So far it could have 3 mecha-dinosaurs and be mostly about humans for the rest. MH bestiary took years to be great. But the dark souls roll seems good enough for the fighting part to look tight.
I don't know what to expect from the environment/background/RPG though.

It looked like it had the ME/W2-3/Hate newspapers dialog wheel, which can be or not be a good thing.

I watched E3 gameplay

Shit, that looks fucking great. Yeah, cyberdinosaurs are dumb, but Horizon looks like a mix of MGR and Oblivion.

Ygritte got a video game.



aaand hype is dead.

Considering the weaponry, all of it seems to be largely tailored for hunting, so trying to make encounters with humans with the weaponry available would likely shift around the focus of the game too much, atleast i would see it as a very unnecessary waste of creativity to make the weaponry as diverse against a variety of targets as it is, and then just have you shooting arrows at humans for 40+ hours.

Even then, considering what kind of track record Guerilla Games artists have, along with a lot of them being massive mecha fans, it's pretty hard to not be excited, Hermen Hulst pretty much said it was a passion project for a lot of the people at the studio, which is pretty great because they haven't really taken a departure from their one and single IP and even though it's largely been a series of shooters with rather average gameplay and story (which is something i don't really weight highly in most video games), they had excellent atmosphere, enemy and world design on each of their PS3/PS4 titles.

This is just my opinion though, it's very likely it can end up as another forgettable experience, but i'd give the dutchmen a lot of credit for what they've shown so far.

I mean aesthetics. It's literally bright green grass with dumb looking mechs running around.

I was excited for it when I thought it was a linear third person action game.

This open world crafting bullshit has gotten so out of hand I WANTED it to be linear.

No, i'm not interested anymore, i'm fucking sick of open world infesting every single remotely interesting idea.

Guerilla Games is a shit developer with only Killzone on their track record, so no.



It looks ok to me. Might be something I'll pick up. Interesting setting, gameplay looks pretty good and graphics are nice.

If there's an option to stop the protagonist babbling on every 5 seconds, then I'm convinced.

I meant this

Basically I'm hoping the big robosaurs aren't scripted and there is some randomness to encountering them.

literally run into the camera and shoot with a different colored arrow until it's dead while backing up the game