>people ask for Resident Evil to return to its roots >Capcom brings back inventory management, exploration and horror >they hate it anyway
Explain this.
Jaxson Mitchell
What inventory manegement
James Carter
Play the demo, silly.
Jason Rogers
>It's okay when Kojima does it
I've been playing RE since the beginning and I'm fucking hyped, the whiners are probably false flagging nu-RE bandwagoners anyway.
Isaiah Green
Starting your post with "people" is a good way to look dumb
Christian Price
>OP being THIS fucktarded
No, fuck you faggot. When we told Crapcom to "bring it back to it's roots" we didn't mean as a shitty first-person Youtube cash whore simulator. Atleast when Resident Evil 4 came out, it was a natural evoloution of third-person action. This is like if they took Dark Souls and turned it into a JRPG. Name me one official Resident Evil game thats like anything we have now.
Fuck you, fuck people who think like you and fuck everyone defending this fucking garbage. Now we have to wait for this game to bomb too until we can return to proper RE like REmake.